Chapter 112
The empress dowager was still teaching Jiang Xing the most basic reading and writing when Lin Qingyu already had a “grand” plan.
On this day, while Jiang Xing was taking his afternoon nap, Lin Qingyu went to Ci’an Palace to visit the empress dowager. The empress dowager was admiring a poem copied by Jiang Xing, when she saw him coming inm she said with a smile, “Qingyu, come quickly and have a look. The emperor’s handwriting is so good, so full of vigor.” 4QRALd
Lin Qingyu glanced at it. Jiang Xing had obviously deliberately written it in a rounded, childish way. Only the empress dowager would find any sort of vigor in it. “Your Highness, since the emperor can now read and write, it is time to invite an imperial instructor to teach the emperor.”
The queen mother hesitated and said, “The emperor is still young. Letting him stay by Aijia’s side and learn from Aijia isn’t a bad thing, no?”
Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.
“I’m afraid there are some things that you cannot teach him.”
The empress dowager couldn’t hide her distress. “But the emperor…he is still a child.” eodLjB
Lin Qingyu reminded her, “The emperor will be eighteen at the end of the year.” They didn’t know if it was a coincidence, but Xiao Li and Jiang Xing’s birthdays were on the same day.
“You can’t say that.” The empress dowager said reproachfully, “Although the emperor is almost eighteen, mentally he is like a child of seven or eight years old.”
“Our imperial princes start schooling at five. The emperor is already ‘seven or eight’ years old. If you continue to pamper him, do you mean to let others secure the country for him for the rest of his life?
Lin Qingyu’s words were a bit harsh and the empress dowager had taken on a somewhat ugly expression. But, this argument was reasonable. If the emperor wanted to secure his position on the throne, the sooner he took charge, the better. After deliberating, the empress dowager said, “Do you have a candidate for the emperor’s teacher?”
Lin Qingyu quickly found a suitable candidate. Guan Zhongkai, who wrote poems at the age of three, recited rhapsodies at the age of five, successfully passed the provincial level examination at a tender age and then went on to place first in the imperial examinations. During the reign of the previous emperor, he was in charge of the privy council and he held key positions in the Ministry of Appointments and the Ministry of Revenue. He retired due to old age and returned to his hometown five years ago. He was now an elder of sixty-five.
This person was Li Chan’s mentor and was recommended by Li Chan to Lin Qingyu. Prime Minister Lin personally wrote a letter, sincere and humble, inviting Senior Guan back to the capital to take up the post of imperial instructor.
One day, Jiang Xing had been at the Empress Dowager’s palace, able to pass by simply casually writing a few words; the next, he had a whole new erudite and informed imperial instructor.
Lin Qingyu said, “From now on, His Majesty shall no longer go to Ci’an Palace for his studies. The emperor shall study as the Dayu’s princes do.” P0J9xE
Guan Taifu had a head of crane white hair and a bearing like that of a pine tree. He looked like an immortal wise man stepped out of a fairy tale. He also treated everyone courteously. “This minister, Guan Zhongkai, greets His Majesty.”
Jiang Xing had a bad premonition but nevertheless, he still equally courteous, returned the salute. After all, no matter what era he was in, respect for one’s teachers seemed to be something deeply ingrained in his bones. Then, he turned to Lin Qingyu and said in the childish tone of a seven-year-old, “Prime Minister Gege, please come here.”
Lin Qingyu was pulled aside by Jiang Xing. “What?”
Jiang Xing asked in a low voice, “How exactly do the Dayu’s princes study?” vscuoi
“Every day at Yinshi, they prepare for the classes ahead. Classes officially start at Maoshi and lasts until noon.”
Hearing the word “Yinshi”, Jiang Xing almost couldn’t breathe. “No… Qingyu, I’m still growing. If I don’t enough sleep, I might not grow taller.”
Lin Qingyu looked up at him. “In the afternoon, princes usually take riding and archery lessons. But you’ve done enough archery and horse-riding in your previous life, so you can skip it this time.”
“Then can I have the afternoons off?” NvHZtU
Lin Qingyu said cruelly, “You will continue your studies in the afternoon.”
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Jiang Xing laughed in anger. “You want me to go back to the third year?”
Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.
Aljcu Wlcu jcv Olc Hlcuse tjv bcmf ajixfv jybea tlr raevlfr lc tlr tbwfabkc jcv rb, Olc Hlcuse xcfk j atlcu bg akb jybea la, “Llr Zjpfras lr bnfgatlcxlcu wjaafgr. Qtfc sbe kfgf lc sbeg atlgv sfjg bo tlut rmtbbi, tbk wjcs vjsr boo vlv sbe ufa fnfgs wbcat?”
Jiang Xing looked defensive. “Eight days.” F4b5rn
Lin Qingyu smiled and said, “Princes only get two days off every year. One day on the first day of the Lunar New Year and the other on the prince’s birthday.”
Jiang Xing choked. “Even the cows in the fields don’t plow as much. I’m already the emperor, why do I have to suffer like this?”
