For the Time being, I like to meet people
(TL : Firstly, I want to give my sorry for the poor translation. It's my first time translating Raw japanese and I'm not a native speaker so maybe there will be many wrong grammar… I want you guys give me an evaluation according to my translate in the comment section below… Ty for reading this shitty Translation. Hope you enjoy it.)
TL: Makyou
Yep, and that's how I come to another world.
How did you come to a different world from your everyday life? Though I think that it was a theory about transforming to a different world is old book.
I will omit it because it is an embarrassing story when it come to tell it to someone.
I will give the information that I'm a Japanese man from Earth, but the other info is a private.
[No, I can't use that kind of Prologue.]
Description of the current situation. Inside the forest of different world, and that's all.
When I noticed, I was inside a forest. This place maybe a mountain with the weak slope that had dense trees. By the way, when I say that I know this is the different world, it is because of the trees in front of me.
The scenery can be look from the other side of the transparent tree trunk. And the fantastic leaf that emits light, will there be a forest like this on Earth?
Ah, Please tell me if the place like that exist. I want to go to travel there after my retirement.
[By the way, it has been almost twenty minutes.]
It takes five minutes to be impressed to see such wonderful scenery. Another five minutes to calm down and start thinking everywhere. This is not Earth right? And takes another five minutes to start thinking that this is maybe another world. First, lets take a look to all the trees, and another five minutes to relax my heart.
Its time to take action. The first thing is to confirming my condition.
[No injury. No abnormal sign such as heteremorphism or the appearance of the crest.]
Hehe, I didn't have anything in me because I was on the way to take out the trash from home.
No smart phone or wallets full of earth-made bills and coins. Not even a sheet paper of money.
For the time being, it seems there is no other effect besides suddenly taken to this place. There was no bonus either for reincarnated to another world.
No, because I can think calmly, so I'm not dead, it's not a reincarnation but transferred to a different world.
Apparently, now is night time. The sky above the trees are completely dark.
I also see planets several times larger than the moon I see in Japan. (TL: I don't know if it refer to star or planet cause the kanji is 星)
Because the phases are seen, then it's same as the moon, if the satellite is visible, then it will be natural to thinking that this planet is same as the Earth in the solar system.
There is a chance that the Earth is exist in this constellation universe. There is nothing more convenient than transported to another world that meets that probability.
[…I wonder if its good walking at night in the forest.]
Looking at the celestial bodies can be used as a way to know the direction at night, the arrangement of the stars are different because it is a different world. If it's Orion or Big Dipper it can be founded easily, but of course there is nothing here.
If think calmly, I will understand where is the direction, but because I don't know this place, I don't know where should I go.
Then its fine if I keep going. Fortunately, the plants in this area are luminous, making it more safer to walk than the forest on Earth.
[I should prise my self for having sneakers instead of slippers to throw out the trash.]
In fact, I found that I keep going for about an hour. Apparently this place is not a forest but a mountain.
Every time I move on, I came across a different height segment, and when looking back I can gradually see the shape of the mountain.
As expected, this is a mountain with a weak slope, and the starting point seems to be near the top of the mountain.
The goal for the time being is to go down the mountain. Next is finding the river.
While walking of course I was thinking how to survive. The food is tree nuts, the water I intend to collect from the night dew, since I'm not a genuine survivor, the limits will come.
Honestly it's a scary place ti drink raw water, but that's the last resort. The reason for finding the river is more to determine the course than the purpose to replenish the water.
If this planet is not explored by the human, there's nothing I can do, but if there is a civilization and the humanity is exist than the river can be the foundation.
Famous ancient civilization also flourished by cultivating rivers that carry nutrient-rich soils. I believe this law is common even in another world.
[But, here comes the problem.]
The sound is so small. That's right.
Maybe it's looks far, but yes, yes. It's a Bear-san. It's a huge Bear-san.
The Bear I saw in zoo was not two meters tall, but this Bear-san were at least 4 meters tall.
Are you nocturnal? Oh, this forest is bright. So that's not a problem right?
It's About twenty meters ahead but I can looked at it perfectly. Iyaa~ I can see clearly because the bright part, it looked here, it eyes caught me right?
I think I'm getting the valuable experience of freezing my spine. I'm just baiting it to come here. Escape? The Bear is on the down side of the slope, if I run to the opposite direction, Bear is more fast if chasing uphill.
