Knights & Magic Volume 7 Chapter 96
Welp thanks to my poor time management, i got myself too much time reading on kakuyomi.
well, leaving that aside. it seems everyone are getting along in the comment.
i haven’t replied in a while but, sadly in these past few days my usual energy drink didn’t even work anymore. so i’ll try to reply it after I woke up.
anyway. a new arc with a new ride.
eru the devil whisperer strikes again. and yeah got a cute little giant girl.
thanks for watching and feel free to say something to me. i would be grateful if you do that.
Arc 14 The Country of Small Person
Chapter 96 Reunion
A silent shock had run through the demonic forest.
“What did you say, the Kaellous Clan were already・・・・!?”
“Curse you Rubel Clan. They still have that many Stained Beast”
“Just same as Eye of Truth’s Disturbance. If we leave it as it is, I wonder if we can winăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»â€
The destruction of Kaellous Clan and the release of Stained Beast’s attack by the Rubel Clan within the settlement soon become known to the other clans. The united clan which had been formed to oppose the Rubel Clan now completely stopped their advance.
At the same time, an important implication can be noticed by that assault. In other words, another attack could have happened again if a new clan become the center of all the unified clans. It can also a frightening thing even for a hot-blooded being like a titan, and the opportunity to oppose has been rapidly deceased.
While the united clans were drowning in dejected swamps, the Kaellous Clan’s survivors have lurked around the corner of the forest. All of them are wearing a dark expression. In fact, their opponent was the Stained Beast which can found them while flying in the sky. And for that reason, they have to hide in the deep woods of the forest. The deeper they would go, the harder they can move. And because of their small number, they were able to survive even without hunting at all. With that such delicate life continues along the way, they were sharing the remaining hunted prey carefully to everyone.
â€œăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»If this life going on, I have no intention become a part of the trees”
The Third-eyed Seat of Brave has been decided to discuss on what to do for the future. While the Fourth-eyed young girl looks up at him with anxious face.
“I will certainly repay this kind of deed to the Rubel Clan. The Sorcerer・・・・everyone’s vengeance, I will avenge for them”
While sitting in a circle, the titans nods in agreement quietly. Any one of them have the same feeling about the vengeance.
“However, we do not have enough strength to fight them. Our clan were also・・・・・small in comparison”
“What about the unified clan, Brave? The enquiry has been revealed, then they must have already starting to moveăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»â€
The Brave has begun narrowing his eyes and shook his head in disagreement.
“Remember on what happened to our clan who have been attacked by the Stained Beast. With that fact alone, we could expect on what their move eventually”
The titans let out a groan in frustration.
After seeing the destruction of Kaellous Clan and the remaining Stained Beast, there would be a few of them who still wanted to move. And without their strength, they can’t oppose the largest Rubel Clan if they not stand up together.
“That strength is no longer visible. The Stained Beast, and Rubel Clan. We must have defeated these two in the same time”
“Are we really able to do that? Please show us the way, the Hundred Eyesăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»â€
When the surrounding titan looking down in bewilderment, the young Sorcerer was looking around with an uneasy look. Leaving aside their enthusiasm, it was something very difficult to achieve. The more they think about it, the more they know about their difference in overwhelming power the opponent have. But despite of that, the Brave’s still standing up by himself.
“I am also confused on what to do. Our enemy is certainly too big. But I can’t leave it as it is. How can I face the Sorcerer who have returned to the Hundred Eye’s side?”
The Brave himself was aware he is just pretending to become strong. But as the strongest warrior and the guardian of the clan in the same time, as well as the young Sorcerer who still in training; he still needs the purpose for the Kaellous Clan to walk forward from their former path. Even it was difficult to walk, he was aware to rise by himself before anyone else.
Thus, at the place where the grave atmosphere has begun to appear, a bell-like sound can be heard.
“I see, I have fully understood about the situation now. This is certainly difficult”
The surrounding titans began to concentrates their gaze on the young Sorcerer. Without further ado, the young titan girl shook her head in swiftly. It was not something she would say; the source of that sound is come from Ernesti who have sit down next to her. The Brave suddenly softened his expression.
