Knights & Magic Volume 7 Chapter 94
Chapter 94  A Sign of War
â€œăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»Well done, for coming here”
Far from the side of a wide tent, a voice can be heard from the darkest part. The master of the tent, the Sorcerer of Four-eyed Seat exposing her wrinkled eyes after looking at the visitors. Among the tent around the Kaellous Clan’s settlement, there is a place where the Clan Chief residing in a large and more dignified tent.
Although the entrance was made for the titan size, the two small shadow simply standing on the widely opened curtain. Ernesti and Adeltrud who’s referred as a goblin for the titan.
“I hear you need something from me today”
“Indeed, thank you for coming. Please come here”
The old titan waving her hand to invite the small guest. After that, she poured a tea (or something like that) on the huge stone bowl and put it in the front of those two as her hospitality. Even though it was used only for the titan, that bowl alone already surpassed Eru height in a slight margin. However, they were nonchalantly bringing the container and drink it as they already used to.
While the two of them catch their own breath, the old woman gently opens her mouth.
“I have nothing else to ask other than the goblin who lives in this land and also commonly kept by Rubel Clan. However, you two were not from that clan, no? Please let me hear the truth”
“I see, it will be a long story. Would you mind it?”
“Of course. This is my duty as a Sorcerer. Speak it to your heart’s content”
While sipping the tea, the Sorcerer nods her head.
“I understand. Well then, first let me tell you about where I come fromăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»â€
Afterward, Ernesti Echavalier began to speak.
To the west far from the forest where the titan lives, there is a place where the human lives. They formed many countries and lives within it———
The old woman who keep listening quietly for a while, now slowly open her eyes like there was no wrinkles in the first place.
“A country where the goblin lives・・・・there is no giant, but only goblin country, huh?”
“From our respective, you guys were the first giant we encountered after being stranded in the forest”
“In the west, was it truly many goblins live in there? Then, were you two also come from the west?”
“I don’t know. In the first place, we still don’t know if the goblin was truly same race like us”
Addy who got bored after the old woman and Eru talking in a long time, finally barged into the conversation.
“We come from the country called Fremmevira Kingdom. Our objective is to explore this forest. And for that reason, ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»â€
Eru continued her story. About a huge weapon that can match the titan, the existence of Silhouette Knight. And embarking to the forest by using the Levitate Ship that can soar the sky.
As they expected, when they told about the Levitate Ship to the old woman, she was clearly exposing her eyes as she understood all of that.
â€œăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»Is it the truth? Its hard to believe for a goblin who lives in the west. But then, why only you two left after all of that happened”
“In the middle of our journey, we encountered the Stained Beast and fought against them”
It seems the old woman finally understood the situation now.
“We certainly dealt massive damage to the bug that attacked us. However, both my giant and the bug were destroyed each other. In the end, together with Addy, we got stranded on this forest”
“For you to able manipulate the Mystical Beast [1]・・・・wait, in that case, the corpse that had been found by the Brave. Was it the Stained Beast you two have slayed?”
The old woman began to leak a groan from her mouth after looking at Eru who nods his head.
“I see. There is no such word other than an amazement. Previously, my eyes might have not able to perceive that. But, after seeing you able to defeat the Brave, that kind of valor must be happened. The Hundred Eyes might be aware of you two too.・・・・This is such bountiful time, being able to know the truth behind the tip of the Hundred Eyes vision”
Once again, the wrinkles around the old woman face began to succumb her eyes, meanwhile Eru opened his mouth and start to ask the old woman.
“If I may, can I ask you something?”
“Do not heed. I will answer everything I know”
“What kind of・・・・being are the goblin, who under Rubel Clan rule? Were they truly same like us?”
Addy who still in the middle of her drowsiness trying to get up after lying on Eru’s lap. She was also curious about the goblin’s true identity.
“What I know is; they have same appearance like us, their height couldn’t even reach our knees, and they have the same eyes like the Deuce-eyed Seat (Seconda Okrys) [2]. However, they couldn’t do anything for themselves, and just listen to our words. In the end, only Rubel Clan who obsessed on keeping them”
The old woman said so after bringing her face closer to them. While looking back at the huge eyes, Eru start to tilt his head.