“Because you’re the emperor, you have to learn more than others.”
“But I just want to be a good-for-nothing emperor.” dkzVhu
“Then what about your country?” Lin Qingyu was cold and contemptuous, “You want to rely on me for the rest of your life? How’s the soft rice, is it good?”
Jiang Xing smiled and said, “It’s quite delicious.”
Lin Qingyu threw him a sharp look, eyes like blades and Jiang Xing quickly changed his words again, “Qingyu, have you ever heard the saying of ‘governing by noninterference, to follow the natural course of things’? I think…”
Lin Qingyu said, “You study during the day but you still have time to play at night.” qcj IX
“Then will you play with me?”
“I could. If I’m not busy.”
Jiang Xing sighed and compromised, “Alright.”
Whether Jiang Xing was willing or not, his days of strenuous study had fallen onto his physically seventeen year old body and his mentally twenty-one year old mind. Though he’d learned some basics when he was in his hometown, it was limited to occasionally memorizing a couple lines of poem to flirt with his wife. When it came to recognizing and choosing the proper words, he was far from the level of Dayu’s prominent home-grown scholars. Guan Zhongkai was undoubtedly a good teacher, but he lectured in a monotonous tone of voice, making Jiang Xing very drowsy. H 0sk4
Lin Qingyu hadn’t arranged for any study companions for Jiang Xing. He was the only student in his classes. He tried his very hardest not to fall asleep and sometimes, this truly was a superhuman feat.
Fortunately, he was the emperor; not a prince. He had no imperial father asking after his studies and the empress dowager was capable only of excessive doting. Though his wife asked after his studies from time to time, he had his ways to distract Lin Qingyu.
After studying like this for three months, Lin Qingyu proposed taking Jiang Xing to attend court with him. Jiang Xing was not at all interested. He said, a completely disinterested expression on his face, “It doesn’t matter whether I go or not. Anyway, you’re there.”
Lin Qingyu had already seen through Jiang Xing. This person has always been like this when it came to things he had no interest in. But so long as he knew it was his responsibility, no matter how lazy he was, he would eventually reluctantly do it and do it well. This was true of marching and fighting and so, it would also be true of governing the country. bytMW8
If Jiang Xing could perform so well on tasks he had no interest in, one could only imagine the results he could achieve in matters he did have an interest in. It was a pity that Jiang Xing didn’t seem interested in anything other than sleeping in bed or bedding him.
Lin Qingyu said, “Just go and listen in. It wouldn’t harm and might even be beneficial.”
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“Alright, I’ll listen to the Madam during the day.”
Lin Qingyu felt something wasn’t right. He asked, “What about at night?” I3DZid
Jiang Xing smiled and said, “Of course, I’ll also listen to the Madam at night.”
Lin Qingyu: “…” He’s already started talking nonsense again.
Jiang Xing was woken up early in the morning and everyone involved in his morning routine was thrown into a frenzy. After dressing up, he was helped into the emperor’s sedan chair and delivered to the throne room where morning court was held.
He sat at the highest point of the Golden Luan Hall, looking at the officials bored-ly through the bead curtain of his crown. After Emperor Chuxi abdicated, there were many changes among the officials in court. Lin Qingyu and the empress dowager suppressed a number of old officials and promoted many newcomers, including many, who like Li Chan, were not only young and talented but handsome as well . But Lin Qingyu was still the most outstanding. He was the most eye-catching; one might even go so far as to say that he was a crane among a flock of chickens. g9yh P
Lin Qingyu was calm, cold and detached in court. He was reticent, saying no more than necessary and he exuded an imposing aura. He was a completely different person from the one in Jiang Xing’s arms. While admiring his wife’s beauty, Jiang Xing listened to the discussions of the ministers and surprisingly didn’t feel the least bit sleepy.
When court was over, the young emperor who hadn’t said anything throughout suddenly said, “Prime Minister, are you not tired from standing?”
Lin Qingyu said, “Replying to the emperor, this minister is not tired.”
“But looking at you makes Zhen feel tired.” Jiang Xing seemed innocent and artless, ignorant of worldly affairs. “From now on, the prime minister will sit down while conducting court.” M7nqT0
The hall feel instantly silent. Lin Qingyu looked up at Jiang Xing, knelt down and saluted, “I thank His Majesty for his kindness.”
After this day, there appeared an extra wooden armchair in the Golden Luan Hall. Everyone knew that until the emperor takes over the reins of government, this wooden armchair that Prime Minister Lin Xiang sits upon is the actual dragon throne.
After court, Lin Qingyu finally had some free time. And so, he invited Guan Zhongkai to ask about Jiang Xing’s studies. “Guan Taifu, how goes His Majesty’s studies?”
Guan Zhongkai appeared embarrassed. “This…” TiBduC
Lin Qingyu said, “I ask Guan Taifu to speak freely.”
Guan Zhongkai shook his head: “To tell you the truth, the emperor doesn’t pay much attention to his schoolwork. If wholeheartedly is a hundred percent, he at most spends fifty. However, his writings are not bad. He answers every question and I can find no fault in them… This old man truly does not know how to admonish His Majesty.”