“I’m sorry the goblin Braver・・・・for you to have caught on our conflict”
“Please don’t worry about me. I was also recognised as one of the Kaellous Clan members, didn’t I? Then, I will lend you some of my power to help too”
“Did you perhaps have a plan?”
In the direction of doubtful Brave, Eru has put his hand sharply and show his two fingers to the Brave. Although his two fingers were too small for a titan, nobody knows what he does at that time.
“Yes. First of thing, we still have two option. To make more allies, or only us who take a move”
“As I said earlier. The united clan would not rather to act carelessly. And I am fully aware we cannot fight the Rubel Clan by ourselves”
If we could at least do something to have them act
That kind of thought, run through his mind while grinning his teeth.
The Brave still confused even if he was able to unite with them again, how many of them will face the ruin after their respond to his call. However, this goblin Braver has a different idea that he would think.
“I’m agree. Then for a starter, lets go near their place for a while?”
“Near them? Where we should go in vicinity?”
Eru responded with a bright smile to the suspicious looks of the Brave.
“Yes. The settlement where the Rubel Clan lives. Of course, they have it, aren’t they?”
“Wha・・・・・are you saying we should go to capital of the Hundred!?”
Not only the Brave, but the surrounding titan also switch their gaze to Eru direction. No one have been thinking about going to enemy base with their small number of clan member with this kind of situation.
In the other hand, Eru had smiled in agreement.
“Fumu, so it was called capital of the Hundred? Either way, that Stained Beast will come to hunt the remaining Kaellous Clan, right? Then, this forest must be targeted by them. No one will notice if we went to their own foothold, right? The answer is there was no safe place other than near capital of the Hundred”
The titan in Kaellous Clan confusedly look at each other face. None of them could reply Eru statement and neither of them have been thinking about it. At that time, the Brave has sat down in a heavy thud.
“As you said, it was not easy at all. We can’t sneak in to their foothold with our own”
“We will be easily noticed if we come with a large number. That’s why with our small number can do it”
The Brave has crossed his arm and stares at Eru. Unlike the young titan girl beside him and the Brave who still can fight them on his own, Eru has a different perspective which any other titan can think. Was it the differences of their races or due to their experience, no one could fathom it.
â€œăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»even if we go to capital of the Hundred, what should we do after that. We cannot enquiry to them by ourselves”
“Indeed, let’s find more about them. We must find out why the Stained Beast suddenly reigning in Rubel Clan’s control first”
“That’s・・・・・・umu. Certainly, we don’t know”
For the Brave, it was not something he could wondered ever since the Eye of Truth’s Disturbance. And with the time flies, there was only few selected titans who still questioning about it and the topic was rather become common for them.
“I’m sure there is a trick behind it. If we can reveal it, we might canăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»â€
“Are you saying, we could deal with the Stained Beast?”
“At least, we could return them to become all of the giant’s enemies. It would be better if we have less enemy after all”
The Brave once again cross his arms. In the past, Stained Beast is known as every titan nemesis. That’s why the Brave duties was solely to defeat them. But the situation where they had under control with a certain clan is rather strange.
“Even if we can’t separate them with the Stained Beast. At any rate, there are many things we could find out about them”
While thinking out another idea, Eru began to add one more finger to count.
“Certainly, the Rubel Clan have many clan members. But then, was it they have same will? Among of them, there might be someone who still think the rightfulness of the Hundred Eyes. It’s not like every clan member was our enemy at all, right? Then we need to divide them into two. If we have the difference between our number, we don’t need to attack them on the front. I suppose, I could say to confuse them by separating themselves into two faction and then defeat them afterwards・・・・or, at least we could let them to defeat each other”
With a freshly looks and a big smile in full of motivation, he told them about their future.
“Eru-kun, I thought you are not seriously fighting themăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»â€
Meanwhile, Addy was slightly taken aback in a distance, and secretly retreats into the young titan girl’s shoulder.
Until now the Rubel Clan doesn’t know about the fierce disaster who have turn its fang into their throat. For Eru, destroying his Silhouette Knight twice (including the latter build) was unforgiveable act.
