Little Love Song Chapter 5

Chapter 5
Ning Er's action of throwing off Shao Bai Han's arm was a bit abrupt, the extent wasnā€™t small and it was too sudden. Not only Shao Bai Han was stunned, but also the students around them.
After a while, the smile on Shao Bai Han's face completely disappeared: "I said Iā€™ll help you train basketball."
Ning Er just licked his lips and didnā€™t speak.
Shao Bai Han was standing outside the window and was standing straight. He was a half a head taller than Ning Er, and when he didnā€™t laugh nor smile, he looked a little cold. He quietly gazed down at Ning Er. After staring for a while, his mouth twitched and his face softened. His voice was soft as he reached out his hand to Ning Er's arm: "Alright, Iā€™ll teach you how to play at night."
"I donā€™t want!"
Shao Bai Han's expression instantly froze.
The class bell suddenly rung and Shao Bai Han was still staring at Ning Er in silence, only after his classmate took him away did he stopped looking.
The teacher of class four hadn't arrived yet, so the Sports Committee member didnā€™t leave. He saw the confrontation between Ning Er and Shao Bai Han just now, and felt awkward. While the teacher hadnā€™t come yet, he asked carefully: "Ning er, do you want to participate? If not, Iā€™ll cross your name out."
Ning Er saw that the Sports Committee member had already written his name on the roster. He hesitated for a moment before shaking his head: "No, I'll participate. This is the last group event of our class. I will work hard."
The Sports Committee was pleased: "If you participate, our class will all participate."
Ning Er laughed and smiled: "I will do my best not to drag down our class."
"It's a deal then!"
The next period was for their Chinese language teacher's class. The class four language teacher was an old teacher who was getting old. He wouldnā€™t even dare say anything to the students at the last row if they did some little tricks, he would only read the textbook in the podium.
Jiang Chen gently poked Ning Er's arm: "Are you reallyā€¦ angry?"
Ning Er turned his head to look at Jiang Chen, only to aew Jiang Chen blinking back at him. He soon understood what Jiang Chen meant, his eyes drooped as he said in a light voice: "I'm not angry."
Jiang Chen was a person with a well-developed limbs and a simple mind. When he heard what Ning Er said, he didnā€™t even doubt it. He laughed and said: "You and that transfer student are really close ah. Ning Er, what is his story? Is he better than me at playing basketball? Thereā€™s no way Iā€™m not good! Iā€™m the best MVP1 in the basketball game last semester."
Jiang Chen was really good at sports. Unfortunately, apart from him, the students in class four were far worse than the others in class six. So it was really impossible to win the championship.
Jiang Chen didnā€™t bother to get a reply from Ning Er, he kept on bragging how good he was in basketball when playing 1V1, and that he could absolutely defeat the four heavenly kings in class six and beat Shao Bai Han into a little cabbage2.
"Pros like me are all so lonely! Seems like I have to carry3 the game this week. Donā€™t worry, our class 4 has me. Even if we can't defeat class 6, but if we manage to get their class by drawing lots, I will lessen the disparity of points by only losing 10 points."
Ning Er took his fountain to spin it and recalled Shao Bai Han's expression a moment ago, he didnā€™t even listen to Jiang Chen talking.
"Not that I am boasting, but those guys from class 6, not a single one of them meets my eyes."
Suddenly hearing this phrase, the fountain pen on Ning Er's fingers dropped on the table. He turned his head around and said: "You're playing worse than Shao Bai Han!"
Jiang Chen: "Ah?!"
After saying this sentence, Ning Er picked up the pen from the table, looked at the front and started spinning it again.
Jiang Chen asked him in every possible way, but Ning Er didnā€™t speak and kept on staring at the front. After half a day, Jiang Chen gave up, groaned with dissatisfaction and said: "Me and that transfer student doesnā€™t have any good relationship, but I even boasted that he plays well! All you can see is the smile of the new love, while the old love weeps unheard!4 So fickle! Iā€™m not the transfer student here."
This sentence was also heard by Ning Er, his face flushed with red and he wanted to tell Jiang Chen that it was not about being fickle. Because if according to the time, Shao Bai Han would be the old lover and Jiang Chen was the new one.
Right at this moment, Jiang Chen clapped: "Oh right, you and that transfer student have known each other for long. I was new and he was your old lover!"
Ning Er's face was completely red now.
Shao Bai Han was not his old lover!
These words could only be spoken inside his mind, he couldnā€™t really refute Jiang Chen.
By the time the class ended, he borrowed a basketball from Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen asked him: "What will you do with it?"