Fight it? Haha… I won't do it even if I have a hunting gun.
In the meantime, Bear-san slowly groaning.
Think! I must hurry to think the answer. That's right! There is that way!
[Nice to meet you~?]
The Bear is roaring. Apparently the western rash is not acceptable.
I try to run as fast as I can, 'cause I can't do anything. But I can't move because my legs are shaking.
And then, the food easy-to-eat me were~ not recognize by the Bear?
The Bear was swallowed up suddenly by the pour down greenish yellow liquid.
Does the liquid which easily swallowed up the whole body of a huge four meter class Bear have high viscosity? Without spreading in the ground, the liquid trying to become spherical object.
The sound of the Bear's sorrowful screams emanates from the liquid, and the inside of the liquid gradually becomes black.
It's blood. The blood of the Bear mixes with the liquid and looks black. The Bear's fur, skin and meat are melting at an unusual rate. The Liquid is preying on the bears at will.
[…It's a Slime]
If you had played the RPG fantasy game, it's impossible you wouldn't know that thing.
It's sore to be in front of you. There is no cute eyes or mouth like in the certain famous game, and clearly it's not a single digit level small fish monster.
The sorrowful demise of the bear that desperately trying to escape from the slime echoes in the forest.
But the sound got quite in no time as the slime immersed it into its mouth. (TL: idk if the mouth part is good to translate… 'cause the slime don't have a fucki'n mouth!!!!)
[Ugh…. Bleergh* cough*!]
Nausea rises when I see a grotesque meal scene performed without emotion and indifferently.
I vomited my previous meal, the gastric juice painfully burns my throat.
But when I come here, I finally notice the fatal mistakes that I made.
Maybe responding to my cough, the Slime started to move towards here.
While the bear was still digested, I should have escaped quickly. Instead I leisurely watching it, moreover I regret my foolishness 'cause making a sound.
But the movement is more slower than the Bear walks speed. If like this, move back or run should do.
Because the dread from earlier my body jumped to the sideways.
The place where I had been before was swallowed by the Slime.
That speed resembled the bursting of water canon.
The Slime not showing any blunder response to its prey, and start moving towards here again.
It's movement gets slow again. It's give me an impression that it's toying with me as if I don't have a feeling.
My body didn't stop shaking. The big Bear that was a threat up to now already doesn't have a bone left.
There is one part of myself who is beginning to admitted that I will over in a few minutes later.
I'm drowned in fear and can't let out even a voice. Blindly grabbing the ground and throwing the stone.
However, panicking throwing at it, there is nothing hitting the Slime and the stone just ended up dancing in the air, the stone flying and hitting the tree trunk at the back and giving the pleasant sound.
And the Slime blows up.
The slime is jump to the tree at the back.
Overwhelming wight causes the trees to collapse.
And I saw a strange scene.
[It's eat the tree…?]
Judging by that response. This Slime is responding to the sound.
It's more like feeling the vibration rather than hearing the sound.
It's attacking the groaning Bear, response to my coughing, and then come attacking again in response to the sound from behind.
And now it's attacking the fallen tree with a loud noise.
Looking around, I'm picking up the affordable stones and stand up.
The slime realized that there is no prey in the place where it jumped, showing response to the sound, it starting to move again in this direction.
Throwing the picked up stone to the distant tree without making a noise as much as possible, and it hit.
The slime reacts to that sound and jumps, and the tree falls once again.
Then at the same time I'm start running to escape.
[Hah, hah, hah]
Looking back over and over again, to check if it's still chase after me, because the fear that might be a chase, I threw a stone to a nearby tree again and ran.
I don't know how far I had run.
Leaning on a tree because so exhausted, I try to arrange my breath.
The sky is so bright, I noticed that the forest was very fantastic, but it has turned into an ordinary forest surrounded by common brown and green trees.
It's great to be alive.
It's great… but why I got here.
Why I got taken to such a world.
Like all the novel about transferred to a different world, the popular thing in this situation are summoned to this world for some good reasons.
And this body sure don't have anything like unique constitution, and I'm not a hero descendant either!
If there is no reason for me to be here, an accident due to the other party's reason may be considered.
Likes God's whims and mistakes, or the mistake in summoning to this world and many more.
In this case, it doesn't matter if it's mistakes or failure, I just wanted to see the surprised face of the summoner.
Get summoned and left in the mountain is too much.