“There’s no such・・・・thing for the clan to be divided”
“It would be helpful for us if they wanted to fight by themselves”
“I’m not sure if we can do that. Definitely, we have to deal with the Stained Beast after allăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»â€
The surrounding titan look at each other face. Certainly, Eru suggestion was not usually known as a way of fighting by their culture alone. For them, they will move when the clan have decided something. Especially for a small clan like the Kaellous Clan. That reason has allowed themselves to not able believing the idea to divide the member of same clan. Of course, Eru didn’t really care about their circumstances.
The Brave looked at his surrounding and once again turned to the small Brave direction. In the Brave chest was filled with sign of lostness. Eru has given them a few means to fight, and with that suggestion will certainly bring hope to the Kaellous Clan. But in the same time, it also said that kind of reasoning has given birth to a great source of resistance. In short.
â€œăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»I wonder if that kind of fighting will be recognized by the Hundred Eyes”
The three eyes of the Brave have been bitterly bending over it. In their battle, they had always coming from the front when the enquiry to the wise man started. That’s why, they could get the right answer by defeating their opponent with that way. It can be said Eru suggestion are kind of hectic for them.
“Then, are you saying that the Hundred Eyes has been wishing for the Kaellous Clan’s ruin? Did the enquiry already have reached its answer?”
After the Brave has been questioned again and again, the latter word finally stuck on his mind. For the titan, enquiry to the wise man have the same meaning to the Hundred Eye’s will. And it was unforgivable for them to drop the answer which have been raised at once. Furthermore, in this situation they couldn’t allow it at all.
At that time, a small but clear voice can heard through the Brave.
“Brave. I will accept the goblin’s proposal”
“Young (Pallva), Sorcerer (Marga)”
Surprisingly, the source of the voice was the young titan girl who had inherited the Sorcerer name. Among the surrounding titan, the small and young girl confirming the word by nodding her head.
“Without the Stained Beast, surely the enquiry among us will be revealed. And if this was the only conclusion we can have, I’m sure the Hundred Eyes will recognize our deeds”
The Brave has opened his eyes widely. They are agreed; the reason of their animosity to the Rubel Clan’s deed since the Eye of the Truth’s Disturbance had occurred. And the answer is rather simple, because it was not something they could answer by themselves after all.
“Someday, there will be the right time to enquiry. And for that time, we must prepare in advance”
“That’s right Brave. We will surely correct this mistake. For that reason, we must separate them”
The Brave look at the Ernesti’s face and turned his eyes to the young Sorcerer. Despite they are in a such difficult situation, all of them filled with the strong will. There’s none of them who had scared in opposing the largest clan and the Stained Beast.
“It seems my eyes hasn’t fully opened yetăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»â€
The Brave has been leaked out a bitter smile unintentionally. It seems even the strongest warrior in the clan was also weakened after his defeat. That’s another reason to not let him shown his current condition to the Hundred Eyes.
The Brave couldn’t help but had been inspired after seeing this kind of courage. He is no other than a titan; the Brave of the prideful warrior.
“When fighting with a huge beast, we must fight it little by little. And same applies for the larger clan. Even though all of it are out from the Hundred Eye’s sight, we can only fight based on what we have seen”
The Brave stood up once again. In his sight, there is no lostness and weakness remaining.
“The Rubel Clan and also the Stained Beast have given us so much disdain. From now on, it’s our turn to crush their eyes!”
The surrounding titan began to consent at once. Unlike before, they had raised their arm and roaring a loud anger after a while. The young Sorcerer also showing her smile after standing up with Addy who had been riding on her shoulder.
“Well then, I will think a way to defeat the Stained Beast when the first encounter I have meet them”
“Are you still wanting to challenge that goblin?”
“For me, it was something I must have to eradicate”
Even if they could separate the Rubel Clan and the Stained Beast, there is no change they still become his enemy. And someday they surely will clash with them again. The Brave also grasped his fist and headed to the Eru direction.
“I will give you my strength goblin Braver. We now have nothing to be afraid anymore. But certainly, there will be more difficulties when fighting them. From now on, we might need your power to archive that”
“Please leave it to me. I may look like this but, I’m actually a knight commander after all”
His reason was something they cannot fathom at all but, they are known he was full of confidence.
Thus, the Kaellous Clan has started to fight back. The first thing, they must go to the deep in the forest where capital of the Hundred located. Without letting the Stained Beast notice their presence, they already had procced with a steady progress.