Ning Er: "I'm going to practice playing basketball."
Jiang Chen suddenly had an interest: "Hey, you are really going to practice? Come, Iā€™ll go with you. I'm the strongest in Yanzhong and I guarantee you that Iā€™ll train you into a pro."
Half an hour later, Jiang Chen who looked like in despair while sitting on the basketball court, was watching Ning Er helplessly.
"School grass5 Ning, I really did my best on teaching you. I really do, but I couldnā€™t really teach you! Do you want me to go to the sports committee member and discuss that you play last in the game? So it wonā€™t affect our class results."
Hearing these words, Ning Er silently clenched his teeth and gripped the ball tightly in his arms.
His right index finger was grazed and some blood was oozing from it, which he accidentally rubbed on the ground when he fell a while ago. Fortunately, the bleeding place was inside the finger and Jiang Chen didnā€™t notice it, Ning Er also didnā€™t want to tell him about it.
He held the basketball quietly for a moment, he then looked up and said: "Then I'll practice shooting. You can go back, Jiang Chen."
Jiang Chen hesitated: "You canā€™t do it yourself ahā€¦"
Ning Er nodded: "Of course I can, Iā€™m only going to practice shooting, not fighting."
This was a very reasonable statement. Now that the sky was dark, Jiang Chen also wanted to go home. He got up, patted his butt and suddenly remembered something: "Oh, thatā€™s right, G6. Didnā€™t that transfer student in class 6 told you that he will give you a special training? But after school, he didnā€™t come to you and quickly disappeared."
Ning Er froze, but his face didnā€™t have any expression: "I'm not very close with him, and I also donā€™t want him to teach me."
Jiang Chen didnā€™t know what was Ning Er's relationship with Shao Bai Han, he only knew that Ning Er was telling the truth. So he waved his hand, smiled and said: "Then Iā€™ll go first. Ning Er, the sky is already dark, go home early ah. Donā€™t practice too long. This is only a collective activity, this isnā€™t our class priority, so donā€™t take it to heart."
Ning Er: "I know."
After Jiang Chen left, Ning Er stood on the three-point line position. He raised the ball with his both hands, stared at the basket intently and aimed his line of sight on it.
The ball didnā€™t enter the basket. He ran over to pick up the ball and shoot it again.
Yanzhong had advocated a sunshine education. Other than the boarding students, only the senior high school students were required to apply to a self-study, but the freshmen and sophomores werenā€™t.
It had been an hour since the class ended, and there were fewer and fewer students in the basketball court. At 7:30 in the evening, a tall and thin teenager was shooting again and again in the empty basketball court. And again and again, he would pick up the ball.
Shao Bai Han was sitting on the bay window and leaning against a soft pillow, while playing the latest PSP game console. His fingers were pressing on the game console and continued on smashing the system character. When a "WIN" pattern appeared on the game screen, he threw the game console on the sofa, went to the kitchen and poured a glass of water to drink.
Grandma Shao just came back from taking out the garbage and saw Shao Bai Han drinking water. She then said: "I just came back from downstairs and saw Xiao Er. Xiao Han, didnā€™t you come back with Xiao Er? You went home with Xiao Er yesterday, why not today?"
Shao Bai Han was speechless after hearing the words. But after a while, he said indifferently: "He must have helped the math teacher and language teacher to grade the papers. Why do I have to wait for him to go home with me everyday? I'm very busy."
Grandma Shao looked at her grandson strangely. She wanted to say something more, but Shao Bai Han went back to his room and closed the door with a bang.
The next day, Ning Er dawdled for half a day and was almost late for school.
After opening the door, he looked at the opposite apartment with a slight anticipation, but found that there was no one across him.
There was no one leaning against the door frame and telling him: "You're going to be late."
Ning Er's eyes flashed with a trace of disappointment, but the time was too late and he had to rush to school.
Shao Bai Han, this person was really stingy, especially stingy. Ning Er already knew that.
When he was still young, he and Shao Bai Han worked together for the summer homework, which they had to do a handmade newspaper. The two families were close, so they looked for a day to sit and do the newspaper. When the time they attended the school, Ning Er's newspaper was praised by the teacher, it was also sent to the school to participate in the tabloid competition and got a first prize. While Shao Bai Han's newspaper was only so-so, the teacher casually commented on it with to sentences and no longer look at it.
Ning Er originally thought that it was over, that it wasnā€™t a big deal.
But after half a year, Ning Er also wanted to do the handmade newspaper with Shao Bai Han that year in winter vacation. However, Shao Bai Han looked at him coldly and said: "I've done it already."