[Become a hero and defeat the demon king, and surrounded by beautiful demi-human girl harem will be nice, but I just want to live safely….]
There's nothing will happen even if I complaint. Let's take a breath and just move forward.
I didn't notice it until I became calm, but now I can feel the signs of creatures in the forest.
The voice of chirping birds, nestling in the gaps between the trees, and the trees are not transparent.
Probably because of that Slime, there is no normal animal in that place. So that Bear before must be accidentally get lost.
However, there is something wrong with that place where the Slime was the upper part of the food chain, right?
[Anyway….. I'm tired.]
While mutter, I leave my dreams to the back of my mind.
A meeting was taking place at the castle in the kingdom of Tiez.
The men in charge are the Knights captains dressed in silver armor. And the leaders who serve the King of Tiez.
And the King of Tiez, Malt Tiez himself.
Malt is at the age of twenty-five and was an outstanding figure that has inherited the seat of the King from the former King.
From two years of his govern, he solved various problems in the country and gained tremendous support from the people.
But there are nasty problems that lead to the current meeting.
[Merchant without guards was attacked again]
[The carriage that we had put on our guards one hour ago just passed by, after that, those who followed them was attacked and only the corpse left]
[Despite suffering the expense, there is no indication that merchant from our country being attacked]
The neighboring Kingdom of Garne has changed to a new king several years ago, and with his outstanding skill reduced the crime rates around Garne.
But as a result, bad guys including bandits have flowed here.
Unlike Garne that had a vast plain, Many bandits hide into unexplored places, there is no trouble making the campsite here because this place had a lot of mountains and forests, and they attacking the travelers when have a chance.
Castle towns and surrounding villages let the knights stay at Malt discretion and do not suffer any damage, but it is difficult to make them get along.
It's possible to dispatch the Royal Guard from the capital, but of course it costs money and labor. There are not enough people to offer them free lodge.
In that case, merchant and travelers can hire adventurers or the others. However, the size of the adventurer guild is small and the number of personnel is scarce due to the strong influence of the knights in the Kingdom of Tiez.
Other countries may have guilds and sufficient staff, but they can't force the others countries to do the escort.
[Those bandits, I will purge them with my sword if they dare to attack…]
One of the Knights Captains groaned, but Malt just sigh.
Certainly, the ability of the Knights of the Kingdom of Tiez is high. They can even deal with a hundred bandits with a few people.
But for bandits, they already knew it. When the Knights do the escorts, they wouldn't appear at all.
It is a battle that can't be won if fight straightly. It's a matter of fact.
[In order to kill those bandits, it's necessary to capture their whereabouts. Do you have any plan?]
However, the Knights don't mutter any words. They already made various plans and adopt it, but all had ended in vain.
In the scope of the proud Knights, the clever bandits pass through.
[Mountain hunting has also failed three times. If you make a little more idea we'll got the result…. For now, I would like to select a person who will responsible for dealing with the visible bandits at present. Is there a candidate or someone that you want to recommended?]
If it's another responsibility, these Knights knows who is the promising candidate. However, because many powerful Knight Captains have already failed, they understand how annoying this problem is.
Among the Knight Captains, it was the oldest, Ragdo who raised his hand.
[King, there are those who I want to recommend]
[Lord Ragdo, who you want to recommended in here?]
[No, They are not here. But everyone knows that they are capable. I would like to recommend my corps The Illias.]
When he said that name, the Knight Captains shows a little difficult face.
[So, it means Illias Ratzel, is that good?]
Malt knows Illias well.
Illias Ability, even if it's only the swords arm, it wouldn't lose to any one of the Knight Captains, and the loyalty to the country is also perfect.
But the evaluation doesn't grow. The reason is…
[If it's that "woman", I don't know for the others perspective idea]
[it's not a problem, just give it a month period. I hope it works out]
There is also self-esteem that doesn't want to acknowledge the height of her ability. There are a few Knights who aren't happy with Illias because she's a woman. Ragdo is the one who value her highly, but because he's a minority he can't fix her status.
If Illias succeed in killing the bandits, her evaluation maybe renewed, but if she fail, it is likely to be seen as something natural.
Malt also know her evaluation, but she is a good knight.
There are some worries to give this job to work on that cunning bandits.
It would be fine if she get hope on her, but Malt was thinking about her pain in the future.
(TL : It's short chapter but I spend 4 whole days to translate it…. Dang, the other translator must be God when they can release every day.)