Dayu’s present crown prince was the Emperor’s eldest son. It has been three years since he has become the master of the Eastern Palace. His biological mother was Chen Guifei, who has dominated the six palaces for many years and whose position was tantamount to being the second empress. This time, on her fortieth birthday, all the noble ladies would go to the palace to offer her their well wishes and present to her their gifts.
The manager of the mansion’s storehouse sent a list and said, “All the things in the mansion are listed here. As Madam has instructed, asking Shaojun to please select a suitable birthday gift.”
Lin Qingyu gave it a cursory glance and asked, “The booklet the Madam gave me said that the Eastern Palace had rewarded Master Hou with a pair of sheep-fat white jade Ruyi. Why is it not in the storehouse?”
The manager said, “Answering Shaojun, this pair of Jade Ruyi was sent by the Madam to the War Minister’s mansion to congratulate his son on his wedding.”
Lin Qingyu asked again, “And where is the thousand-year ginseng given by Chen Guifei?”
The manager smiled and said, “Naturally, it was used to help the Young Master.”
Lin Qingyu nodded. “I see. You can leave now. Before Madam enters the palace tomorrow, I will have a gift prepared for her.”
Liang Shi’s only requirement for the gift was that it be of equal value. The Nan’an Hou Mansion can neither be lacking in respect to Chen Guifei but neither could they be seen as trying to ingratiate themselves to her. Especially since the Nan’an Hou Mansion and the Empress even had a relationship by marriage. Things were becoming more and more delicate.
The Empress actually had a son who was born mentally challenged. He was unable to inherit the throne and was also unable to obtain the Emperor’s favor. All this time, he has been kept in the temporary imperial residence.  The Empress has always been anxious about her son and naturally, she held a grudge against this mother and son pair. Although the Empress was far less favored than Chen Guifei, she was still the mother of the country. While giving a gift to Chen Guifei, the Nan’an Hou Mansion still had to keep in mind the honor of the palace. The various twists and turns defied simple explanation.
Lin Qingyu first selected a batch of gifts from the list, and ordered the servants to move them into the Blue Wind Pavilion to let him go through them and choose.
Lu Wancheng saw that the room was filled with gift boxes of all sizes and asked, “What are these?”
Lin Qingyu said, “Chen Guifei’s birthday gift candidates.”
“Chen Guifei?” Lu Wancheng had a rare frown on his face, “The crown prince’s concubine mother?”
“That’s her.”
Lu Wancheng’s face changed slightly, “When did you get involved with the Eastern Palace?”
Lin Qingyu told Lu Wancheng about Liang Shi asking him to prepare the gift. Lu Wancheng still seemed uneasy, and asked, “So you won’t be going to the palace or seeing the crown prince?”
“No.” Lin Qingyu said suspiciously, “You don’t ever care about other things but how come whenever the Eastern Palace is mentioned, you have such a big reaction?”
Lu Wancheng hesitated for a moment, and smiled, “That’s the current crown prince, the future emperor. Is he not worth me making a senseless fuss over?”
Lin Qingyu said, “The Empress is your aunt and the prince’s dimu. Looking at it from that point of view, the crown prince is still your cousin.”
Lu Wancheng snorted. “I do not wish to have this greasiest of the greasiest as my cousin.”
The topic about the Eastern Palace ended here. Lu Wancheng was a bit preoccupied but he still didn’t forget to remind Lin Qingyu, “Since the Liang Shi dares to use Chen Guifei’s matter to create an issue, she probably feels that the time is about right.”
Lin Qingyu nodded. “Don’t worry, Young Master Hou. I do have my own sense of proportion.”
The next day, Liang Shi got up an hour earlier than usual. Liu Momo waited on her to change into her court clothes. She asked, “Which courtyard did Master Hou stay in last night?”
Liu Momo said, “Pan Yiniang’s courtyard.”
Liang Shi’s expression sank. “It’s her again.”
Liu Momo persuaded, “Pan Shi comes from a humble background and even her womb failed to live up to expectation. She is not worth Madam getting angry over. It will only be giving her face.”
