Sibel’s expression as he removed Professor Bentley’s hand on the top of my head was stiff, different from his usual scornful face.
“Please head out first, professor. We would like to clean up the room in peace before going home.”
But it was immediately overlaid with a smiley face as if that never happened.
“Then, please, Sibel.”
Professor Bentley attempted to evade vexation with a forced smile, much to his dismay.
As soon as Professor Bentley went out, Sibel’s face hardened again.
What the heck? What’s wrong with him?
‘Are you angry because Professor kept making obvious advances on Lariensa?’
But that thought soon quickly vanished.
It was because Emily, Natalie, and Violet appeared right after Professor Bentley left.
“Violet, Natalie. Take Lariensa with you and go directly to the dormitory. No matter who it is, men will not be allowed to enter the women’s dormitory.”
“Okay, but what about you? Will you be alright?”
Earlier in the morning, after quarreling about who would sneak into Professor Bentley’s room, it was decided that Emily and I would be doing it after the mentoring class.
Because I have already read the novel, I already know that Professor Bentley was really a pervert, but my friends were still doubting about it, and I’m also worried about letting them go by themselves.
The security in the women’s dormitory becomes stricter once classes are over, and it would also be safer for us to sneak in at night because the darkness will hide us away.
Professor Bentley always stayed in the faculty room until late at night, so we decided that we would go to his room after the mentoring class.
“We’ll easily get caught if many of us will go. So you guys, go straight to the dormitory.”
“And Emily, just wait for me outside for a moment. I’ll quickly clean up the room first, and then we’ll go right away.”
Aside from Emily, my friends immediately left and headed towards the dormitory. Now, Sibel and I were the only ones left inside the classroom.
Sibel’s silence was deafening. Although he was somewhat an obnoxious and insufferable person, he’s a little scary when he doesn’t talk…
I tried not to pay attention to him and quickly put away the chairs and cleaned the room.
There, Sibel just stood in his place and kept his eyes on me, however, I didn’t have time now to care about him, so I ignored him as much as I could but suddenly…
Sibel threw away the chairs that I arranged on the tables.
“What are you doing?!”
I’ve never even scolded you for not cleaning up and did everything myself! Why are you messing it up all again?!
Even though I was annoyed at him, Sibel still looked at me in a detestable manner. As expected, his pretty face does not coincide with his personality.
“You said you hated it.”
“Hated what?”
“Didn’t you say that you don’t want other people touching you except for the people that you like?”
“Do you like Professor Bentley?”
“Are you crazy?”
“I also don’t think you like him. Then, is it because of that chick?”
Chick… Does he mean Lariensa?
But why is he so mad about me having physical contact with Professor Bentley?
‘Is it because you wanted to protect Lara yourself, but because I was there, you then lost your chance of doing so?’
But… I don’t think that’s it. That’s just weird. Why did I even think about it?
“Why do you care about her so much?”
“It’s because she’s my friend.”
“Friend? If you become Professor Bentley’s victim because of her, will you still be able to call her your friend?”
“Why are you mad at me? I protected Lara for you. Isn’t that a good thing for you as well?”
“Even if you’re doing it unwillingly?”
“You think you’re so handsome, huh? It was my own decision to risk myself for Lara’s sake, so why are you still displeased about it?”
“Why are you so insistent in sacrificing yourself just for that Jellinus girl?”
Ah, really, what is wrong with you?!
“What if I actively approach Lariensa?”
“Will you also sacrifice yourself again for her? Are you also going to do the same as what you did to Professor Bentley to me?”
Don’t take me as an idiot. I know you’re also aiming for Lara.
I don’t understand why is he this angry in the first place, yet I can’t now waste time on his tantrums that never even made any sense.
In any case, it may be because of what happened earlier between Lara and Professor Bentley.
It’s already too late for me to try to stop his feelings for Lariensa. He has already fallen in love with her.
If that is so then, it is better to warn him directly instead of avoiding him anymore.
“This may seem funny to you, but I am warning you!”
“Go ahead.”
“…Do not approach Lara from this point on.”
“I know you don’t have a choice but to like her, however, Lara is such a waste to you.”
Sibel’s eyes widened in bewilderment.
“Just bury your feelings for her.”
It took quite a while for Sibel to finally give me a response.
“So… wait, haha. Can you say that again? I didn’t quite get it. ”
Sibel glared at me strangely, as if he just heard something outrageous and unbelievable.
I made myself clear right. So why does he look so confused? This guy…
“I said don’t approach Lara anymore. Bury your feelings for her. She’s just a naive girl, and you’re extremely not suitable for her. So want me to say that again?”
Sibel laughed in bewilderment. This is just ridiculous for you, right?
After laughing for a while, he finally opened his mouth.
“I’m sorry, but…”
“Are you still going to continue to like Lariensa?”
He smirked. That was obviously to insult to me.
“You’re completely mistaken.”
“What… do you mean by that?”
Sibel slowly strode towards me. Flustered, I stepped backward, but unfortunately, behind me was a wall.
Before I knew it, I was caught in between the wall and Sibel’s body, who came too close to me.
“Lariensa or whoever is it, I’m not interested in them.”
“Then why do you keep approaching her?”
“Has it crossed your mind that maybe you’re mistaken about something?”
