How should I reply to someone trying to say hello when I had an accident with them?
‘Stop avoiding me. Let’s say hello.’
The man who pretended to know Latille finally approached her. Her heart felt as if it dropped.
‘Who are you?’
The commander of the guards stood up and tried to stop him, but he was in no position to do so.
‘Klein Abyssinier, prince of Carrisen.’
Latille revealed a crumpled expression before coming back to her senses; she shrieked inwardly.
I had an accident with Haizens’ brother?! Crazy!
Latille didn’t hear Haizens’ half-brother, but she knew Haizens was the eldest son. Until Haizens gets married and produces an heir, the children of the late emperor will continue to be referred by their royal titles, so that prince must be a younger brother of Haizens’.
You’ve gone crazy, Latille, crazy.
As she was about to blame herself, Klein began approaching.
I can’t help it!
Latille had the nerve to go and introduce herself.
He was drunk anyway, so much of his memory should be fuzzy. Even if he does remember, I’ll just say, ‘wasn’t it just hugging?’ I’ll just pretend I don’t know. Yes, I don’t remember a thing.
Latille went towards him and revealed a smile.
‘I’m Latrasille Valertain, princess of Tarium and the leader of the wedding celebration delegation.’
Latille, who asked for a handshake out of habit, continued to smile politely even after greeting him.
He looked at her with an ambiguous expression. It was obvious, but Latille feigned composure and spoke arbitrary words.
‘Carrisen is a beautiful country.’
‘Yeah, it’s warm enough to not freeze to death when you sleep outside.’
The corners of Klein’s lips twisted a little. The commander of the Guards expressed his displeasure of whether it was considered rude or not. Latille poked him with her finger, laughed awkwardly then turned around.
‘Still, sleeping outside must be difficult. You’ll probably catch a cold when the temperature drops at night, right?’
‘Do you really think so? You look fine, though.’
‘… Of course. Ah, what’s the most famous food in Carrisen?’
Latille laughed quietly and nodded, but she screamed on the inside.
That man, he definitely remembers! He knows that I was the woman who had an accident with him after drinking!
Otherwise, there was no way the topic of sleeping outside or alcohol would come up.
Eventually, Latille laughed exaggeratively.
‘You jest.’
‘My lady, what’s wrong?’
You dense bastard.
Latille smiled softly and benevolently at the commander then spoke to Klein.
‘I think your brother will come soon. Wouldn’t it be better to sit and wait?’
Fortunately, as I finished my speech, the sound of trumpets could be heard, signalling the beginning of the wedding.
‘Okay, I’ll see you later, so wait for me.’
Klein spoke firmly to Latille and returned to his seat. As Klein began to depart, the commander of the Guards asked once again,
‘My lady, do you like that prince? Why are you suddenly using such a freaky tone?’
‘If you have time for such thoughts, you should think about keeping your mouth shut.’
The commander sighed in relief, seeing that she has given a normal response. Latille shook her head with a groan.
‘What do you usually take me for?’
‘Don’t hide your personality when you talk to men you like. They’ll get shocked once they find out. Besides, you’re most attractive when you’re rough.’
‘I guess teasing is fun when you’re rough.’
‘That’s the case.’
The commander was a friend of Prince Lean before he attained his position so compared to the age of an average knight, he was considered to be quite young. His swordsmanship and leadership skills were excellent, so the controversy surrounding his age subsided almost immediately but to Latille, he was just a malicious friend of her brother’s.
I really don’t get why ladies fancy him.
Latille glanced at the commander of the Guards, who was smiling quietly and laughing inwardly.
Of course, he is objectively handsome.
Still, a stuck up personality makes you unattractive.
‘By the way, Princess, do you like that prince?’
‘No way.’
‘Fair enough, he doesn’t suit you.’
‘Why not? He’s handsome. If he stood beside me, don’t you think we’d look complete- like a painting.’
‘That man has a dirty personality. He’s not the kind of person I’d get along with.’
‘What kind of personality?’
Just in time, the music started again with a loud bang and fireworks flew in all kinds of directions. When the firecrackers exploded, silver confetti was launched everywhere with colourful lights coursing through the sky. Amid the cheers, Haizens appeared in a luscious, long cape.
‘You’re not talking about his personality, are you?’
Latille muttered silently as she looked at Haizens with a pathetic expression.
‘Absolutely not.
‘How about me?’
Latille, who was looking at Haizens with a pitiful expression look towards him in disgust at the sudden remark. The commander was smiling teasingly, leaning nonchalantly on his chair.
‘That’s a joke in bad taste.’
Latille tutted and turned her head. Whether the timing was a coincidence or not, it seemed as if Haizens looked towards her direction. Latille had the urge to flash her middle finger at him but held back with great persistence. She decided to concentrate on the bride’s entrance. Moments later, enchanting harp music began playing, and thick smoke covered poured into the crowd. As everyone exclaimed in wonder, the bride, Aini finally appeared wrapped in flowers and jewels; she looked pitifully beautiful in her white dress. Everyone held their breath in amazement. Latille struggled to ignore the pain of a broken heart, forced a smile and clapped. Nothing is worse than seeing the man you once loved marry another woman. After the two made their wedding vows, they put on the rings and pecked each other’s lips. Latille felt all sorts of unpleasant feelings; she felt pain, misery, irritation and agitation.