“In the past, are they also residing on this land too?”
“I do not know. But I’m certain that long ago before me, they were already residing here”
A race like a human already have lived here since the previous generation of the titan. From their appearance, by only having one pair of eyes, can be said they have close relation as a human rather than a titan.
â€œăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»In that case, can we take them as our allies? No, I understand. Well then, just one more question・・・・・about the Stained Beast. Are they not demonic beast? And why they were also under Rubel Clan rule?”
“Like I know! In the first place, they were an enemy for every clans!”
The respond comes from Eru and Addy’s back rather than the Sorcerer that lies ahead. When they trying to turn their back, they could see the Brave who standing in the entrance.
“I have heard your stories. As the one who had been acknowledged by the Hundred Eyes, it was splendid O goblin’s Braver. Was it your Mystical Beast who slew that Stained Beast?”
As the Brave continued to talk, especially he was entering without reserve. And the Sorcerer seems didn’t try to stop him either, rather she was serving tea for him. While sipping the tea, the Brave sits down next to Eru and Addy.
“Are you believe it?”
“Didn’t I have promised with you before, I will not doubt”
The Brave exposing his teeth with a big grin. After that, he narrowed his eyes as he remembers something.
“The Stained Beast is our nemesis. They were soaring the sky while spreading their stains. In the first place, their target were not only us, but every living being in the whole forest were their prey”
Certainly, they are bug-type demonic beast who flies on the sky while sprouting the toxic——a strong acid as a weapon. After encountering them in the forest, it was easy to imagine about how difficult to dealt with them.
“We have always fight them from our ancestors. It can be said slaying them was one of the Brave duties・・・・・alas! After the eye’s incident, they were obeying the Rubel Clan now! That was the beginning of everything!”
“Sounds like it happened recently then?”
“Indeed. It was happened after ‘The Eye of Truth’s Disturbance'[3], while the Hundred Eyes still not around”
Eru and Addy looked at each other.
“The Eye of Truth’s Disturbance?”
“That Rubel Clan bastard! They were jealous on the chosen’s Hundred Eyes! They were blemishing our throne!!”
“That’s right! There is only ‘Six-eyed Seat (Sexts Okrys)'[4] who able to call themselves as a king. Anyone who have less than that is worthless!”
While they were talking, the Brave’s breath become rougher. No matter how much time flies, it seems his anger is still vivid. More importantly, Eru began to point another question.
“Perhaps the more eyes you have, likely to be chosen as a king isn’t it? Not considering the person abilities?”
“There is no such thing. From the start the Six-eyes Seat is the closest being to the Hundred Eyes. And if the Six-eyed Seat reign the throne, the Hundred Eyes will reveal more eyes to observe us”
For the titan, the meaning of royalties was very different from Eru’s knowledge. To depends on the supreme beings, it seems has strong nature to meditate with a God rather than a King. Furthermore, unlike human beings, it was required to have specific physical features.
“So, it was something like that. Now then, what would you do if the Six-eyes Seat is not around?”
“When our eyes were not enough, our deeds will not reach the Hundred Eyes. Hence, we will hold the wise council and will endure until the birth of a new Six-eyed Seat”
“That was quite unique method. Then now, there is no Six-eyed Seat’s reign, right?”
The moment the Brave heard Eru question, he suddenly opens his eyes while standing up eagerly.
“Yes! The Fifth-eyed Seat (Quints Okrys) [5] from the Rubel Clan bastards!! Even though the eyes were insufficient, they shamelessly claimed the throne!! What a bunch of ridiculous! With this, the Hundred Eyes will close the eyes!!”
The old woman who had been silent for a while, once again open her mouth.
“However, among the clan in this land, the Rubel Clan is the largest and blessed with many eyes. Although up until now, they have taken the throne many times before”
“I see. So, they finally ignore the required number of eyes after they have the biggest populace”
“That’s it! For such foolishness proclaiming as a King that has been foretold by our ancestors. In addition, the Rubel Clan has acknowledged this shameful act! Normally, they must repent the disgrace first!!”