“That’s true.” Liang Shi looked at the woman in the mirror, still attractive though getting on in the years. She said, “Master Hou should be coming for breakfast soon. Go to the Blue Wind Pavilion and invite him to come here.”
No matter which concubine’s courtyard Nan’an Hou stayed in for the night, he would always have breakfast with his wife the next day and listen to her talk about some of the mansion’s affairs. He would not involve himself in the household’s affairs, but he had to at least keep abreast of what has been happening.
During the meal, Liang Shi mentioned the matter of Chen Guifei’s gift. Nan’an Hou said. “This may seem like a trivial matter, but in actuality it has big implications. Where is the birthday gift you prepared? Show me.”
At this time, the servant came in and announced, “Master, Madam, Shaojun is here.”
Liang Shi said with a smile, “Speaking frankly to Master Hou, there are many things that need to be done to run the household. I am getting on in the years and it is inevitable that I am unable to do as much as I’d wish. I assigned some things to Qingyu to take care of. As a matter of fact, he has been taking care of the accounts for a period of time. I have also instructed him to handle the matter of Chen Guifei’s birthday gift. He is here now presumably just for this matter. There is still quite some time before the morning court. Why not stay a while and see what he has prepared?”
Nan’an Hou nodded. “Let him come in.”
Lin Qingyu walked in, followed by Feng Qin and Huan Tong. One was holding a book, and the other was holding an exquisite gift box. He greeted the two of them in accordance with the rules. Nan’an Hou looked at the gift box and said, “Is this the gift you prepared for Chen Guifei?”
“Yes. Asking Madam and Master Hou to please take a look.” Lin Qingyu gestured and Feng Qin presented the gift box, her hands trembling slightly.
Looking at the shape of the gift box, it seemed to be something long. Nan’an Hou opened it and took a look. It turned out to be a well-rolled painting.
Nan’an Hou ordered someone to unfurl the painting. His face suddenly changed and he got up in anger. “Impudent!”
Liang Shi pressed down on the corners of her lips. She stood up with him and said in disbelief, “This painting was made by a master of the Shu Dynasty five hundred years ago. This is an heirloom passed down in Master Hou’s family. How can you take it to give as a gift?!”
“This painting is priceless. His Majesty loves this painting very much. He has ordered me numerous times to bring this painting to the palace so that we may admire it together. It is because of the solicitude he shows to his ministers that even when I offered to give this to him as tribute, he never accepted it. And now, you were going to take it to Chen Guifei — the crown prince’s concubine mother!” Nan’an Hou slammed his first against the table. Towering with rage, he said, “There is nothing his Majesty fears more than ministers getting too close to the crown prince. You clearly know what calamity you nearly caused!”
Lin Qingyu held back his gaze and said, “Qingyu wouldn’t dare.”
“You wouldn’t dare?” Nan’an Hou was already furious. “Who does not know that the son of the Imperial Hospital’s pan guan is matchlessly intelligent and exceptionally clever? I think you did this intentionally to put the Nan’an Hou Mansion in danger!”
Liang Shi said, fearful at what might have happened, “Fortunately, Master Hou looked at it beforehand. Otherwise, in the future, if his Majesty were to see this painting at Chen Guifei’s, who knows what sort of suspicions he would have regarding Master Hou and the crown prince’s relationship.”
Liang Shi glanced at Liu Momo, signaling to her that it was time her to add oil and vinegar as she was wont to do. Unexpectedly, Liu Momo’s face turned flustered. Her figure and posture was extremely unsightly. She asked in a low voice, “What’s wrong with you?”
Liu Momo whispered, “I think I was bitten by some bug, and my body is unbearably itchy.”
What was this compared to the critical juncture they were facing? Liang Shi said, displeased, “Master Hou is still here. Pay attention to etiquette.”
Liu Momo forced herself to endure. “Yes.”
Lin Qingyu said calmly, “Master Hou, I have already married into the Hou Mansion. There is no retreat for me. Should the Nan’an Hou Mansion run into misfortune, it will be difficult for me to escape responsibility. The reason why I chose this painting is because of the Madam’s command.”
