Translator: Flameu
A week passed by quickly. Our room was full of gift boxes early in the morning, and the sender was someone named ‘Lycan’.
“Is this all prepared by Lariensa’s brother?”
“Woah, Senior Lycan is so cool…”
“If you add his scholarship allowance and the money he received from parents all these years, I’m sure he still has quite a bit of money left in his pockets…”
Since we live in the academy, I don’t think we ever need to wear fancy clothing or anything of the sort. However, with Lycan being a fool for his younger sister, he gave her many extravagant gifts.
“Oh heavens! Why is my brother not like him?”
Listening to Emily’s cry, we greeted Lariensa with a ‘Happy Birthday!’ Afterwards, Emily reluctantly stuck out a paper and gave it to Lara.
“It’s a three-day slave coupon.”
“You can make us do whatever you want.”
Even though it’s a fake gift, it’s a little saddening to just give her this paper. But who was our Lara?
“Thank you, guys. I’m so touched…”
Lariensa was a kind angel who was so moved by that present. Violet then snuck beside me and whispered.
“Why do I feel sorry seeing her so touched with just that…”
Later on, we would give her our real presents during the surprise party. The three-day slave coupon was just a fake gift. Nevertheless, that expression of Lariensa, who was so moved, made us feel as if we had done something terrible.
“Okay, guys! Shall we now enjoy the festival?"
Natalie immediately dragged Lariensa out with her first. After them, Emily, Violet, and I went out and followed them.
* * *
After leaving the dormitory with my friends, I was fascinated by the scene of lively mercantilism in the academy. Entertainers with makeup on their faces played the flute and gave balloons to passersby, and street vendors settled in the wide campus.
“Ah… that delicious smell!”
Emily dragged us with her, saying she wanted to eat chicken with cheese that she saw across the stall.
“Somewhere… I can smell waffles!”
Emily’s appetite was really amazing…
At this rate, she’s going to eat all the food she wants to eat!
“Sniff sniff! It smells like a baguette with cream and cheese!”
We were dragged again helplessly by Emily because, as you all know, she is too strong! Our strengths combined cannot even make her move an inch.
“Emily… Ugh, I’m already full…”
Violet appealed, but those words did not reach Emily, who now became a hyena looking for food.
“Halt, Emily!”
The one who stopped this madness was none other than Lara, our savior.
“For Natalie, Violet, and Marin’s sake, I’m going to use the coupon now! Look at their stomachs! They are about to explode!”
Emily, who had lost her reason because of all the food present, was forced to return to her senses. So now, we were able to enjoy the festival normally again.
The festival was really fun.
And of course…
“Look! There’s a handsome man over there!”
Whenever Natalie sees a good-looking man, she loses her mind.
“You run that small store, and you’ve made this much money? What’s your secret? C’mon, tell me.”
Although there were many things happening together at the same time along the way, such as Violet asking the vendor’s secret in making money showing her greed for money, we still proceeded with the plan.
“Ah, guys. I have a book I need to return to the library by tomorrow, but I think I left it in the classroom…”
By early evening, Violet gave us the signal. In fact, what she gave was a ridiculous excuse. We didn’t attend class recently, and she said she left the book she was reading inside the classroom?
“And it’s scary to go to an empty classroom by myself…”
“Don’t worry, Violet! We will come with you!”
Emily pretended to be quite worried about Violet, unlike usual.
“If you delay returning your books, you’ll have trouble borrowing again later.”
Natalie added.
“Well, why don’t we all go to the classroom then?”
And, of course, I just went along and feigned agreement.
“Violet, don’t worry. The book must surely be in the classroom."
Despite it being suspicious, our kind Lara didn’t even doubt it and was even worried about Violet.
So we then headed towards the main building where the classrooms are.
“It’s too dark.”
“Natalie, come close towards me.”
“Ouch! Someone stepped on my foot!”
The main building was dark since all the lights were off. At the same time, we didn’t stop chatting as we continued our way towards our classroom.
“Hurry up and turn yourself in. Who was that?! Who stepped on my foot!?”
“It’s not me.”
“Me too.”
“Definitely not me.”
“If it’s not you guys, then who is it?!”
Natalie then questioned us. However, Emily, Violet, and I denied it.