Sibel lowered himself and put his lips close to my ears. I could feel his breath tickling my ears as I shrunk away from him. At the same time, he spoke some words which were hard to believe.
“The one whom I’m really approaching.”
“It’s not your friend… it’s you.”
When I lifted my head from shock, my eyes met Sibel’s. Then, he gave a mischievous laugh as he looked at me.
“You’re the one I’m interested in, Marilyn Launer.”
Ding– Ding– Ding–
I couldn’t tell whether the campus bell was really ringing or my sanity was breaking down.
What…  did I just hear?
It’s not Lara… but me?
No way. Is this all pretense from him?
Because Marilyn Launer, who was always next to Lariensa, paled in comparison to her all things considered.
Yeah, that must be it. Because… Does it even make sense? Why would Sibel be interested in me?
He must be pretending to like me just so he could approach Lariensa…
“That’s why I warned you.”
Hiik! But I don’t think that’s it!
If it’s a warning, then is it the one where he told me to stay out of his sight?
‘You know, it’s rare for me to have fun.’
So the person you’re putting the flag on was not Lara…
‘And the rarer it happens, the more I desire it.’
…but me?
“It’s also amazing how you make my name sound like you’re cursing.”
Well, Sibel doesn’t know that his name really is a curse word in my world since there’s no word like that here.
Oh, but what do I do with this?
Whether I like it or not, I have already set foot on this route unknowingly!
So in the end, Lara’s misfortune was passed on to me!
“Okay wait. For now, can you move away from me?”
What era do you belong to that you’re still pinning a girl to a wall with your body!?
If I can’t avoid this misfortune wherever I go, then I’d rather die as a supporting actress!
When I was reading the novel, I felt more sorry for Lariensa than those characters who were horrified by Sibel, that’s why I kept on warning her, but…
“What you just said… that you’re interested in me… is that really true?”
“I don’t lie about these things.”
I don’t wanna be the angel in your cage.
No way in hell! Hoo! Hah! Hoo! Hah!
Okay, let’s calm down first. Does he think I’m going to do the same as what Lariensa did in the original story just because the plotline was now distorted?
Oh, I’m getting goosebumps.
“Also, when you said that you were teasing me for being so cute, is that also true?”
“Well, you look just like a dog.”
Hey! Why are you treating me like some kind of animal?
“When I was young, I got bitten by my dog for teasing it for food, and I couldn’t stop because it was so fun.”
“I feel sorry for the dog.”
“That kind of feeling.”
So you’re actually not insulting… you’re just saying I’m purely like your dog in your childhood?
It was surprising that that Sibel Nouma Khan had a dog. But I don’t think he was really fond of it.
‘You didn’t beat that dog to death like those psychopaths in movies, did you?’
…Anyway, if he still thinks of me like that then I’m glad.
“For now, I get it. You’re the one who messed this up, so you clean it. I have to go now.“
“Don’t go.”
“I have to go to the dorm now and sleep.”
“I know you’re not going to sleep.”
“What do you mean I’m not going to sleep?!”
“Kids like you only come to their senses when they’re in big trouble.”
“Then just let me be in trouble!”
“…But the problem is, I don’t want to.”
Yeah, right. If I go into a relationship with someone in this world, I would definitely not choose this route.
I pushed Sibel away with force. In fact, I didn’t really push that hard, but for some reason, he was pushed out.
Hmph, you acted like you’d never let me go.
“Even if I go through something dangerous, what does it have to do with you? So get lost and mind your own business.”
I ran out of the classroom as fast as I could, fearing that Sibel would catch me again.
I’ve already taken up a lot of time because of that guy.
Emily, who was waiting for me near the building where the professors live, put me in a headlock for coming late.
“Tap! Tap! I surrender!”
Where the hell does she learn these skills?
“Why are you so late?”
“I’m sorry, I had a lot of stuff to clean up.”
“I found a path where we could sneak in while I was waiting for you.”
Emily guided me to the back of the building where there were no guards. There was a flagpole with the flag of the academy hanging from it.
“We will use this to climb up.”
“I can’t.”
“No, you can. Because I have acknowledged you as someone equal to me.”
Emily’s expression was so serious that I have nothing to say…
“Alright, but Emily, you could get hurt on your way up there.”
“It’s okay. When I was scolded and got kicked out of the house before, I climbed on the walls and entered our house again through the window.”
Okay, from now on I am baptizing Emily a new nickname – Spy Girl!
“Did Natalie and Violet give you something?”
“Ah right, they gave me a rope!”
You should have told me that first!
“You go up first and then lower the rope so that I can climb.”
Emily then put the rope over her shoulder and began climbing the pole.
“Emily, be careful. ”
“Don’t worry!”
In fact, to the shame of my concern, Emily climbed up the flagpole very imposingly and confidently and then jumped to the rooftop next to her.
I knew Emily was strong, but I didn’t know she was this athletic.
I felt like we were doing such a cool thing like those Avengers or X-men movies back in my world.
She was like a hero just by basing on her pure strength.
“I’ll lower the rope now!”
Emily disappeared as she grabbed the pole and lowered the rope for me.
No matter the situation I’m in, I’d surely be scared if it was somewhere high since I was afraid of heights that’s why when I grabbed the rope and climbed up, I tried not to look down as much as possible. However, for some reason, I was climbing up with minimal effort.
Whoosh –  Whoosh –
Why is this rope pulling me up on its own?