Liang Shi’s eyes widened and she exclaimed, “What nonsense are you talking about!”
“It was Madam who said that the gift to be given to Chen Guifei must be of equal value to the rewards she has bestowed.”
Although Nan’an Hou and Liang Shi were not husband and wife by the first marriage, they have been sharing the same bed for many years. Lin Qingyu was just a daughter-in-law who he rarely saw. At this moment, he naturally believed Liang Shi. “What she said was right. You do indeed need only to prepare a gift of equal value. But then what did you do?!”
Lin Qingyu said, “The crown prince once bestowed a pair of sheep-fat white jade Ruyi to Master Hou. This too is a relic from the previous dynasty and could be considered priceless. Its worth is equal to this painting.”
“What sheep-fat white jade?” Nan’an Hou said sternly, “His Royal Highness the crown prince has never given me anything of the sort.”
Liang Shi thought intently. “I don’t remember such a thing either.”
Lin Qingyu frowned. “He hasn’t? But it was written in the booklet Madam gave me. — Huan Tong.”
Huan Tong presented the book. Nan’an Hou quickly scanned through what was written and his eyes grew colder. He threw the book to Lin Qingyu. “Look for yourself. Where is the sheep-fat white jade you said!”
Lin Qingyu tilted his head to avoid it. He picked up the ledger and read through it. “Indeed…it’s not here.”
Nan’an Hou pointed to Lin Qingyu and said, “What else do you have to say!”
Liu Momo was still struggling with the abnormality of her body and she couldn’t get a word out. Liang Shi had no choice but to say herself, “Qingyu, just what is going on with you? You lost the pages of the ledger twice and today…oh.”
Nan’an Hou said, “The ledger? What ledger?”
Liang Shi said, “It is no big matter. There is no need for Master Hou to concern himself about it.”
“Tell me!”
Liang Shi had no other choice. She was forced to tell him everything regarding the ledgers.
Nan’an Hou was even more furious when he heard this. He decided that Lin Qingyu had done everything deliberately. “Bring me the rod!”
Lin Qingyu swept his eyes over everyone and said slowly, “There is no sheep-fat white jade Ruyi in the booklet, but I clearly remember that there was. Why is that? I also remember that there wasn’t a single page missing from either of the two ledgers but when it got to the Madam, they were missing a page each. Why is that?”
Liang Shi blurted out, “Naturally, it is because of your improper care.”
“My improper care?” Lin Qingyu smiled softly, “Could it be that someone deliberately took those pages away?”
“Qingyu, matters have already reached this point and you still want to implicate others?” Liang Shi shook his head, “With such poor character, you are not worthy of Wancheng, let alone being Shaojun of the Hou Mansion!”
Just as she finished speaking these words, a thud was heard. Liu Momo, who’d been standing to one side, suddenly fell down. The crazed woman writhed on the ground, tearing her clothes, ravings spewing from her mouth. It was terribly frightful.
Before anyone could react, Feng Qin behind Lin Qingyu also fell twitching. She was a girl after all and she bit her lip, trying her hardest to refrain from pulling her clothes. However, she kept hitting the ground with her head. Boom boom boom, like a death knell hurrying her to her death.
Everyone present was terribly scared. Several of the servant girls screamed in fear. Liang Shi who was closest to Liu Momo froze and couldn’t even move. She stretched out her hand and said in horror, “Ma-Master Hou…”
Lin Qingyu said, “The pages of the ledger and the booklet went missing in the Blue Wind Pavilion. So naturally, this was done by someone of the Blue Wind Pavilion. In order to catch this person, Young Master Hou ordered me to expose the page where the sheep-fat white jade Ruyi was written to a special type of poison. Once the skin comes in contact with this poison, one’s whole body will be itchy and covered in sores. Although it poses no threat to one’s life, one might just wish they were dead instead. Before that, I repeatedly warned the servants against touching the booklet the Madam sent. That someone from the Blue Wind Pavilion has been poisoned is to be expected,” Lin Qingyu paused and glanced lightly at Liang Shi, “But I didn’t expect that Liu Momo, Madam’s most trusted aide, would also be poisoned.”