After the Brave condition has calmed down, he loosens the firm grips of his fist.
â€œăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»There is no clan will want oppose this kind of savagery. No, there’s no one! But・・・・!”
“And the Stained Beast・・・・who supporting behind all of this by force, right”
“Yes. For such thing, the whole clan’s nemesis——the Stained Beast began to abide Rubel Clan reign. Many Braves fall down after receiving their stains in The Eyes of Truth’s Disturbance”
Finally, the Brave return to sit down again. Unlike before, he no longer feels the anger. Instead, a strong regret shows on his face.
“We, couldn’t stop them. But・・・・・in contrary, it might be the best if the Six-eyed Seat hasn’t appeared yet. We couldn’t bear if the Hundred Eyes seen our deed for something like this”
Eru cross his arm beside the depressed Brave.
â€œăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»The Stained Beast, and goblin? Fumu, the more I hear, the more I know about Rubel Clan who have different from others”
What kind of conclusion did he find out? While thinking about it, the Brave who sat beside him began to strike his fist.
“But not yet! O goblin’s Braver. You two already have slayed the Stained Beast, no? This is mean, the Hundred Eyes have shown its path. We must correct the mistake, by repenting this disgrace!”
“In other words, we must fight against Rubel Clan? Certainly, the number of Stained Beast were already deceasing, but aren’t they still the largest clan, right?”
As the Brave looked down at Eru face, he greatly nods his head.
“I’m aware. But this is our true enquiry, we cannot leave it by. We need more eyes to correct their path. Therefore, we gather the other clans and ask enquiry to the wise man”
“Are you perhaps, in order to prepare that, you had been hunting from all of this timeăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»â€
Eru confused on how to handle this situation. Their journey somehow given a huge impact to the titan who lived here.
“It seems I have no more time to be relaxed”
At that time, Addy who was beside him, pulled the tip of Eru’s clothes.
“The giant seems like want to start a war but, what should we do? should we help them?”
“For some reason, we become the main cause of this conflict. But its not like we are already hostile with the Rubel Clan. More importantly, I don’t want to fight without Silhouette Knight”
“As I thought, that was the problem eh・・・?”
Seeing the two of them discussing each other, the Brave began to move his mouth and barging in on their conversation.
“The goblin’s Braver. Although you two already become the member of our clan, but that doesn’t mean you need to joint the battle. This is what we must shown to the Hundred Eyes”
“Indeed. I’m already satisfied with your strength in defeating the Stained Beast”
The Sorcerer also nods her head.
Eru start to straightened his figure, and look up to the two titans.
â€œăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»If we could, we want return to our home. And for that reason, we want to prepare everything we can”
“I see. The wanderer and also as a goblin’s Braver. We, everyone in the Kaellous Clan will lend our hand for our companion. If you ask our help, we will gladly lend our strength”
“It’s truly splendid for a giant that will lend their strength for us. We are in your care”
While Eru smiling happily, Addy was showing delicate expression after thinking about the strength definition was different from what they mean.
The time has flies and the villager was bustling with noise since the conversation had finished. The massager has returned after informing every clan in the vicinities.
“Many clans will participate according to the response of ask an enquiry to the wise man”
“As expected, we can’t allow the Rubel Clan doing. The Hundred Eyes will never forgive this mistake”
In order to response the Kaellous Clan’s plan for ask an enquiry to the wise man, many clans in vicinity had return to fulfill the call. The one who used for massager are small to medium populated clans that scattered in all over the place. In other words, they are forming an alliance between many clans to oppose the Rubel Clan who have the largest population.
“Indeed. In the end, we cannot leave the Rubel Clan as it. The Stained Beast was gone for good, now this is our opportunity to rise. Everyone understood it very well, right?”
In the middle of the village, every titan who had gathered in there, nod their head and giving the war-cry sound by beating their limbs after hearing the Sorcerer words. Their heart has united as one after waiting and preparing for this time.
