That's where we should start if we want to confront them Part 2 NT: I’M BACK NT2: Uwa ~ … So many things happened during my absence … What do I mean by that? Well … It finished Lv999 (I ended up having 37 chapters including the epilogue) … I was reviewing the raw to see if they had updated it and … I saw the epilogue and one last entry of the Author giving his thanks to the readers and that is how … “Uwa ~, I really finish …” … It was faster than I thought, the last volume of the Light Novel comes at the end of the month as well … How fast things are moving … But hey, the good thing is that we will not have to fear that it would remain unfinished, or that the Author would end up leaving the Web Novel aside and only finish the Light Novel, I mean, by what i know, they are practically the same and … Well, that … NOW, READ!!!
「Please, wait! Recovery Magic! 」
「I will help you too!」
Tina and Alice ran to David, who looked completely pale. Then, the two enveloped him with a faint light that emanated from them hands, with which they began to heal the wounds of his body.
「Eh? Alice, you can use Recovery Magic?」
「Un. I thought that if I learned to use it, I could help Kagami-san in case of an emergency … Krull-san, Tinsan and David-san helped me learn how to use it」
While watching Alice, who had grown considerably during the time they were separated, Kagami smiled as she murmured, 「I see… that’s amazing」
「Hohoho… I just felt motivated to help her after seeing how hard she was trying. She worked really hard just because she wanted to show you what she was capable to do when you, Kagami-sama, came back」
When David said that with his usual animated tone of voice, Kagami muttered, 「I can tell that」, with a satisfying look. Kagami understood the nature of the Demons. They possess a physical strength and a magical attack power superior than humans, however, his affinity towards Recovery Magic was considerably low.
Due to that, very few tried to learn it, and those who tried it, needed an effort and a will superior to that of the majority if they wanted to be able to master it. With that in mind, it was easy enough to realize how much Alice must have worked to be able to use it.
「Then, putting that aside, David-san. What are you doing here? What happened after the incident?」
「I’m sorry, Tatako-sama… I wasn’t able to help Rex-sama and Krull-sama… I could only escape by my own. I could not move well enough to escape if I had been found. That was something I should avoid at all costs」
「No… What matters is that you’re fine. I was very worried」
Takako said with his eyes dampened, while holding David’s hands. On the other hand, David, despite his “warm” welcome, had begun to sweat as he paled, as if he sensed some kind of imminent danger.
「… Probably I could escape because they thought I had no use」
「What do you mean?」
「It’s most probably that… From the beginning, the main objective of the people coming from the Kingdom wasn’t expose Alice-sama as a Demon, but to take back Rex-sama and Krull-sama」
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Everyone felt confused after hearing that. They understood why they would take Rex and Krull back, however, they didn’t understand why they would let David and the others escape just like that as long as they managed to get them back.
「Then… tell me, why can’t we come to an agreement?」
Then, Kagami asked him to tell them his story from the beginning.
「That’s… because there is a problem with the King himself」
「The King?」
「Yes, the King… is obsessed with the idea of eradicating the Demons. It’s almost like if eradicate the Demons was his purpose, he… is completely determined to defeat the Demon King」
「It may be, but isn’t it reasonable to think that this is due to the hostile relationships that have been maintained until now? I mean, he’s the King of humans, it’s normal for him to behave that way」
「You don’t understand it, Kagami-sama. The Obsession he has with the eradication of the Demons… the obsession he has with defeating the Demon King is clearly abnormal」
「What do you mean by that?」
「… Krull-sama…」
When David said that, Kagami and Takako murmured, 「… I see」, to themselves as they frowned.
Seeing the reaction of those two, Tina, who couldn’t understand what David wanted to say, alternated her look between Takako and Kagami while saying, 「Eh? What?」.
「TTakako-san, Kagami-san, did you understand what he meant with that? What did he mean? 」
「Krull is a Princess, right? But, since she is a Sage, she ended up being raised to fight against the Demon King. And, when I met her for the first time she was very serious about that… She didn’t even stop to confirm if Alice was or not a Demon before attacking her」
After hearing that, Tina showed a look that implied that she had understood something while murmuring, 「… Ah」. The Krull of that time, who was focused on his goal of defeating the Demon King, tried to avoid any unnecessary exchange. It was so different that it was hard to believe that she and the current Krull were the same person.
Kagami did not quite remember the situation in which he first met Krull, since everything ended up being quite rushed, however, Kagami remembered very well that, when he met Krull for the first time, she gave him the impression of being a cold-blooded person.
「Kagami-sama, the King is not as you think. The King… with the purpose of defeating the Demon King, went so far as to send his own daughter to fight… For him, the Demons are nothing but a plague that must be exterminated 」
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Upon hearing those words, Menou and Alice showed a dejected look.
「… What did we do to receive such contempt?」
「… Father」
Seeing the clouded looks of those two, the Demon King muttered that as he gently caressed Alice’s head, with a slightly sad look.
「All this… is the fault of this stupid System」
NT: I change “Mechanism” to “System”.
Kagami said while looking towards the Kingdom. If the System was wrong, then he just need to destroy it. That’s what he thought.
「Please, I beg you… Kagami-sama. The negotiations with the King will surely fail. But, please, save her… please, save Krull-sama」
At that moment, seeing David begging him with a desperate look on his face, Kagami frowned.
「What’s going on? I doubt they’re going to get to the point of executing it, right?」
「Please, if you don’t save Krull-sama, she will definitely never laugh again」
「She will never laugh again?」
「Krull-sama wasn’t always a cold person. When I still served for her in the castle, she was a person who laughed very often. She always cared about those around her… She was a nice girl, just like Alice-sama 」
David said as he stared at Alice. Could it be that, seeing Alice’s innocent smile, he remembered Krull’s “old me”? Maybe that’s why David never cared about that Alice was a Demon.
However, at the same time, David was terrified by the possibility of that smile will disappear forever.
NT: As always, if you find something weird, whatever, just tell me in the comments