When the school started again, Shao Bai Han's newspaper was too exquisite. The teacher even said the PS software that was used and a bunch of software design that Ning Er hadnā€™t heard before. Shao Bai Han really gave a good impression.
When they came home from school, Shao Bai Han raised his chin and looked proudly at Ning Er: "Is my newspaper good?"
Ning Er blinked back at him.
Shao Bai Han was somewhat angry and asked again: "Does it look good or not?"
Ning Er nodded innocently: "It looks good. Shao Bai Han, you're really awesome!"
Shao Bai Han didnā€™t speak again, but when he returned home that day, he was in a particularly good mood. He even took Ning Er's hand for the first time and walked together on the street.
When Shao Bai Han suddenly disappeared, Ning Er thought everyday if he had done something to provoke Shao Bai Han to be angry and to go away. But when he later grew up, he had learned from his parents that Shao Bai Han was suddenly picked up by his parents. He also realized that when Shao Bai Han went away, it had nothing to do with him.
But he had already firmly kept in his mind about everything that had happened between him and Shao Bai Han that time. Even if he closed his eyes, he would still knew the feeling of holding Shao Bai Han's hand. Shao Bai Han was like a proud prince, bright and smart. He felt very happy following Shao Bai Han from behind.
Ning Er was a little absent-minded and was recalling the things from his childhood while in the class.
The chemistry teacher coughed several times on the podium. Only when Jiang Chen poked him did he came back to his senses.
Jiang Chen whispered: "You didnā€™t practice too long last night?"
Ning Er shook his head: "I didnā€™t practice for long." Only three hours.
Jiang Chen just smiled and didnā€™t speak again.
At night, Jiang Chen originally wanted to accompany Ning Er to practice playing basketball. But just after the class ended, he received a text message from his mother. With his hands clasped together, he started apologizing to Ning Er: "My sister-in-law suddenly gave birth, Ning Er. My mother has already arrived at the school gate and she will take me to the hospital. Iā€™m sorry, I canā€™t stay with you. Wait tomorrow, Iā€™ll accompany you tomorrow."
Ning Er understood and quickly said: "It's fine. Go and see your sister-in-law."
Jiang Chen hurriedly went away. Ning Er took the basketball and went to the basketball court.
There were only two days left before the basketball preliminary match, and some of the students in class six stayed for a short meeting. The four heavenly kings stood on the podium and said their research strategy. While Shao Bai Han was sitting by the window with a bored expression and casually playing with his mobile phone.
"Our class has already won in the first semester, and this time, we have no goals other than to only be the first! We donā€™t need to be nervous because the strength of our class is obvious to all. Also, Shao Bai Han came this semester. His skill in playing basketball is very good, we will certainly win the championship."
"Jiang Chen of class 4 is very strong. Lao san7, you should pay attention to this. If we drew lots and meet their class in the preliminary round, you and Lao si8 will keep an eye on Jiang Chen."
"Haha, the class 4 students are idiots, except Jiang Chen and Li Xiaotong. Moreover, their class seems to have known that they canā€™t win the championship, saying that the entire class must play. Even that Ning Er signed up to play."
Shao Bai Han's movements on playing the mobile game paused. He looked up and stared at his classmate not far away from him. His lips were slightly parted, but he wasnā€™t speaking
"Not only that, that Ning Er, although he is fragile and is a small white-faced, he is working hard. I came to school last night to get something and saw that he was alone in the basketball court, and it was more than 8 o'clock in the evening. You know what he was doing? He was practicing shooting!"
"What did you say? It wasnā€™t because he helped with the papers that he got back home so late? He was practicing?"
Shao Bai Han had long legs and he stepped over a chair easily. He crossed to the boy who was talking a while ago and pulled his collar.
The boy had no idea what he had said wrong and why Shao Bai Han was suddenly angry. He shook his head nervously and stammered: "Rightā€¦ Right. I saw him yesterday evening. He was still practicing at school, butā€¦ but I donā€™t know how long he had been practicing. Perhapsā€¦ around 7 o'clock?"
Shao Bai Han suddenly punched the wall, startling the student. He slowly raised his head and a pair of cold eyes stared at the student silently. He then said one by one: "He started practicing after school, he didnā€™t go home!" After saying that, Shao Bai Han turned and run out of the classroom door without even taking his bag.
However, when he reached the door, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the boy who had just seen Ning Er. He sneered: "Ning Er is not a small white-faced, he is very strong. Let me hear you say that he is white-faced againā€¦ you can try me."
