That's where we should start if we want to confront them Part 3 NT: Errrm, I wanted to inform you that, recently, several translation blogs (of Spanish speaking, I do not know if it has also happened to other English speakers) of WordPress, like mine, have been suddenly suspended. The issue is that there is a possibility that this could also happen to my blog. In case it happens, check my Facebook and my Twitter, I will talk about that at some point, about what has caused me and what I will do next. I have backups of all the chapters that I have translated, so, in case my blog is suspended, or deleted, I can still create another one with my content intact. In other words, the translations will not be suspended or anything like that. However, it probably takes me some time to “fix” everything. That’s it, NOW TO READ.
「Even so, the King forced her to perform an strict training every day, even when she was just a little girl, only for Krull to have enough power to defeat the Demon King. He made her go with her escorts to fight against Monsters much stronger than her… Even when she had not even learned to fight」
David clearly remembered that time. He remembers seeing Krull, paralyzed by fear, when he participated as her escort during some of his training.
It would be normal for someone to feel paralyzed by fear if he faced some powerful enemy, however, Krull did not show his intention to fight, even when faced with the Green Slimes, which were treated as the weakest monsters of all .
「Do you understand? Do you understand how terrifying and painful those days were for her…?」
Krull was too kind and innocent. She was not only afraid of being killed by the monsters, but also of being the one to take life from them.
「I had to see… Krull-sama cry every day. She, day after day, screamed in horror every time it was time to take her to the battlefield… Even so, the King did not stop forcing Krull-sama to do her training」
And in that way, at some point, Krull began to fear him, who was the one who should take her to the battlefield… David remembered those days with remorse.
「One day, after repeating that routine countless times… Krull-sama stopped laughing. She only accepted that her destiny was to spend the rest of her days fighting. Her mind… had been broken」
After hearing David’s words, Takako and Tina showed agitated looks.
「That’s weird. I didn’t think her mind was broken when we first met」
「Th-That’s true. Although it must be true that they put her under a lot of pressure to defeat the Demon King, it shouldn’t have been enough to break her…!」
At least, the Krull they knew, looked completely normal. She was an honest person who only wanted to fight against the Demons in order to bring peace to the world and protect people.
However, when David heard that, he shook his head from side to side, indicating that they were wrong.
「That was… for the power of the King. The King, who noticed that Krull-sama’s mind was broken, think it could be a problem if she was unable to socialize with other people despite belonging to the Royal Family, so he restore her sanity. No… I think it would be more accurate to say that he manipulated her hearth」
「What do you mean by that? No, instead, wasn’t Krull determined to defeat the Demon King from the beginning? If so, then she should not have had trouble preparing for battle. In that case .. her mind should not have been broken」
「Krull-sama never intended to defeat the Demon King. She has… hated fighting for a long time」
Kagami was confused before this contradictory response. Krull said she had been receiving special training to be able to strengthen herself to defeat the Demon King. However, having her mind break because she hated fighting was contradictory.
「The King has the power to brainwash others. Those are the kind of skills… that he possesses」
Emotionless. Krull, whose mind was broken, behaved like a doll which felt nothing. However, even though she fulfilled the King’s wishes, he, the King, he didn’t expect her to behave that way.
「That’s why he, in order to restore Krull-sama’s sanity… decided to brainwash her, implanting she the goal of defeating the Demon King, which finally made her the Krull-sama you know」
It doesn’t matter if she had already decided to devote herself to defeating the Demon King, if she, a member of the Royalty, was unable to socialize with others, then this will definitely cause some controversy in the society. For that reason, the King eventually brainwashed Krull in order to restore his sanity.
The result was the current Krull.
「The King… has not brainwashed only Krull-sama. Whenever he met a capable adventurer, who had no clear intentions of defeating the Demon King, he would brainwash him, implanting the desire to defeat the Demon King, so that this would become his top priority」
Plant a desire completely opposite to the original intention they had on them heads, and that they still behave as if that was what they want from the beginning. Everyone shuddered after hearing that the King performed such heartless acts.
