Chapter 17
Leticia realized something after some time.
Come to think of it, there was a similar case in the world of knights.
There was an epic story in the Count’s library.
Lord Arthur was a very ugly-faced knight.
But with his hands as fine as his, no one dared to hurt him.
No one talked about it either.
Lord Arthur’s white and pretty hands were a symbol of strong force and fear.
The sight of the gloves embroidered in his pair of hands made everyone shudder with fear.
“Maybe that’s what it means.”
How can they say that only his hands are so white and pretty when he’s an ugly monster. It’s really bizarre to imagine that incongruity.
In Erden’s view, his soft hands may feel even more gross.
…That was the interpretation that Leticia struggled to think about.
This makes sense. But Leticia wasn’t entirely convinced.
“Should I take a look at the other parts?”
It occurred to her that she had to do so in order to prove her hypothesis clearly.
“Do you think you can handle it?”
Erden’s voice seemed to be heard.
“Then shall we take a peek at the forearm? Or ankle? Forehead?”
Leticia kept glancing at Erden, who was standing beside her as usual
Maybe there’s a loophole in the clothes.
While snooping around like that, the ceremony ended.
“With this, both families fulfilled their promise from 10 years ago.”
The priest’s proclamation was heard.
In the end, it was over after only thinking about the hands.
In a quiet atmosphere, the people who had kept their mouths shut began to express their appreciation of the ceremony in unison.
Through the passageway connected to the chapel, servants of the castle were seen carrying a huge barrel of liquor.
They were preparing for the reception.
Casaro, the cook, came back with a big smile.
“You’ve never had a feast in the North before, have you? I baked a cake as big as our castle. I’ll set it up nicely, so say greetings to your ancestors.”
In the basement of a castle or a historic mansion, there is a mortuary to honor the ancestors of the family.
If they have important matters such as marriage, childbirth, or appointment of government officials, they should visit there. It is the duty of the state to inform its ancestors about the news.
But Erden did not go right away and asked first.
“Wife, do you have any other plans?”
“Ha, that’s…”
We just finished our wedding, so there can’t be any other plans.
“Then give me a moment.”
He looked back at the grandmothers after saying so.
“We have something to tell her, first right now.”
“Yes, Lord, Madame.”
The three grandmas answered readily.
What is it?
Leticia followed in his footsteps, wondering.
“What are you going to talk about?”
“Well, it’s not that I have something to say, but that I have something to show. Please take a look.”
Erden’s answer fanned more and more questions.
‘What are you going to show me?
Leticia diligently went down the stairs.
The noise grew farther and farther away.
When he opened the underground door and went down, there was already a reverent atmosphere.
The basement is expected to be damp and edgy.
But this was different, the basement was like a mysterious cave with good lighting.
The light was similar to natural light that poured down from the ceiling, it was because of some strange bead.
The family’s ancestors were enshrined in the lightest spot. Erden took Leticia before him.
“Elias and Erden, son of Leonora, have married Miss Leticia, daughter of the Grey family.”
Then he went on to say,
“This person is now in my family. So I’m going to take her into my family’s treasure house.”
Leticia’s eyes widened.
‘He’s showing me the family treasure?’
Erden went to the back of his fathers’ graves.
There was a door in a place that was hard to see at a glance.
He opened the door with a key.
The inner space was large.
The armor, weapons, and numerous boxes and books of ancestors were on display like a museum.
Among them, items that seemed particularly important were placed one by one on a column.
Leticia’s eyes were on some of the jewelry boxes.
There was a very old skeleton in the jewel box framed in gold and glazed.
“What is this?”
“It’s a relic that can summon demons.”
Erden replied as if nothing had happened.
“Some lords in the North tried to summon demons. They signed a very powerful contract with the Great Demons to get rid of demons that threaten their own kind. Actually, I tried it once when I was a kid.”
“Really? You tried summoning the devil?”
“Yes. After my parents died………,”
Erden blurted his words and threw his eyes elsewhere.
At the top of another pillar, there was a sword and an old pendant.
Leticia asked.
“Are those things your parents’ belongings?”
“That’s right.”
Erden nodded.
“Like you, I lost my parents to the demons. I did my best, but they ended up like that. Since then, I’ve had a goal in my life. I’m not going to take anything away from these northern demons again.”
He closed his hand as he spoke with firm determination.
She picked up a box on the highest part of the cabinet. When she opened it, there was a silver book.
Leticia was unknowingly nervous. She felt that it was a very important book, whatever it was.
“What is it?”
“The Book of the Great Secret.”
Erden said in a solemn tone.
“There must be so many secret books in the world, of course. But there’s only one book in the North. A book left by a great sage who conquered demons in the past.”
“A great sage who conquered the demons?”
“Yes, wife. He suddenly appeared in this world and quickly conquered the demons and enslaved them one by one. No one knew where he came from or how he did it.”
“He’s a great man.”
Leticia was amazed.
“It’s a little weird. There was such a great man, but why is there still a lot of demons in the North?”
“He was quick-witted too. Unfortunately, the great sage suddenly disappeared again one day, and only left one book. The book says it contains all the special ways the great sages used to conquer the demons.”
“According to legend, yes. The humans and demons of Pandemonium tried to get their hands on the book somehow. But this reappeared in the world without being able to save anything. It’s very unreadable.”
“Who damaged it?”
“A lot of humans and demons.Turns out no one could read the book. It contained valuable knowledge of conquering demons, but it was made up of codes that could not be deciphered. While I was wandering around, some copies of the book’s contents gradually disappeared. We just managed to save it here.”
“That’s exactly what it is, isn’t it?”
Erden finished speaking and looked at Leticia.
He approached carefully and held out the book politely with both hands.
“Madame, would you please take a look at this book?”
“What? Me?”
Leticia was surprised.
At the same time, her eyes glistened.
The encryption was not that great. But she had a strong curiosity.
The book of the great sage who overpowered the demons.
She took a look at the book carefully. Once she looked down once, she doubted her eyes.
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“T-This is… ..?”
Leticia was so surprised that she shouted loudly.
The letters on the cover were familiar to me. It was the same text she saw and heard in her previous life.
It was Hangul.
Leticia’s eyes widened. Why is there Hangul writing here?