â€œăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»There is no taste in the meat”
Within their way to the capital. Adeltrud-san is engulfed in a bad mood.
“Since we leave everything in the Kaellous village, together with the settlement our belonging were lost right? Even the blanket, medicine, and also rationsăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»â€
“Furthermore, aren’t our seasoning has been decreased lately! I won’t forgive that bug at all!”
At that time, Addy and Eru who were about to go out while carrying some remaining supplies using the Ejection Gear. However, it was still at minimum. Little by little, their taste in food had faded considerably over a long journey.
“Even if we gather it in the forest, it seems walking through for another way was rather difficult. At least we can’t relax if we don’t find some place as our base soon”
“Well, they’re still chasing us, right. Isn’t difficult for now?”
The titan was fine if they’ve just had to burn the meat. But for those two, it was really serious problem. The most irritated was rather the person in charge of Eru meal and cooking—— Addy.
“Haaa. I wonder if we can find some settlement which okay to steal from them”
“Eru-kun has become merciless・・・・if we don’t make the Silhouette Knight as soon as possible, it might be dangerous”
Addy took her distance from Eru who is rather seriously disappointed in their situation. Apparently, by losing the Silhouette Knight, he seems had become wilder.
Within that conversation the young Sorcerer who slowly walk from their back, listen with a full of curiosity.
Before long, they have arrived in an open spaced place within the woods. This trails where several titans can walk together side by side was still continued on. Many beings like a beast or titan had used this trail many years until this extent.
The Brave has pointed his finger onward.
“If we’re aiming for the capital, this way is the fastest one”
“But its not like we come to their front door. right?”
There are only a few trails in the forest. And it can be said the one who have been utilizing that wasn’t only themselves. In exchange for the speed, the danger comforting them is rather not a small chance.
“You are the one who suggesting to sneak into their foothold. They were also doesn’t think we are heading to their place. Then, there is no other choice than choosing the speed”
“I see, you’re right. Then we will go using this pathăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»â€
At that time, Eru was looking back after their conversation.
â€œăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»What is that?”
Eru has noticed someone who was approaching from the west side of the trail. A humanoid shaped existence, they are a titan and a group who have brought a cart.
The titan who also noticed Eru situation, turn their back and together they realizing at each other presence.
“Rubel・・・・Clan!! Why you are in a such place!?”
“Oh my・・・・Kaellous! I see you hasn’t dead yet!!”
By the Brave cry. The young Sorcerer began to strengthen herself and hides behind the Brave. While Eru and Addy stared blankly at the new appeared titans.
Just like the Brave says, it was the Rubel Clan’s members. They are certainly different from the Kaellous Clan. However, it doesn’t mean they have a different shape from a normal titan. The most intriguing part is the attire which can be said their armor was different from the other parts.
Their armor was not only decorated with demonic beast material, but there’re also used some kind of ‘metal’ works on it. Clearly, that shape is created by the human hand and not something they can found in the forest.
“So, that is the Rubel Clan. Is that an iron・・・・!? No, more importantly”
“They are pushing a cart・・・・・huh, Eru-kun!! Is that!?”
Realizing the presence of Kaellous Clan, the Rubel Clan also somehow found themselves in a loud noise. But instead of them, Eru and Addy were interested in the cart they brought.
A cart who had been dragged by a huge Duel Class four-legged demonic beast. It seems the Rubel Clan’s members were in the middle of carrying something.
“Isn’t that the Stained Beast! I see, they even have no intention on giving up the carcass!!”
As the Brave said, the Rubel Clan had been carried the Stained Beast’s carcass with the cart they brought which is the time when Eru and Ikaruga were defeated.
Between the titan who starting to bark at each other, Eru line of sight was being drawn far on the back. Following the Stained Beast’s cart, there is another cart beside the carcass. The flatform was tied up on it and it was something he knows too well.
“You lot, don’t tell me that is”
It was a lump of metal that had been melted and dissolved by a strong acid and something like a huge lump of steel with a tube entwined like an offal. On the other side, there is a slight crystal-like radiance on the remaining part. Looking at the damaging part, something was clearly attached in the past, and there was an empty hole in some spot. Furthermore, in the center of the space, there is a path that likely to be accessible to human.