Nan’an Hou was a wise man. Stringing together the previous “coincidences”, he already understood. He turned his head to look Liang Shi. Liang Shi was dumbfounded. “Master Hou, I don’t know anything. I don’t know what’s going on…” Hitting upon a plan in desperation, she retorted with a countercharge.  “Lin Shi must have deliberately poisoned them to frame me! Lin Shi, how could you possibly have let me down! You have resorted to such cruelty!”
Lin Qingyu sneered. He walked up to Feng Qin, and looking down at her, asked, “It’s unbearable, isn’t it?”
Feng Qin had bitten her lips into bleeding. She struggled to say, “Shao-shaojun, please…”
“I can give you both the antidote, but I want to know the whereabouts of those missing pages, understand?”
Liu Momo had already scratched her sleeves into shreds, revealing a large part of her arms covered with sores. It was a ghastly sight and it sent a little maid who saw it, retching. When she heard the word “antidote”, she couldn’t attend to anything else. “Madam– Madam had me burn them…”
Liang Shi shook her head. Still quibbling, “No, Master Hou! I didn’t…Lin Shi, this, this is a confession under torture! You can’t believe them, Master Hou!”
Lin Qingyu said, “If Master Hou is unconvinced, you can question the Manager Wang of the accounting office. He hasn’t been poisoned yet and he is sober. With Master Hou’s impartial and incorruptible means, you will surely be able to find out the truth.”
Nan’an Hou closed his eyes and said, “Come and drag these two crazy women away.”
After Feng Qin and Liu Momo were taken away, the room grew silent. The servants were afraid to even breathe too hard.  Until the steward of the Hou Mansion reminded, “Master Hou, you should go to court. And… Madam, too, should head to the palace.”
After such a commotion, Liang Shi’s hair bun was scattered and her makeup was also spent. The mistress of the household cut a very sorry figure and she had lost face.
Nan’an Hou said, voice low, “Go quickly and freshen up. Choose a gift to give to Chen Guifei. As for the rest, we will talk about it when I return home.” After speaking, he walked away.
After Nan’an Hou came back from the palace, he personally and privately questioned Manager Wang of the accounting office. No one knew all the facts and what had actually happened. The people of the mansion only knew that the Madam knelt all night in the ancestral hall and fell ill the next day. In order to let her recover from her illness, the Master handed over the affairs of the mansion to Lin Shi Shaojun and Pan Shi Yiniang.
The results of this matter were not much different from what Lin Qingyu expected. Nan’an Hou paid particular importance to face and Liang Shi was his wife, after all. On the surface, he would not do anything to her. But everyone knew that the power in the Hou Mansion was about to change.
After this incident, Lu Wancheng’s body gradually recovered, returning to the point where he could get out of bed. The medicine he drank every day also changed. Hua Lu gave him the decoction and smelling it, he could tell that it wasn’t his usual medicine. “Doctor Zhang changed his prescription?”
Hua Lu replied, “No, this is Shaojun’s medicine.”
Lu Wancheng heard these words and suddenly sprayed out the medicine he had just taken. “Puff——”
Lin Qingyu came into the room just in time to see this scene. Laughing, he said, “You can’t even drink medicine anymore?”
Lu Wancheng had a coughing fit and Hua Lu was busy cleaning up again. Lin Qingyu never showed mercy with his words, but he walked to the bed and sat down, stroking Lu Wancheng’s back, mollifying him.
Lu Wancheng smelled the very faint smell of parchment and ink on his body, mixed with the fragrance of medicine. He seemed like some medicine-picking immortal straight out of some book.
Because Lu Wancheng was too lazy, too lazy to do anything, too lazy that when he does things he often ends up in a daze and finds himself observing the people around him, he has mastered the ability to weigh a person’s words and observe their facial expressions. For example, now, he could sense that Lin Qingyu was in a bad mood. The feeling of coldness surrounding his whole body could make people retreat three day’s march.
He didn’t dare be rash. He asked cautiously, “Qingyu, why are you changing my medicine?”