Still, Natalie stared at us, but no one came out. At that moment, Violet raised her fashion glasses, looking sharp as if she had realized something.
“I think I know who the culprit is.”
“How? You haven’t seen it either.”
“You’re right. I didn’t see it. But there was only one of us who didn’t deny the crime.”
Violet stared at us one by one with her arms folded.
“Which among us would not be suspected of stepping on our feet, nor would be suspected of actively denying the charges?”
D-don’t tell me…!
Our eyes went straight towards someone.
“Yes, you’re right.”
Violet lowered her head slightly, and light came out of her fashion glasses.
“The culprit is you…!”
Violet’s finger was then pointed to…
“Lariensa Jellinus!”
Despite Violet’s accusing her, Lariensa did not even deny it! Rather, she shyly smiled and admitted the crime.
“I accidentally stepped on it, and Natalie immediately got so angry… that’s why I couldn’t speak. Sorry, Natalie.”
We didn’t expect the birthday girl to be the culprit. Now, Natalie couldn’t get angry with her.
“Woah! You’re so sharp!”
Emily praised Violet. And with great confidence, Violet said something in return.
“My name is Violet, a great detective.”
Why do I see an afterimage of someone wearing a red ribbon tie on a school uniform?
[T/n: It’s just a reference to ‘Detective Conan.’]
Anyways, leaving the little skirmish behind, we started moving again. It wasn’t long before we all arrived at the classroom.
Emily and I then exchanged glances and slipped behind Lariensa. Then we took out what we had prepared from our pockets.
“Sorry, Lara!”
“I will kidnap you!”
We rushed to Lara from both sides and covered her eyes with a cloth. Emily ran with Lara hanging on one shoulder, struggling. We then tread inside the classroom. Soon, Lara was seated in a chair inside the classroom with the lights off.
“H-hello… are you guys still there?”
If it was me, I would immediately scream and go crazy. It’s amazing how our meek child didn’t do that.
“Lara, have you forgotten something today?”
“Huh? Uh… I can’t think of any.”
“You really can’t think of any? That’s very disappointing!”
Violet then removed the cloth from Lara’s eyes.
“Ta-da! Surprise!!”
“You think we didn’t even prepare a surprise party for you?”
Early in the morning, Emily, Natalie, and Violet had already prepared the room, and, of course, they already asked permission from our professor. I couldn’t help in preparing in case Lara woke up and suspected something was wrong because I disappeared.
Various delicious foods, gift boxes, flowers, and candles decorated the space beautifully.
Lara’s eyes, which had blinked at first, soon became dewy. You… Do you like it that much?
“…But how did you guys light the candle? We were together all along.”
In the midst of being moved, Lariensa asked a keen question. I smiled and poked her side.
“There’s someone waiting for you outside the classroom.”
“For me…?”
“Who do you think it is?”
Lara answered after a timid glance.
“Is it… my… brother?”
“Shout it louder!”
“My brother?!”
Soon after, the door opened, and someone came in with a candlelit cake… and that someone was, Lycan Jellinus!
However, before this, there was a great deal of twists and turns before Lycan was invited and attended this surprise birthday party.
This is what happened at the beginning…
‘I think we need more people to help us no matter how hard I think about it.’
Violet first mentioned that she lacked hands. Lariensa was definitely sticking to me like a gum; therefore, I couldn’t leave her side even if I wanted to. Also, it wasn’t just me, Lara liked her friends so much that she didn’t want to miss a single moment to be with us.
‘Why don’t we just disappear for a moment and then surprise her at the end during the festival?’
‘It’s not heartwarming enough. We need something stronger.’
‘Is there a better way?’
‘Can you ask Lycan to help us with the preparation?’
Instantly, my body lost its strength.
Lycan? To our party? Him crouching down and lighting the candles?
‘No matter how much he cares for his sister, he wouldn’t like to hang out with us and work his ass off.’
However, Violet’s reply continued to fluster me for the second time.
‘Why don’t you just try convincing him?’
‘No! Why would I?’
‘This is for Lariensa.’
‘He would rather prepare another event for her…’
‘What could be more touching for Lariensa than her brother coming to the party himself? If he hates doing such a thing, then it’s even more touching.’
‘But why me?’
‘I thought he would do you a favor.’