“Let’s go to their clan to ask an enquiry. I’m counting on you while we were away”
To ask an enquiry to the wise man——in short, it was a conference before the war begin. Of course, the only one who will participate are the Sorcerer and the Brave as a representative, rather than not something like every clan member will participate.
Looking at the absent minded Eru, the Brave approached Eru who still gazing up to the highly spirited titans.
“As you can look. We will go to ask an enquiry to the wise man. What do you want to do?”
“I will stay here with everyone, because we still have something to do”
“Understood. I will tell it to my servant. If you need something, just ask it without reserve”
“Yes, thank you”
Thus, by seeing them off, the Sorcerer and the Brave went out to ask an enquiry to the wise man.
The titans who remained in the settlement were returning to their daily lives, even after the Sorcerer and the Brave’s departure. Speaking of which, one thing had become different from before, something like unsuppressed euphoric feeling has included between them.
â€œăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»What kind of game is this”
In the middle of that, there is one titan who feeling deeply confused. The One-eyed Seat of Servant who looking down at the foot while flickering his huge one-eyelids. There is a small figure with no larger than his knees plus another small figure who somewhat a little bigger and wearing an armor, it seems they were busily moving around.
The smaller one; Eru who cross his arm and leaking out a ‘Uu’ groan from his mouth, finally raised his head to the questioned voice.
“This is for research”
â€œăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»Umu? Do a goblin fulfill their livelihood by lining up some bones?”
It can be said, all he had to do was picking up an abandoned demonic beast’s bones and arranging them into a human shaped. Although when he was at it, he does complain about ‘ah this won’t do’ or ‘ahh, this one neither’.
The shell or leather from demonic beast that had been hunted by the titan will be used to make an armor, while the meat will be possessed as a food. Even though, the bone was also used to make an armor, there are too many unused parts and must be thrown away from the settlement. As for Eru and Addy, they have gathered it on purpose.
“Eru-kun, what about this?”
“Oh, that looks right. It seems long and sturdy too, let’s use it on the legs”
Addy who wearing the Gear Ejector (Descent Rad) carrying a huge bone larger than her height and place it on the ground.
The One-eyed titan couldn’t hide his confused expression even though Eru already had explained to him. Originally, his task was something like the Brave follower. For that reason, he was holding the Servant position.
Because the Brave now went to ask an enquiry to the wise man, he was ordered to make himself useful to the goblin’s Braver. Speaking of such, this strong small goblin was able to defeat his lord who also the Brave. Although, it was not a disgrace to serve him, he couldn’t fathom their behavior at all.
For a titan, arranging the demonic beast bone was more likely played by children. In the case when they are playing it, it would be called completed if they could reassemble it in a beast figure. But, these two goblins had gathered from the various bones and arranging them apart.
Furthermore, it can be said too weird for a something like a titan figure.
“Are my eyes did not enough. I couldn’t understand what are the goblin thinking at all”
Although the One-eyed of Servant taken back weirdly, he still helps Eru with sincerity. But in reality, Eru also thought the same like him.
“Umu. Why I do feel like something ominous will happen after arranging the demonic beast’s bone, no?”
“So, just noticed it at this point, ehăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»â€
There was an atmosphere where they could be called a Necromancer due to their work. Of course, it’s not like Eru had changed to that kind of flashy job.
“As I thought, the demonic beast’s bone and the shape was not compatible at all. The size was not always consistent, and there is no guarantee to found the right shape・・・・even if we design this, truly the bone will break, huh”
What he always seeks is still unchanged. The humanoid weapon, Silhouette Knight. The first step of Silhouette Knight alternative manufacturing plan which arranged by demonic beast’s bones.
“How difficult. This bone might more fragile than I thought if we done use the strengthening magic on the Inner Skeleton”
“The output also become too wasteful, right”
They were known enough to process some metals. However, they never have any experience building the Silhouette Knight using the demonic beast’s bone. That’s why the preparatory studies were required to execute.
Eru began to write a memo on the tree’s bark.