Lin Qingyu said lightly, “Why do you think?”
Lu Wancheng waved at Hua Lu to leave and then asked him with a low smile, “Do you think I’m taking my sweet time dropping dead?”
Lin Qingyu sneered. “Yes.”
Lu Wancheng let out an “Oh” and picked up the medicine bowl, drinking down all the medicine in it.
Lin Qingyu’s brows furrowed slightly. “And why did you do that?”
Lu Wancheng licked the corner of his lips and said, “If you really wanted to poison me, you wouldn’t have waited until now, let alone let Hua Lu know about changing the prescription. You think Doctor Zhang’s prescription is no good, so you changed it to a better one for me.”
Lin Qingyu suddenly stood up. “You think you’re so clever. Drink it if you want; don’t drink it if you don’t.”
Lu Wancheng grabbed the hem of his clothes to prevent him from leaving. “Are you angry again for the umpteenth time?”
“No. Seeing you puts me in a bad mood, that’s all.”
Lu Wancheng earnestly thought back on what he had done recently. Innocent and confused, he asked, “What did I do wrong?”
Lin Qingyu remained silent as he thought.
Lu Wancheng was right. He has never said that he wanted to live longer. That he would not be able to participate in this year’s Imperial Medical Office’s examination was because he himself had momentarily been overcome with a bout of soft-heartedness, of foolishness.
But if he missed the exam this year, he could still take the exam three years later. But Lu Wancheng only had this little bit of time left. When a person dies, there’s nothing left.
Lin Qingyu’s tone was a little slow, “This prescription was given by my father. I made improvements according to your situation. It can’t save your life, but it can make you live for half a year longer and make your last days less painful. When the time come… you won’t cut such a sorry figure.”
He has met many people driven to the brink of death because of illness. No matter how much dignity they had before, when that time came, none of them looked very good. They could not accomplish their day to day activities by themselves. They had to rely on others for everything; lean as a rake, ashen and beaten, waiting until their oil ran out.
People like Lu Wancheng shouldn’t wither away in such torment.
However, Lu Wancheng didn’t care whether he died in torment or not. “You said…I’ll live half a year longer?”
Lin Qingyu lowered his eyes, not looking at him. “Yes.”
Lu Wancheng’s eyes moved slightly. His Adam’s apple rolled up and down. “Qingyu.”
He called out his name and fell silent. It made Lin Qingyu feel embarrassed.
“Don’t get me wrong.” Lin Qingyu said, “‘Human life is the most important thing. The virtue of saving a life is worth more than a thousand gold.’ Since I’m practicing medicine, I can’t stand by and watch an innocent die without trying to save them.”
When Lu Wancheng spoke again, his voice was a little muffled, “But, you can’t save me.”
“I know. But as long as I try my best, I will have a clear conscience in the future.”
Lu Wancheng laughed, his lips curled slightly. His eyes were bright, even beautiful, but the words he said were still infuriating “Aiyaya, has the vicious and merciless beauty turned bent for me?”
Lin Qingyu couldn’t hide his disdain and refused to concede. “Young Master Hou really does think too highly of himself.”
Lu Wancheng straightened up, leaned close to Lin Qingyu’s ear and said softly, “Qingyu, thank you.”
Lin Qingyu wasn’t used to him suddenly approaching him like that. The expression on his face, cold as icicles under the eaves, was suddenly on the verge of collapse. He said, “This medicine, will you drink it or not?”
“If I don’t drink it, wouldn’t I be betraying your good intentions? By the way,” Lu Wancheng seemed to think of something important, “Would drinking this medicine enable me to carry you?”
Lin Qingyu didn’t understand why Lu Wancheng was so entangled over this matter. He raised his eyebrows slightly, “You really want to be able to carry me?”
Lu Wancheng nodded. “I really want to.”
A sneer hung on Lin Qingyu’s lips. “You should just give up on that idea. It’s impossible for you in this lifetime.”
Lu Wancheng held up the medicine bowl while whispering in a low voice. “…Then what the fart am I even drinking this for?”