「How… How is it that something like that can be allowed!?」
Alice, unable to take it anymore, shouted that with an indignant look.
Seeing her in that state, David looked away with an expression of bitterness. David knew that it was something unforgivable, however, unable to resist what his common sense dictated at that time, believing that everything would be allowed while facilitating the defeat of the Demon King, he finally ended up closing his eyes before the acts of the King. He believed that defeating the Demon King to regain world peace was the priority.
「When the King ordered me to visit Kagami-sama, to impose the spell of the King capable of do the brainwash, and make him want to defeat the Demon King… I was surprised to see how Krull-sama laughed again as before. At the same time I was able to understand that whoever managed to make Krull-sama laugh again was nobody but you, Kagami-sama」
David had doubted from the beginning. What he was doing was wrong. No matter how important the subjugation of the Demon King is, manipulating people’s hearts was still wrong.
「It was at that moment that I decided it. I don’t care if it went against the will of the King, I would protect the smile of Krull-sama! However… Again, I was not able to protect her」
David, overwhelmed by the emotions that arose inside him, finally decided to go against the wishes of the King. At that time, he also understood that the idea that the Demons should be exterminated was also wrong.
「Please… Kagami-dono. I am sure that, if we don’t save Krull-sama … Then she will become a being that will only live for the sake of fighting the Demons, considering each one of them, including Alice-sama, as an enemy, not caring if these were his friends or not. If so, then definitely… she will not smile again. No, even if she smiles… it will not be a real smile…!」
At that moment, David began to beg Kagami with a desperate look on his emaciated face. He, who could not protect anything for being late, deeply regretted his actions, however, he was not ready to resign yet.
「So? What do you plan to do… Kagami-san?」
Kagami smiled as he put his hand on Alice’s head after she muttered that with an anxious look on her face.
「Of course I’ll do it. So do not feel so anxious」
Then, as soon as he said that, Kagami showed a determined look as he put his hands on David’s shoulder-
「It was not even necessary that you ask, of course that I will help you. I was not going to let something happen to them … After all, it’s our friends」
And he mumbled that in a voice low enough that only he could hear it.
At that moment, David was paralyzed.
That was because the look Kagami had on his face the moment he put his hands on his shoulders was colder and more angry than he had ever seen before.
Every cell of his body shouted at him, 「Do not mess with this person」, as if an alarm were being dealt with. It was the first time David felt something similar.
No matter who he will face, he never thought about taking a step back. He had never felt so intimidated before, even when he was with the King himself.
However, right now he felt so overwhelmed that he could not even move from where he was.
『What would I do if I were his enemy?』 David could not keep his whole body from shaking at the moment when I considered that.
「… In that case, then we definitely have to make sure we agree on a ceasefire」
「What does you mean by that?」
At that moment, David was confused by the fact that Kagami insisted on doing that, even after David explained the King’s personality. Then, Kagami looked into the void, and said-
「This is bad. The System of this world … I must destroy it. I’ll do it no matter how many times I have to shatter it … That’s why-」
Kagami mumbled with a determined look. At that moment he handed over the bags he was carrying to David. Immediately after that, there was a sudden and powerful gust of wind in the place.
Everyone shouted when they were finally able to open their eyes when the gust of wind stopped. By the time they opened their eyes, they noticed that Kagami was no longer there.
「… We have to chase hm! That idiot… Again leaving on his own!」
「Kagami-san never thinks about the consequences! The chances of everything getting out of control if we don’t save Krull-san as soon as possible are too big!」
「… Kagami-san」
Is not it too unreasonable to go alone? Takako, Tina and Alice, who were anxious for what Kagami could do, started running towards the Kingdom to pursue him.
NT: As always, if you find something weird, whatever, just tell me in the comments