“When it doesn’t take the shape, let’s combine it with the small bones and then attach it with strengthening magic. Even if we do that, we surely couldn’t leave the dimension tolerance. It can’t be helped if we need more some power, huhăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»â€
Fortunately, Ikaruga Ether Reactor; Emperor’s Heart has abundant output. From the first place, Ikaruga itself is a machine which supported by high-powered strengthening magic.
“It will be necessary to use Emperor’s Heart. As for the placement will be supported like this, what’s left isăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»ăƒ»â€
After organizing the information, the next step is the design. Leaving aside the strength factor, the procedure itself is no different from the previous Silhouette Knight design. The part between the heart were also left unscathed, so it can be useful to some extent.
“There is a lot of efficiency loss if we use the demonic beast’s bone. But somewhat we could secure a normal Silhouette Knight”
“If we could able to build it though”
Eru slowly looked around the arranged bones. It looked like a titan’s skull corpse instead. Of course, it was in the silence of the death. [5]
“There is no point in arranging it like this. To move・・・as I expected, the problem is Crystal Tissue, right”
“Eru-kun. Before the giant starting their war, would it be bad if we don’t collect Ikaruga and Shii-chan soon?”
At that time, Addy suddenly clap her hand. According to the Sorcerer and the Brave, the titan will soon enter the war state. In the midst of that, it was difficult to build Silhouette Knight nonchalantly.
“I think so too but・・・・even if we can ask the giant to carry it. We still don’t know where should we go to not get caught up in the battle”
‘I see. Then, we can’t move without building a Silhouette Knight and in order to build the Silhouette Knight we need to carry it to the safe place. Huh? It doesn’t seem right at all?”
There is no end of it, Addy began to tilt her head.
“We just need to carry it somewhere. Seriously, if this could work, we can carry as much as we want”
Whatever the material, if it can move as a humanoid weapon, Eru will happily riding it to transport. Although, it was a problem when reality is reversed by order.
“It can’t be helped if we worry something we can’t do. As swiftly as possible, let’s look for Crystal Tissue alternatives”
“Yes. Can’t imagine it at all”
“Yeah, me too”
After that, they asked “Is there any demonic beast material that can easily expanded and shrunk by magical phenomenon?” unreasonably to the One-eyes of Servant, and then his eyes changed into white and black panel.
TL note
[1] ćč»çŁ : (Mystical Beast). Don’t know what she mean. Eru already explained to her about Silhouette Knight, but she interprets it as (Shadow beast, illusionary beast) that can be manipulated
[2] äșŒçœŒäœ(ă‚»ă‚Żăƒłăƒ€ă‚Șă‚­ăƒ„ăƒȘă‚č): Deuce-eyed Seat (Seconda Okrys), same like before, symbolizing about how many eyes they have and as their title.
[3] çœŸçœŒăźäč±: Whatever is [the truth of eye’s disturbance] or [true sight of disorder]. If you have other suggestion, I will change it next time.
[4] ć…­çœŒäœ(セクă‚čトă‚čă‚Șă‚­ăƒ„ăƒȘă‚č): Six-eyed Seat (Sexts Okrys), the highest rank of the giant can achieve, the closest being to the supreme being, algos.
[5] äș”県䜍(クィントă‚čă‚Șă‚­ăƒ„ăƒȘă‚č): Fifth-eyed Seat (Quints Okrys), same but higher rank than any other seat.
You might be wondering why Addy not using silhouette gear.
Well, basically. It was silhouette gear but mainly used in Syrphrine safety fuction, and powered with motor rad. While silhouette gear powered by magius engine (mind me if I wrong though)
From now I will change ‘silhouette gear’ term into ‘gear ejector’ in order to match the previous translation.
Also, I will change the ‘forest military campaign’ term to ‘bocuse expeditionary force’ for the same reason.
If you have any suggestion or anything feel free to tell me, I will change it on edited version.
As for the edited chapter. I’m still waiting for my editor, I’ve told him to take his time while editing my translation.
If you know, the latter part is not included in LN. So if you have read the LN, it might be a little different.