That’s where we should start if we want to confront them Part 1 NT: Hello there, it’s been a while, like a month more then what a expected, but, you know how is it of the universiti, uno finis a test and immediately after begin the next one, and the same with those homeworks… yeah… ¿and you know what is the worst part? it’s not over yet… yeah, I only have this week free, and the nex one, tomorrow, I am going to suffer from the last, and most overwhelming wave of tests, homeworks, and the final exams of my university … to be honest, I will not be free until the end of the year, well, I will be a little before, my last exam, at least, the last exam that I am informed of, will be on December 28, and after that there should be nothing that should cover me, yes, I will have a good vacations of 2 months, during which I will be able to publish chapters every week and … well, that’s all I had to say, now to read NT2: Another thing I want to talk about. I started using , why? Well, this is not the first time I’ve ended up disappearing a good time for the affairs of the university, and I do not like the idea of keeping readers uninformed and all that, so I decided to start using to go “reporting” my situation, I mean, how i’m dealing with the affairs of the university, if I can finally translate something, or if something comes to me that ends up delaying in the translations, etc. and … well … that, the issue is that, if they are interested, they would go there to check with my situation.
「The Next Stage… Hey, Kagami-chan, what do you think there will be there?」
「I don’t know. At least… it must be a place where only the strong can survive」
「Well, that’s true … but still, I’m surprised. I never would have imagined that the Dark Dragon was in such a place. No… what surprises me most is the mission that they have established for humanity, and the true behind this war. My head doesn’t stop spinning just thinking about it」
Takako and Kagami exchanged those words as they walked along the lands that extended in the vicinity of the Kingdom, the Hexaldoria Plains. Behind them were Tina, Alice, the Demon King and Menou, Menou was also helping the Demon King to move by lending him his shoulder to lean on.
Alice and Menou, who belonged to the Demon Race, became depressed after hearing Takako’s words and despite the fact that the Demon King showed no change in his expression, the atmosphere surrounding him if it became heavier.
「Come on, don’t get like that. … I will definitely protect you」
「Y-Yes! We’re fine! … Thanks, Kagami-san」
Noticing the change of mood of those three, Kagami quickly hit Menou on the back and stroked Alice’s head with an smile on his face as he tried to cheer them up.
Then, seeing that, the Demon King smiled to himself.
「Alice. To think that you would meet the same Villager I once knew… Is this destiny? Should I consider myself lucky to have managed to live long enough to see this? 」
「Yes! I am very happy to have met Kagami-san. … Even before we met, he’s still trying to protect me, a Demon… He’s someone really important to me」
Kagami could only look away embarrassed after hearing Alice say that so quietly. On the other hand, Tina, who was next to them at that moment, muttered, 「Uwa … It’s really painful for my ears to hear that kind of thing」 with a wry smile on her face.
「He has also become an important person for me. … When I met him back then, I had never imagined that things would end like this… It’s something amazing. That a Villager became so powerful」
「Rather, didn’t it end in this way precisely because he was a Villager?」
「… Maybe」
It had been half a day since they left the Sacred Forest in the direction of the Kingdom’s Capital, and now they were in the middle of a break.
Currently, none of the 6 was especially concerned that it was discovered that they were Demons or Criminals by some of the merchants or adventurers who were traveling from some town to the capital.
Actually, during their trip, they had already met some Adventurers and Merchants who are heading to the Capital or another city, but none of them saw them as a suspicious group, and they even got to greet each other appropriately each time they passed the one together the other.
「Seriously, to think that the Demon King would look like an ordinary old man in the eyes of the others」
「Apparently, although we have already been marked as criminals, since that hasn’t yet been made public to the rest, no one will be able to recognize us as such until we show them our Status Window」
Takako said that while watching the 3 demons walking behind her. She couldn’t avoid feeling worried about the idea of what would happen if someone ever learned that they were being accompanied by the Demon King.
