I shook my head at Sharkis' kind reply.
All of that is impossible for me to do. The fortunate thing was that I knew everything written in the 24 books even if I didn't read it.
It's not because I'm a genius. I used to follow the author's blog about character details from novels <Random Box> and read them all.
Someone said, If you study with that sincerity, you'll get accepted to Seoul National University, who would have known that I would live with that sincerity.
In fact, the core event was the main event, and other detailed story, so if you memorize them like pruning, you might remember them.
I drew a line with the red quill pen I borrowed from Sharkis and memorized the sweet record.
But somehow Sharkis' expression was strange.
"It's not a copy, kid."
I hurriedly pulled my hand off the quill pen while looking at a book with a red line.
Sharkis sighed in the ominously deepening red stain.
"I don't care about the Duke anyway. It's just an excuse to take care of you. Kid, you won't die if you fail the test, but you won't be able to lift the curse until you die."
I readily accepted it because there was no family that handled poison and curse as well as Visenna.
Sharkis told me to do whatever I want, whether I draw a line or tear the book.
While using a quill pen inadvertently, I looked at it carefully, feeling uncomfortable.
Perhaps he felt my gaze, Sharkis said with a happy face.
In the past I had a lot of money, so I use some good ink.
"I made it myself, so you must like it?"
As of that day, I decided not to ask what this ink was made of.
Now is the time to concentrate. There was nothing to be afraid of when I passed the entrance exam.
Visenna's history, I'll chew it lightly!
Despite my ambitious aspirations, Sharkis was predicting when I would fall. According to his calculations, I will be eliminated immediately from the first stage of the history exam. I was offended by that conviction.
The long-awaited first-stage exam day has come.
In the meantime, I have been living in the Visenna family, and surprisingly, the maids and knights were kind to me.
That's kind, but if I fail the test, their attitude will change, right?
Feeling a little eerie, I glanced at the maid who arranged my hair early in the morning.
"I wish you luck."
Oh, you're so kind.
Don't say that with a friendly smile.
Somehow, the eyes that looked at me were all the same. It was an expression of anticipation of when I would fall.
After Ferze became the Archduke, the Visenna family was quiet, and he seemed to be doing well because he was bored.
Even so, the maids who seemed ordinary at first glance were suspicious.
It was worth knowing that the assassins and poison magicians, from all over the Empire had been brought to Grandeur Castle with huge bounties.
"This is a gift from master Sharkis."
"A gift?"
What is this?
When I asked with a curious face, the maid answered with a bright smile.
"It's a medicine that will instantly kill you without pain."
Can I not do it?
Tears welled up in my eyes as I recalled Ferze, who was somewhere in Grandeur Castle.
You said you were giving me gold coins generously, aren't you trying to leave a sizable amount of breath in my mouth?
I was already at the test site before I knew it.
A painting of a knight on horseback was displayed in the hall with an ornate chandelier, and in front of it was a red carpet and four chairs.
The chairs are so gorgeous that they have gold decorations that you can only see in the Imperial Palace.
There were only two people sitting around.
'It's just Duke Eustia and Sharkis?'
Unlike the knights with high expectations, Duke Eustia's face was indifferent.
I didn't expect the duke to come out as a tester! I think I screwed it up.
At that time, Sharkis, sitting on the right, grinned at me.
"The Archduke?"
Duke Eustia looked down at the watch on his wrist and asked.
I guess they're still waiting on the Archduke to get started.
Speak of the devil, I heard the familiar footsteps.
Ferze, dressed in a white uniform, approached me.
With the charming purple eyes fixed on me that reminded me of amethyst.
"Good luck, Ciel."
Before I was even touched by those words, the test started.
Duke Eustia did not see the heartwarming sight of Ferze and me.
"Now, let's get right to it."
The moment the Duke's mouth drew a graceful arc, my heart plummeted as if it was falling from a high place.
"I'll give you a very easy question that fits the level of a child."
Is it my illusion that it sounds like a sentence to end here?