I wanted to close my eyes and forget my surroundings.
‘If you can’t bear this much, you’re a disgrace.’
‘I know.’
‘You have a frightening expression right there, my lady.’
‘There’s no reason to laugh, Lord Sernut.’
As soon as the wedding ceremony was over, Latille returned to her chambers without looking back. Since it’s a royal wedding, there are still numerous functions left after the ceremony, but she just didn’t have the spirit to attend.
I gave him a wedding gift, occupied my seat and clapped hard all throughout the wedding. Shouldn’t this be enough for your ex-lover to bear?
Latille completely forgot Klein’s invitation to meet after the ceremony.
‘Are you okay?’
Feeling sorry for her, The commander of the Guards, Sernut brought crispy sugar doughnuts. Latille shook her head quickly and ate five doughnuts in a row.
‘I’m no okay. I’m fuming.’
Latille pointed to her forehead then asked.
‘We can go back now, right?’
‘You can go since the mandatory participation session has ended.’
‘Let’s go then.’
It was probably an unreasonable demand, but the commander of the guards asked to confirm.
‘Yes, my lady. Should I tell the rest to get ready to leave?’
Latille felt a little dispirited by the nonchalant question and resconsidered.
‘… Let’s go tomorrow.’
‘You can go now, if you want. Some countries went back as soon as the main ceremony was over.’
‘That’s true of countries that have bad relations with Carrisen.’
‘Yes, but we have bad relations with them too. That’s enough of a reason.’
‘That’s okay, I’m not going to drag personal matters into this, Lord Sernut.’
Latille mumbled helplessly and flopped onto the bed.
‘Also, I should stop running away now… Tomorrow, tomorrow morning, I’ll go, and I’ll look straight at Haizens’ face and speak properly.’
The next morning, Latille took a rose petal bath with pearl powder and changed into a white uniform. After checking for creases, she tied up her long black hair. Latille took a look in the mirror and asked the commander of the Guards, Sernut.
‘How do I look?’
‘How great?’
‘Can I be honest?’
‘Yes, you need to be honest.’
‘You’re so cool that I want to propose to you on the spot.’
‘That’s enough.’
Latille smiled proudly and tied a sword to her waist. While Haizens was studying abroad at the Tarium Empire, he liked to see Latille wearing rich, blue dresses. It went well with her ivory complexion, and Latille dressed in such intense colours looked like a magical forest fairy.
I wanted to look beautiful in front of Haizens, so I wore blue clothes all the time.
But now, there’s no princess who wants to look good in front of Haizens. Latille took a deep breath and walked out the door.
‘I’m such a wonderful woman without Haizens. I’ll make him regret losing me forever.’
… I’m going. Don’t believe me when I tell you to live well even as the delegation leader because they’re just empty words with no meaning.’
Haizens asked with a sad expression when Latille said she’d leave immediately and that she couldn’t tell him to live well.
‘Did you really have to go this far, Latille?’
He didn’t have the face of a fresh bridegroom who had just got married yesterday. The eyes that were once shiny were now sunken and imbued with darkness. I instantly felt regret.
The commander of the Guards, Sernut whispered quietly behind his back, but he had eyes for no one other than Latille. He could only see Latille; everyone else were almost invisible. She felt sorry for the man she once loved, but she had to say what she had to say.
‘Yes, I do.’
‘Five years. Can’t you wait five years? We can sort everything out within that period, Latille.’
‘Latille, you’re a royal, so you’d understand. It was inevitable to make this choice.’
‘I know, I do understand. I told you that I understand, but that’s different from accepting and forgiving.’
‘Latille… please.’
‘Five years, five years, just five years? In these five years, you will have to accept all kinds of concubines, starting with Lady Aini. Isn’t that the best way to strengthen the empire in the shortest amount of time.’
‘Then in these five years, how many times will I have to see you marrying other women while still asking me to wait for you?’
His face was brimming with sorrow; he was beautiful even when he was miserable. Latille suffered too. Haizens was her first love. He was the man who swore, promised and gave her reassurance of eternal love.
Latille wasn’t lying when she said she understood him. Love, love, love, love, who would actually abandon everything for love? Haizens had to choose between love and the throne and rationally chose the throne. Maybe Haizens would have kept his promise since he was clever. He had enough determination to do anything he wanted.
I’d be lying if said my heart didn’t waver. I wanted to stroke his soft brown hair, and plant a kiss on his forehead.
However, Latille resisted and composed herself.
‘Put yourself in my shoes and think about it, Haizens. Can you do that?’
Latille stepped back and stared at him. His voice was shaking, and tears were threatening to spill from her eyes.
Damn it.
Latille asked again with her eyes wide open to not burst into tears.
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‘If I marry another man and take in concubines all while asking you to wait for me, would you really wait for me?’
‘No, wait. Don’t answer.’
Haizens, who was about to say something, looked at Latille in confusion. She forced the corners of her mouth to smile.
‘Wait, I’ll ask that question again later. Answer me then.’