The three people who walked behind couldn’t avoid sigh every time they saw the Adventurers and Merchants passing by without realizing their true nature.
In the past, they would have started to fight against each other at the moment one discovers the other. At the same time, they were impressed with Kagami, who was able to notice such incongruities with the World Mechanism by himself.
「Are you okay, Demon King? It would be uncomfortable if you end up dying from some discomfort」
「I’m trying to calm down, but I think it will be impossible for me. I… I can not avoid feel bad for letting my subordinates die and even putting my own daughter in danger after hearing about the World Mechanism 」
Although his words sounded strong, the Demon King was weakened enough to require Menou’s support to walk. However, even in that state he still had a force comparable of Menou, and he even possessed enough power to fight against the Hero and the rest in the time they faced the Mecea. The reason why he was borrowing Menou’s shoulder to stay on his feet was only a measure taken to maintain his state for as long as possible.
「Since you seems to have been affected by some kind of curse, recovery magic does not work … I could have done something if I had brought some medicine against curses, however, carrying something so expensive make me feel uncomfortable so I doesn’t brought it with me 」
「It’s okay… I can still fight, even in this state. It should be enough]
「It’s not like we’re going to fight. We’re just going to talk 」
「Talk…? Now that I think about it. You never told me what you wanted me to do 」
「I want you and the King to agree to a ceasefire」
「「 「「 「Ah!?」 」」 」」
They all let out their surprised voices after hearing Kagami say that with complete peace of mind.
「I-It’s impossible for them to achieve something like that! Haven’t they been fighting since ever!?」
「Impossible… Maybe it is. But why not try? Even Tina was hostile to everyone at the beginning, but what about now?」
「That’s right … But it is impossible to make the Kingdom understand the situation! They will deny everything we try to tell them!」
「Is not it the same with the Demons? That’s why we should have their leaders discuss it! Also, if things go well, Krull and Rex should be released, isn’t that right? 」
Tina was surprised to hear him say that. Then he muttered, “This guy… is stupid?” Takako, who didn’t know what to say about that, could only let out a sigh while tilting his head.
「It may be so, but, what will you do if the other side doesn’t intend to listen to you?」
「Ah-… Well, in that case we’ll have to fight」
Upon hearing Kagami’s response to Takako’s question, Tina thought, Entonces 「Then we’ll end up fighting after all!」.
「Even if I say we will fight, it is not as if we planned to make the Demon King fight, in that case we would only be” returning them from the fire”. The only one who will fight will be me 」
「Don’t you think trying to discuss it is useless after all?」
「But, if we do not do it then nothing will change, isn’t it? I… there’s something I really need to say. It isn’t necessary that the ceasefire begin immediately. What I want is that they understand that the Demon King is willing to cease fire. I know that doing this is really imprudent. It’s just … I want us to be able to tell the King everything we haven’t been able to tell him until now. That’s why, I’ll make sure to meet the King, even if I have to be aggressive to achieve it」
As soon as Kagami said that, Alice quickened her pace until she was next to Kagami, whom she observed with a smile on her face.
「… What’s going on?」
「It’s nothing, it’s just that, as I thought, I really like Kagami-san」
Kagami ended up turning his gaze away involuntarily after hearing Alice say that directly.
Alice was really happy about the fact that Kagami has decided to take such reckless actions to help them. Alice understood how difficult it would be to achieve it, and that’s why she ended up saying those words. Nothing would change if she didn’t dare to say at least those words.
「Unfortunately, the chances of this encounter ending satisfactorily are extremely low」
However, at that moment, Alice’s mind went blank when she heard the words that came from behind her.
Everyone prepared for the fight the moment they noticed the presence of that someone, who had managed to stand behind them without being noticed.
However, at the moment they realized who was, Takako shouted that with a pale face.
David, who was standing there looking completely exhausted and whose body was completely covered with wounds, seemed about to collapse.
NT: As always, if you find something weird, whatever, just tell me in the comments