The corners of Lin Qingyu’s lips ticked up. “The emperor has always been like this.”
“I think His Majesty is very talented. If he could but focus on his studies, he would certainly not be any less than the former crown prince.” hGZQbT
Lin Qingyu pondered. “I see.”
With the coming of summer, Lin Qingyu’s workload grew heavier. Save for in morning court, Jiang Xing could catch neither hide nor hair of him the rest of the day. He didn’t panic at first, thinking that in any case, Lin Qingyu would go to Xingqing Palace to sleep at night. Who could have thought that he waited until the point of falling asleep and Lin Qingyu had yet to make an appearance. After asking Xiao Songzi, he learned that Lin Qingyu was still in Qinzheng Hall and seemed to still seemed to be dealing with work.
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Jiang Xing, who could not sleep alone, changed his clothes and headed to Qinzheng Hall, where he saw Lin Qingyu working through the night alone. There seemed to be an endless amount of reports to answer, an endless list of official documents to fill out. His silhouette of hard work and toil fell by the window. Seeing him, Jiang Xing’s body and mind both felt tired and distressed.
——When did his wife become a corporate drone? 4 QbLl
Jiang Xing walked in and said, “Qingyu, are you still busy?”
Lin Qingyu didn’t even lift his head and simply uttered a cold ‘en’.
Jiang Xing pulled out the chair beside him and sat down. “I’ll keep you company.”
“No need. You can go and play.” tyrEMD
Jiang Xing frowned, “I won’t. — We haven’t seen each other for more than twenty hours. Don’t you miss me?”
Of course he missed him. How could he not?
Jiang Xing didn’t know how hard he had to work to stop himself from looking for him.
“Alright.” Lin Qingyu said, “You can stay if you want, but don’t disturb me.” 1JGoqZ
Jiang Xing saw the exhaustion between Lin Qingyu’s brows and in his eyes, He asked, “Qingyu, how much more do you have to read through? Can I help you?”
A smile flashed in Lin Qingyu’s eyes. “No, you won’t understand.”
Jiang Xing smiled and said, “Please forgive me for being immodest. But I think I can manage. I can understand some of it.”
“Your current focus should be on your studies. Wait until Guan Taifu says you’re ready. It won’t be too late for you to share my worries and difficulties for me then.” msnjwD
Jiang Xing had a sudden realization and said, long and drawn out, “Prime Minister Lin seemed to have changed tactics in his quest to motivate me to study.”
Lin Qingyu’s expression remained indifferent. “Then is His Majesty willing to study hard?”
Jiang Xing sighed. “I’m really not interested. But for you… alright. Xiao Songzi, bring me that “Ce Lun” that I haven’t finished reading today.”
It had been a scorching summer day. It was now followed by heavy rain accompanied by the sound of muffled thunder. T9m456
Outside the window came the sound of pattering rain. Jiang Xing and Lin Qingyu sat together, sharing a single lantern. One read a book while the other managed government affairs. Their arms brushed from time to time.
Jiang Xing grew tired of reading. As soon as he raised his eyes, he caught sight of the person he liked.
Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.
Momentarily entranced, he felt an inexplicable throbbing. It was like he really had returned to his seventeen years self.
He couldn’t help calling, “Qingyu.” rAMLZw
Huh? As soon as Lin Qingyu raised his head, a kiss landed on his lips.
The two of them have shared countless heated kissed but Jiang Xing would always caught him off guard with it, making him blush and his heart beat faster. Lin Qingyu has no idea how he does it.
Was it because of his face?
Lin Qingyu’s mind was giving way to foolish fancies but his tone remained calm. “Kissing and kissing, don’t you get tired of it?” WLIQT6
After giving it serious thought, Jiang Xing replied, “It does get boring.”
Lin Qingyu’s eyes turned sharp as knives. “Say that again?”
“I think I’m getting tired of dating, how about… we get married a little earlier?” Jiang Xing said with a smile, “I’m going to be twenty-two soon. I’m old enough to get a marriage certificate in my hometown.”
Lin Qingyu was taken aback. Jiang Xing has returned to Xiao Li’s body for some time now but he’d never thought about it. edEC5O
Unlike the previous two times, Jiang Xing was now the emperor. Even if the number of male wives in the Dayu was increasing day by day, the emperor was not in any position to take on a male wife. His wife would be empress, a model for all women. Even if his wife could be a man, it certainly couldn’t be one who’d been twice widowed.
Lin Qingyu was already very satisfied with the status quo. So long as he could be with Jiang Xing, his status mattered not to him. Of course, he wouldn’t let Jiang Xing take on someone else as his empress. If the worst comes to worst, he would stick a few needles into Jiang Xing.
Lin Qingyu smiled lightly and shook his head. “You’re the emperor and I’m your minister. How are we to get married?”
Jiang Xing smiled. He lowered his head and continued reading, “Let me think. There’ll always be a way.” Q5Z0yk