Sharkis's eyes, more surprised than mine, went back and forth between the Duke and me.
Instead of looking at Sharkis, I made eye contact with Eustia.
"Ciel Visenna."
The smooth and fluent pronunciation was that of an innate nobleman.
My heart almost stopped when I heard it inadvertently.
For the first time Duke Eustia called my name.
It's not a commoner Ciel, but it's Ciel Visenna.
I was quite surprised inside, but I waited for his words with a seemingly calm face.
With the corners of his mouth rising slowly, Eustia's seductive lips opened again.
"Will you become the monster of Visenna?"
I'm not sure what that means, but I realized that it wasn't just a contract.
It was three years for me to pose as a foster daughter, I heard it from the Archduke. Three years later, you will be free from the curse of being young.
However, there was no guarantee that there would be no threat to me after that.
When I had no answer, the duke laughed low and took his chance.
"No, I'll rephrase that."
I nodded softly, and he said in a pleasant low voice.
"I like you. My sons were the only ones who survived after drinking those poisons."
I opened my eyes wide at the unexpected compliment.
The Duke, who was watching my bewildered face, put a strange smile on his lips.
"Do you agree to become the monster's daughter for the next three years?"
Maybe it's because I'm too nervous.
Even after hearing that, I couldn't answer right away.
The beautiful devil of Visenna was asking me for a contract.
This was a lie-like reality.
“Duke Eustia, I....”
Slowly, I raised my head and looked at Eustia.
Before I could answer, the corners of his lips drew a slanted smile, as if he had foreseen what kind of answer I would give.
"Tell me anything, Ciel Visenna."
Do you think I will be touched if you call me Visenna?
Oh, my. You didn't even look at me before I passed the test.
I should take this opportunity to show this old century villain, Eustia, that the world isn't as easy as he thinks.
"My score is... No. my choice is!"
Even with his legs crossed, Eustia, who was like a villain, gave a light glance as if ask me to say something.
How many people won't be able to relax their legs after seeing those eyes?
"I'm looking forward to what kind of answer you'll give me."
Sharkis persuaded me to tell Eustia now by whisper—it was close to half-threatening—but I didn't even pretend to hear it either.
Anyway, no matter what answer I gave, my future path was decided.
“I hope it's the answer that I'm waiting for."
Or are you saying you're going to kill me?
Such a scary father, Sharkis deserves to rebel.
"I will follow the will of Duke Eustia."
The expressions of the two men changed strangely at my solemn declaration.
It would be nice if anyone could give me an answer.
Strangely, there was a heavy silence in the reception room.
The Duke of Eustia had a steaming look on his face.
I guess he wanted me to be more rebellious.
But I was a more mundane child than Eustia and Sharkis thought.
He only knew how to pursue the safety of reality rather than dreams and beliefs.
Sharkis whispered to me that it was rude to call the Duke's name, but I pretended not to know what he said.
Why are you telling me that now?
'You won't punish me if I say I don't know, will you?'
I shook my head as I stretched out my hands and counting how many Iimes I had called him 'Eustia'.
It was already too late.
Perhaps it didn't matter, but Eustia, who was holding his chin with one hand, looked at me and raised the corners of his mouth.
"Well, that's not bad. That mean you'll strictly follow the contract, right?"
"Yes, Duke Eusta."
Eustia holding back his laughter, as I called his name.
"You may leave. Thank you for your hard work, Sharkis."
"All right, my Duke."
"Okay....... Duke Eustia."
Whenever he showed interest, the duke gave a congratulatory command to me.
Sharkis and I quietly left the reception room.
"Ciel Visenna."
Sharkis, who did not hug me in front of the Duke, hugged me as soon as the door closed.
I wondered if he would compliment me for doing very well, but the only thing that poured out was his cold eyes.
Then why did you hug me?
"You've known me since the day you called me a monster, but it looks like you have two lives."
"No, Lord. I only thought to myself, I never called you a monster."
"Obviously you asked Ferze if he would send you to those monsters."
"I don't remember well..."
I remembered it clearly, so I felt guilty.
After coming to Visenna, I lied so much that my conscience was about to melt. But, I did it to live.
"Maybe it's because you have a little nerve..."
"I'm sorr–"
"I like it very much."
I think the answer is a little weird.
I shook my head as I looked at Sharkis satisfied face.
'I shouldn't become an adult like Sharkis.'
It was the realization that I gained after coming to Visenna.
It has been three days since I passed the second test, poison drinking test.
Because she passed the second test, she has already become the adopted daughter of Duke Eustia Visenna. The last test is just a formality.
In the meantime, Ferze was confined in Visenna estate.
I don't know if he abandoned his work or exchanged documents with the manager, but I don't think I need to worry.
I heard that Duke Eustia, who will be my foster father, told him to go back, saying that they will take care of it from now on.
Even though he gave Ferze a hint, he still occupied the guest room.
Come to think of it, although the Visenna family had just left, they could not drive out Ferze, the memeber of Imperial family.
Anyway, it was hard to see Ferze's face even though we stayed in the same Grandeur castle.
I looked for Ferze to let him know the results of the test, but I couldn't see where he was hiding it's like playing hide-and-seek.
I was wondering where the hell he was going so fast, but I ran into him at the last test hall.
It's been three days now.
Actually, I was already an adopted daughter, but in order to set an example for my subordinate, I must pass the final test.
Perhaps because it was the last test, the maid helped me dress up before leaving the room.
The sky blue hair flowing down to the waist was half tied and fixed firmly with a large red ribbon.
It was so tight that it didn't seem to fall out even when I shook my head so hard.
Only after I put on a light dress that I could go to the test site.
In my turquoise eyes, resembling an emerald, the look of the test room looks youthful.
What was prepared outside the test room was an unidentified large iron cage.
It was just the right size for an object larger than an elephant.
I encountered Ferze when I was looking at the cage.
I can't figure it out, so I'm staring blankly at the iron cage, and someone is approaching behind me.
Is it already an assassination threat?
I turned my head and saw a man wearing a black robe.
'Could it be an assassin?'
I looked at the man with a wary face.
Without waiting long, the man took off the robe he was wearing.
"It's Perze!"
Oops. I was so happy that I just called out his name. It was against etiquette, so it was time to take a peek.
I heard a rattling sound, and knights with swords approached me.
"Is there something wrong?"
I shook my head at the knight question.
"No, there isn't! I have a cramp in my leg."
Fortunately, maybe they didn't hear the sound properly, the knights looked around with light glances.
Without feeling anything strange, he nodded to me and left.
After the knights left, I was left alone at the test site with Ferze.
There was a reason why I lied to the knights.
'Before the test begin, people other than Visenna were not allowed to enter the test hall.'
I don't know why, but anyway, there was an order from the Duke.
Ferze, who had been hiding until the knights passed by, came out from behind the wall in a natural flowing motion.
I got my body really cramped up from a squat. Then, with his arms crossed, Ferze leaned against the pillar.
Unbeknownst to me, a scolding tone came out.
"Is it okay to hide so haphazardly?"
"...... Haphazardly?"
Ferze asked in a tone of disagreement. He was looking at me with an annoyed face.
"You've been hiding so hard!"
I thought he could get caught because he was so relaxed.
It seemed like he wasn't hiding because he was an Archduke with high self-esteem.