As soon as the voice fell, Shao Bai Han darted out of class six.
Only when Shao Bai Han was gone for a few minutes, did the boy he scolded breathed out a sigh of relief and sat down on a chair. He then scolded angrily: "What does Shao Bai Han mean ah! Isnā€™t he our class six' people? Why does he have to scold me just because I called that class 4 Ning Er a small white-faced! Something is wrong with him!"
The eldest brother of the four heavenly kings gave a meaningful look at this boy, stepped forward and patted his shoulder: "You're right. Iā€™ll support you to fight with Shao Bai Han."
"Iā€¦ How could I beat him?"
The eldest brother shrugged: "You canā€™t beat Shao Bai Han. But Shao Bai Han said Ning Er is very strong, in what qualification do you have to say that he is white-faced? These days, there are so many grade-level homeworks, but he could still practice alone for three hours. I saw it that day, Shao Bai Han helped him sign up in the competition and he didnā€™t want to participate. Because he didnā€™t want other people to be responsible of him, so he is trying hard. Can you train for three hours? If you canā€™t, then shut up."
The boy wanted to speak again, but the eldest brother showed the biceps in his arms. He quietly lowered his head and whispered: "Well, that white-faced of class 4ā€¦ that Ning Er of class 4 is quite strong."
"That's right, haha. Come on, letā€™s talk about the first game. Who will play and who will be the substitute?"
Shao Bai Han rushed to the basketball court all the way from the school building.
It was already 7 o'clock in the evening this time and the sky was already darkening, and there were few people in the basketball court. He hadn't yet approached, but he could already hear a loud noise from afar. Through the large iron gate of the basketball court, Shao Bai Han looked inside and quickly saw a thin young boy jumping high. His hands drew a beautiful arc forward, then a basketball banged and fell into the basket.
Ning Er didnā€™t rest at all. When the ball landed, he ran, picked up the ball then stood at the free-throw line and started shooting.
Shao Bai Han clenched his fists and watched quietly for a moment.
It was an accurate position to throw a ball, but this time, the basketball accidentally hit the fence and fell down a bit farther. Ning Er ran to fetch the ball, but the basketball stopped in front of a pair of beautiful black Nike sneakers. The owner of the sneakers lightly hit the basketball with the tip of it's toe, the basketball slammed on the ground and bounced into the air. He then caught the ball with one hand.
Ning Er's body suddenly froze when he looked up.
Shao Bai Han was holding the basketball with one hand and was looking at him without even speaking.
In his heart, there was a burst of injustice and disgrace. Ning Er didnā€™t know what was wrong, but letting Shao Bai Han see him in this appearance, he felt very ashamed.
Ning Er tightened his lips as he stepped forward, he grabbed the ball from Shao Bai Han's hand and turned away.
Shao Bai Han didnā€™t seem to think that Ning Er would be this decisive to ignore him. He watched Ning Er walked for two meters before speaking.
"Xiao Er."
Ning Er continued on moving forward and ignoring him.
"Xiao Er!"
It was shouted so loudly, and even the students who were playing basketball in the distance turned to look at this side.
Ning Er turned his head with an expressionless face, he opened his mouth to tell this person to leave. But just as his head turned, he saw Shao Bai Han placing both of his(SBH) index finger and middle finger on top of his head like a rabbit's ears. Shao Bai Han's head crooked sideways, and his fingers would hook down while he was speaking.
"I am the rabbit Xiao Er, do you want to talk to me?"
Ning Er couldnā€™t help laughing out loud.
The author has something to say:
Shao Bai Han: ā€¦my image ah! This is for Xiao Er!
Ning Er: Hey, I donā€™t want to talk to you!
Journalists sometimes use MVP to talk about the player in a sports team who has performed best in a particular match or series of matches.
most valuable playerĀ ā†©
To be like a vegetable, one who has no brain nor cognitive thinking patterns.Ā ā†©
it was actually said in English. A gaming term which means that someone will be doing everything for you or the team.Ā ā†©
a reference to the poem ä½³äŗŗ(jia ren) by Ꝝē”«(dufu). The husband is no longer faithful to the wife and only sets his eyes upon his new woman, and ignores the pain it causes his wife.Ā ā†©
famous and handsomest boy in the schoolĀ ā†©
a word used to a close friend for an "endearment". That endearment sounds so suspicious, to be honest. XDĀ ā†©
the third brother. It could be third child as well, but in this case, why the hell would they call their classmate a child?! 怆(惻āˆ€ćƒ»ļ¼ )Ā ā†©
the fourth brotherĀ ā†©