The duke, who pulled his legs arrogantly, smiled faintly with his chin on his hands.
"Tell us about the weaknesses of the Visenna family."
Contrary to the idea that they would ask in detail, the question asked by the Duke was ambiguous and abstract.
There was no weakness in 24 books!
'There is no way to keep a book containing weaknesses in the family's library that anyone can see....'
And it cannot be written in a history book that can be easily obtained from other families.
Did Visenna have any weaknesses?
No matter how much I thought about it, nothing came to mind.
If I had known the question in advance, I would have looked for the answer, but the question that was suddenly asked made my mind go blank.
The Duke waited in a relaxed manner for an answer, as if the time had not been set.
'But I don't think I should answer even if I know this.'
Knowing Visenna's weakness was a threat to the family.
In addition, it was strange that a maid who worked at the grand residence knew the weakness of the Duke.
I could have said it advance, and they would have dragged me to the prison to torture me how did I know and who told me.
'Because this isn't a normal aristocratic family, it's Visenna.'
If you judge with common sense, you will be in danger.
Naturally, the second half of the original story came to mind.
At the hands of the heroine Riena, Eustia Visenna dies.
Duke Eustia was even called a monster because his body was constantly regenerating even after being wounded just before he died.
It was Riena's ability that prevented such regeneration.
Riena did not have such enormous power from the beginning.
As a saintess, she may have higher magical power than others, but she was not good enough to deal with Duke Eustia.
It was only after Riena became empress after marrying Callan did she gain her powers.
Since she became Empress, she was given the right to have relics as the imperial family of the Djibril Empire.
Duke Eustia only enemy was not the Saintess Riena, but a relic that Riena would have.
The Holy Grail Trivia that nullifies the magical power of the monstrous Duke.
Trivia was not a holy relic that anyone could have, so there was a limit to borrowing the power of the holy relics object.
There were two main conditions.
Born with magical powers. And as a member of the Imperial family.
'The Duke of Visenna was caught off guard when he died at Riena's hands.'
It was his fault to judge that he, who was immortal, could be defeated just because of the Holy Grail.
Meanwhile, time flew by. Even though I knew the answer, I couldn't easily answer it.
It was because telling the answer and the reason would predict Duke Eustia death, and then I would be questioned.
Slowly raised my head and looked directly at Duke Eustia.
Visenna's weakness is non-existent.
Thousands of troops and a handful of knights who reached the master's level were sure to be crushed by the Duke's hands.
'The Visenna family is Duke Eustia itself.'
No matter how strong Sharkis and Shurei were, as long as the head of the house, Eustia, was alive, they could not exert their powers.
There is only one weakness for the Duke, who even his son, who inherited blood, recognizes him as a potential enemy.
"Setting Duke Eustia on fire?"
Even after I answered, I was not sure if it was the answer, so I had to raise the end of my words a little.
The faces of the knights who were preparing to laugh at my answer hardened.
It was the same with Duke Eustia.
Before Sharkis stopped him, he got up from his seat and approached me.
"What does that mean?"
The duke's blue eyes bent brightly.
Even though he was smiling, I felt a creepy chill.
It wasn't the answer? I should have given an honest answer that it was a royal family or a temple instead!
Did I make a mistake? I didn't know if the Duke was upset or not.
Eustia was a person who was good at hiding his expression, and cleverly only smiled with a sense of incongruity.
Are you going to hit me? Please step back a little.
There were cheeky words inside, but I closed my mouth like a rebellious child.
Instead, I stared at the Duke with a fierce look.
I hate it when people play around with me, Sharkis' father.
"Don't let your guard down."
I answered with my head straight up.
You have to be courteous to someone who can act cute.
The decision was based on the judgment that nothing would work for the Duke of Iron Blood.
So what I said was, I warned the Duke not to let his guard down.
As Sharkis was already preparing to take me out, and Ferze took the sword that was worn around his waist, it seemed like a pretty dangerous situation.
Contrary to their concerns, the duke's eyes were distinct.
"You passed the test, kid."