Before he knows it, Eru began to walk out.
The Wire Anchor which have been carried on his hips, relaying his mana and begins to release the air flow violently. He also grabs his Gun Staff ‘Wincester’ in both hands.
â€œăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»My Ikaruga!!”
The wreckage of Ikaruga; the Silver Phoenix Knight flag unit, and also Ernesti Echavalier beloved machine. There is no way for him to be unable to notice his own machine. No, that’s wrong, no matter how many times he will reborn, the answer would be same.
“Hey wait! Even my Shii-chan too!!”
Moreover, it was not only Ikaruga in there. Next further than Ikaruga, there is a Syrphirne’s wreckage which also Addy’s treasured machine. Although, it was easier to knows because of the entire shape is still remains.
“Mu, what happened goblin!?”
The Brave who has noticed the odd atmosphere between Eru and Addy, wondering about what happened to them after glaring each other with the Rubel Clan’s member.
“Brave, we will take them down now. I will not let anyone of them run away”
“By all means, I have nothing to argue with that. But, did you know what they took?”
The Brave asked with dubious looks on Eru which had more intense than fighting him in the first time.
“They are trying to steal our treasure. I will not give it to them, you damned barbaric beings, I’ll kill them all・・・・!”
“Wait, goblin! Oh well, they’re our enemy in the first place. Let’s go!!”
After shook off the restraining, the Brave issued a command to his servant for following Eru who had flown and leaving behind a cloud of dust.
“What a fool. I’m grateful for the time and trouble to meet you guys in this place. Just go to the Hundred Eye’s side without resist!!”
The Rubel Clan’s member were also having a weapon and planning to attack. The clash between the Rubel Clan who had to protect the cart and the Kaellous Clan’s violent attack couldn’t avoided anymore.
Among of them, a silver glow ran through of those movement. The Aero Thruster which sound like a jet, traveling in the air exactly as an arrow.
A foreign object was sighted to the Rubel Clan who was cautiously looking on the Kaellous Clan’s movement. Without a time to defend itself, a sparkling barrage of bullets pierce through the one-eyed titan. Afterwards, a small explosion occurred on its face.
“Guh!! Gaaaggyaa!!!!”
Seeing the one-eyed titan suddenly screamed with its face being held down, the Rubel Clan’s member start to shift their attention. With that chance, the silver light is flying in the sky and heading for his next prey. Beside it, a Wire Anchor fired around the titan’s neck.
“What is this!?”
The titan who starting to feels uneasy trying to stretches its arm but, it was already too late. The arrow-head-like part of the Wire Anchor has begun to show the magical phenomenon. The ‘Sonic Blade’ run through the neck while generating the vacuum-like blade with a strong cutting ability.
At the same time, the Wire Anchor is returned to Eru direction. Afterwards, he jumped back on the titan’s shoulder and then with a heavy thud falling on the ground, a blood splatted on its neck.
“What is this!? Kaellous! What did you do!?”
“There’s something here!? What’s happened!”
In a short time, the Rubel Clan’s member fall into confusion. Without knowing one after another have been killed and injured. Moreover, they couldn’t know what is the reason. They couldn’t even catch the small and fast moving Eru’s movement.
In a midst of that, the Kaellous Clan’s member danced enthusiastically. They are the one who have killed the member of their clan. With that reason, they have swung down the wooden rod and knocked down the Rubel Clan without mercy.
“For a someone like your eyes are worthless after returning to the Hundred Eye’s side!! Let’s smash them here!!”
“Silence, don’t get too cocky!!”
The Rubel Clan who was a late starter, receiving their blows in the armor. The Rubel Clan’s armor that had been made from iron and demonic beast material, is extremely strong. The clubs blow was reflecting back and they start to taking stance back.
“If you have followed our King obediently, we don’t even need to use the Stained Beast! All of these was your fault in the beăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»â€
The Rubel Clan’s member was holding a huge iron axe and swing it back to the Kaellous Clan. But something went down above the pointed-out axe. There is a something like small silver radiance which has raised a doubt within the titan’s mind.
“Wha? Goblin? What are・・・・gu. Ggyaa!?”
Before he could finish the word, the hand that could hold the axe are already cut off in the middle. The Wire Anchor which flies freely in the sky, comes through the gap of the armor.
