(Ugh~ So cold~ I wonder if Akari-chan pulled the blanket off of me again~ Even though I’m still sleepy~)
「Akari-cha~n, let me sleep for a little bit moree」
There was no answer to my words.
(Huh? Nothing is happening…… even though she usually wakes me up by force…… is she perhaps angry I have fallen asleep on the way yesterday!?)
「Sorry, Akari-chan! I’m properly woken up!!」
Again, no answer.
When I looked around,
「……… Huh? n.o.body is here…… rather, it’s somewhat dark, where is this?」
(This is not my room, and it also doesn’t look like other rooms in the orphanage…… is this…… cloth? It seems I was sleeping on a cloth…… no wonder it’s cold. Light too, it’s dark because there’s no electricity, just one lamp……)
When I looked around again, I found a door.
「It’s door!? First of all, let’s try going out~」
I rushed towards the door and stretched my hand towards the doork.n.o.b, but I wasn’t able to reach, that was possible only barely as I stood on my tiptoes, but when I turned the doork.n.o.b.
――Gacha, gacha
「It’s not opening…… it seems to be locked」
(I can’t leave, huh~…… nevertheless, isn’t the door too oversized since I can’t reach it unless tiptoeing? …… Wait? Perhaps, it’s not the door is big)
I move in panic towards the lamp and check my body.
What I saw under the light of the lamp was a child-like, small body.
(As I thought!? …… I became a child? But, why? Yesterday, I went to the university for the announcement of results, and then I got really sleepy on the way home, didn’t I~ ………… tte, that’s not it! Even I wouldn’t fall asleep while walking…… probably……)
In order to calm down, I sat down on the cloth on which I was sleeping and carefully tried recalling yesterday.
(If I’m not mistaken, I have collided with a man on the way to the station and fell down because of stomach pain, right…… after that, I got really sleepy…… Akari-chan was crying)
「…… I, was I perhaps stabbed? …… Then, have I died? …… But, I’m here…… I became a child, though…… I might be just sleeping and having a dream」
In order to ascertain whether this is a dream or not, I have pinched my cheek as strongly as possible.
「Ouch!? …… Since I feel pain, this is not a dream?」
Because I wouldn’t understand even if I thought about it, I decided to search the room to gather information.
――Gasa, gasa――Gasa, gasa
「N~ There’s nothing in particular…… rather, it’s too empty……」
There’s only the cloth I was sleeping on, a chair and a table, quill pen and a bunch of papers, something that resembles a toilet and a bookshelf.
「There’s quite a lot of books…… yosh! There might be something in a book」