With that, I chased after Lycan around the academy, and eventually, he ended up doing me a favor. Even now, his face showed how upset he was with the current set-up. However, when he saw Lara being moved to tears and saw her sniffling face, his expression loosened.
“I’ve already told you this, but I’ll say it again. Happy birthday, my beloved sister.”
Lariensa, who smiled beautifully, blew the candles. After all the candles went out, they then turned on the light inside the classroom.
“Happy birthday, Lara!”
At first, everything was so confusing for me when my soul transferred inside Marilyn. I was quick to adapt to this world, but I still thought that I wanted to go back to my own world.
But now, even if I have a chance to go back, I would not go.
Because I’ve met some really precious people here.
“Thank you guys for being my friends.”
In celebration of her birthday, I hugged Lariensa. Emily, Natalie, and Violet also joined in and hugged us like that.
My precious friends.
Do you know that meeting you guys here in this life is the luck of my life?
“So after this hugging and whatnot, all that’s left to do now is to eat, right?”
Emily reached out to the food as soon as she spoke.
Emily, from the beginning, you were just thinking about eating, right?
“I’m leaving now.”
“Brother, come join us."
“I don’t want to ruin this time for you to bond with your friends.”
Although he said it out of politeness, as expected, he’s sensible.
“Lariensa, don’t play with your friends too late.”
“Yes, we’ll go home early.”
“Eat whatever you want today, and you know what I mean.”
“Don’t worry. It’s already a happy day for me!”
“Then I’m glad. Also…”
His hand, which was affectionately stroking Lariensa’s head, moved towards mine and carefully stroked my head.
“Have fun.”
Afterwards, Lycan walked out of the classroom. My friends, who had been dumbfounded for a few seconds, soon went wild.
“What was that just now?”
“Did he really pat you on the head?”
“Lariensa, does your brother usually do that to Marilyn?”
Lariensa shook her head with food still in her mouth.
“He’s never done that before, but don’t be surprised if my brother does that to Marilyn from now on.”
Lara’s subsequent words made me grab the back of my neck.
“They’re going to get married soon.”
Did she just mention something outrageous of an idea…
My friends were going crazy with the bombshell Lara dropped, and I suddenly lost my senses due to the heat rising in my head
What do you mean Lycan and I are getting married?
Does Lara even know that Lycan likes me?
But Lara’s subsequent words made me feel more cramped at the back of my neck.
“Even if he likes someone else, I’ll make him marry Marilyn!”
I could feel Lara’s determination in her voice. Hey, Lara, does your brother know about that?
“Hey, guys. Won’t the fireworks show start soon?”
Because I was so embarrassed by the talk about Lycan, that’s why I hurriedly changed the topic. Fortunately, my friends were easily swayed, and their attention was now focused on the fireworks show.
“What time did you say it’ll start?”
“It starts at ten and ends at twelve.”
“Oh? There’s not much time left.”
“What should we do? We won’t be able to see it from here.”
“I know the perfect place!”
Natalie hit the desk and stood up.
“There’s a building next to the training grounds. They say it’s a great spot to see the fireworks.”
But Violet dismissed it right away.
“I know a much better place inside the campus.”
Natalie and Violet’s fight was already intense, but I still dared to butt in into their fight.
“You fools, you could see much better at the clock tower!”
“It’s too high there.”
“Of course, you have to go up high to see the fireworks. Oh, is it impossible for Natalie because she has low stamina?"
“Are you done talking?!”
This time, the academy held a festival to cover up the incident, but originally, a big festival was held once a year at the Cloud Academy.
In the original story, the festival begins when Sibel begins to obsess over Lara in earnest. Sibel shows the fireworks on the clock tower to make Lariensa smile, but she never did. Eventually, Sibel exploded, and… I will omit the following.
It was one of the famous scenes in the original story. But Sibel is not interested in Lariensa right now, so he’s probably not at that clock tower.
“Want to bet whose place is better?”
“Okay, sure!”
“Let’s do that!”
We then quickly rushed out of the room. Emily sat down with Lara and watched our fight excitedly.
“Lara! I’ll be right back!”
“Just trust in me guys!”
“I’ll show you guys whose place is better!”
“Wait, guys…”
Natalie, Violet, and I ran as hard as we could that we didn’t even hear Lara’s voice from behind.