“For a mere goblin inflicting us!? Guhh!!”
The titan who was trying to help, took a peek and hold its face. The blade swayed and cut the eyes. Not only Eru but Addy with a sword in the both hands also joint the battle on that place.
“As expected for the Brave who I have been acknowledged! Everyone, my brother! This is the proof which had been approved by the Hundred Eyes!!”
The Kaellous Clan’s member raises its roar and their spirits. Although, the Rubel clan have an advantage in equipment, each other clans have the same number.
However, by flying and swing down the blade, Eru and Addy presence are the one who deciding the victory.
“Do not touch my Ikaruga!”
The titans have cuts in the necks, split their arms and smashed their eyes. Eru mercilessly hunt down anyone who want to take his beloved machine without his consent.
It didn’t take that much time until the Rubel Clan’s number were reduced and falls down. No matter how strong their armor is, it’s not like they are invincible at all. After the attack they received from the Kaellous Clan, they finally fell one after another.
Soon after that, there is only the Kaellous Clan remaining. Among of them, after raising the victory cry, Eru was jumping on the cart without a glance. As if he was trying to lick them in each corner.
The Brave and the young Sorcerer looked at that spectacle with confused looks in their face.
“Is that your treasure. Seems like important to you・・・・?”
The Brave leak out a groan after glancing the titan’s corpse who had lost its head. Surely, if he made one mistake back then, could be he will become like that too. Even though they have won the battle, he could not say anything after the cold sweat run through his body.
“Yes. This is also the one we wanted to take along back then”
“Oh, right. I see, you said it was near the Stained Beast wasn’t it?”
When talking about that, somehow the satisfied looks has been returned from Eru faces.
“This is an embodiment of the most I love in this world. Although it was a bit broken for now”
“I don’t know but, can you fix it?”
“That’s also one of our targets to find a way to fix it”
The demonic beast who had pulling the carts are somehow still staying there without worrying anything. The Kaellous Clan’s member were trying to put a bridle on them and pull it away.
“Fumu, alright. This is also one of the Hundred Eye’s guides. Let’s aim to the capital of the Hundred with that spirits”
The surrounding titan began to nods in agreement. At that time, Eru was looking at the Rubel Clan’s corpse in vicinity.
“About that・・・・・・・・do you know a trick to fool an enemy, Brave-san?”
“Mm? I don’t know. The enquiry must always be straight forward. Otherwise, there is no way the Hundred Eyes will acknowledge us”
Although it was a sudden question, the Brave answer it without deception.
“I see. Then how about this. Let’s wear these equipment and sneak into their settlement”
“What!? Are you saying to wear the loser armor!!”
As expected, the Brave was angry. If it was a demonic beast, without a doubt he would using it but, these are originally coming from Rubel Clan and the ones who had lost to them. It seems in the titan culture, it was hard to allow themselves to wear that.
“No. This is just our spoils of war. And by any chance the spoils of war are coming from the Rubel Clan, please think it you had just deceived by it”
“There no such joke! There’s no way the Hundred Eyes will accept it!!”
On the other hand, Eru doesn’t lose his smile.
“The other party is not the Hundred Eyes but the Rubel Clan. They didn’t have enough eyes to take the reign, right? If none of them notice it, we might able to get some important secret”
â€œăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»But that is!”
“You must have look for the truth with that eye. That’s why we must think it carefully to get close to them. However, didn’t you say we have difficulties when facing them? You might able to win if you able to endure it for a moment”
â€œăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»b, butăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»â€
“With our small number, the options to do that is limited. Wouldn’t you like to make the most efficient way to win?”
Addy has shrugged her shoulder after seeing the fluffy smile on the Eru faces and the bitter most expression in history which the Brave has.
“Eeh, Eru-kun trying to do something evil again”
“Is that how the goblin Braver’s way of fight?”
“Hmmm, I’m not sure. Honestly, it might be not in the case for now”
Addy was also showing a complicated look. The young Sorcerer who sat down close to her, tilt her head in confusion.
Without the Silhouette Knight’s power, Eru knowledge would be limited. Although, that kind of knowledge is leaning into a vicious direction though.
In the end, the Brave goes along with Eru suggestion without something he could refute back.