Very Much 7:  Don’t ask Colette for advice she’s a ninny!macoto
ven if she asked Colette, Colette didnot know how to reply. She had no answers.
‘I don’t know such a thing andwe
we are not together anymore. His Majesty and Lionel are different
 Tocompare my situation with that of His and Her Highness
‘Why do you think that Lionel andHis Majesty are different?’
(Zuben: Maybe Colette does have theanswer. Queenie, just wear a sexy baby doll and ask the King for his“compassion”)
Further questions were awkward. Shedidn’t want to criticise people who are precious about their status withoutpermission. She was nervous about being accused of a crime,
‘I don’t know his Majesty at all(Zuben: Indeed, if she walked by him in a hallway she wouldn’t know it washim.) but I think I came across Lionel-sama when he was lonely. Maybe hisMajesty would get used to you while you live together
‘Maybe you should be frank with himabout how you feel. Maybe that way you can work it out.’
‘Were you frank too? Aren’t yourfeelings for Lionel shallow?’
I liked Lionel-sama, but Ican’t really like him, I know the difference in our social status.’
At Colette’s words, Eliza sigheddeeply,
‘A person who loves like that issaid to be unselfish,’ (Zuben: Can you actually say that, Eliza?)
That may be true, however there wasalso fear. A person may want to run away from the force and depth of theother’s love for them. But she did not say that to the Queen,
‘Good.’ Eliza said after a briefcontemplative silence.
Colette was relieved; it lookedlike Eliza was satisfied with what she said. Hopefully, she could leave soon,but she felt Eliza’s sharp gaze on her
‘But there is a problem; the realreason I sent for you
what is it?’ Colette askedtentatively. She had a bad feeling but she had to listen to the woman,
‘The King was very interested in the womanwho had made Lionel go crazy. So I want you to be one of my personal maids,’
Colette understood. It was theKing. He would get curious about the maiden who had turned Lionel’s head andcome looking for Colette (Zuben: Queenie doesn’t want her hubby to fall for theman stealing hussy)
Colette realised that the queen hada heart full of passion in her fragile looking body. She could feel it. Thiswas a really serious situation,
‘It’s okay. I am thinking ofresigning my post earlier than my term completion date. I will return to myparents’ home and prepare for my wedding. I have a fiancĂ©, the son of myfather’s business partner. I have known him since we were little.’
‘I see, but do you really love thatfiancĂ©?’
Colette had never really thought oflove.
‘I know him well, and we get along.We will both help build our family’s business. Even for us commoners, marriagefor the family is very common.’
‘Is that so? So you will abandonlove in the castle and get married for your family?’
It looked like Queen’s head wasfull of love issues; everything she seemed to think of was associated withlove.
Thinking on what the Queen said,Colette wondered Queen Eliza had certain single minded ideas about how loveshould be,
‘I was so happy when they decidedthat His Majesty would be my husband. Even though it was a decision made by ourHouse and countries, I love his Majesty from the bottom of my heart. Back home,I spoke to some of my elders whose marriages had been arranged and they did notlike their partners very much. For me, since the moment I saw a picture of HisMajesty, I was happy to have a husband like him. I dreamt of a happy life together.But in reality, I am not cared for at all.’ (Zuben: Saw a pretty guy in thepicture, and created a personality in your head that was different to the one reality)
Eliza seemed to wilt as shefinished talking; Colette groaned inwardly and tried to pacify her,
‘Loving someone and being loved ishard. But being able to love someone, I think that I am happy. To tell you thetruth I would like to be loved, but I wonder is just love is enough. For now,don’t think too much, just try and relax. Love is not a transient thing, truelove will last.’
‘Oh, I wonder
‘His Majesty and Eliza are bothbeautiful people that suit each other. It is better to be patient and keep acalm mind. Go out, enjoy yourself. I hear it is not good to stay in enclosedrooms too much.’
Something in Colette’s words seemedto have caught Eliza for she went silent, then rose quickly. Lady Adan quicklyrang the bell for a senior maid. Lady Adan and Eliza both left the room and thesenior made sent Colette back to her duties.
She could not quite get whathappened, but for Colette it was really tense and exhausting. Besides she hadnot done her assigned work today, she needed to hurry. On her way she wasambushed by Rose.
‘Colette! It is serious? Oh, whatdid the Lady of the Court say ask you?’
various things
like asurvey
‘As I thought! I guessed as much.’
Rose, you know what it wasabout?’
She had not heard that His Highnessthe King was looking for Colette, right? Wasn’t that supposed to be a secret?
But as Rose began to talk, someonecalled her,
‘Colette Folk, come here!’
It was the Lead Supervisor of themaids who had a lower maid with her.
Colette turned to Rose and said,‘Later,’ and she was led away by the supervisor.  The supervisor took her to her office and shewas asked to sign a document,
‘What is this?’ Colette asked.
‘Colette, you’ve had a hard timewith work,’
‘You have been relieved of yourduties in the palace.’
A sudden dismissal! She wondered ifthe Queen made it happen since she didn’t want his Majesty to meet Collette.She did not know but could not afford to refuse, so Colette signed and was letgo.
‘Your luggage would be sent to youlater. We will pay you all your wages till today.’
Colette was stunned. It all seemedtoo easy and sudden. Colette was not one to cling on to things but she had beena palace maid for two years and still had a few more months to go. Her mindcould not keep up with the speed at which the end came. Though dumbfounded, Colettebegan to walk home.
‘Colette, here.’
She didn’t even look up at the handthat pulled her. It seemed her life had vacated her body for a bit. She was taken to thestables, where a horse and a knight stood. She came back to herself and sawLionel standing beside his horse, in his ceremonial armour.
’ What? Why?
He wasn’t alone; the other BlackDragon Knights were also there dressed as he was. Colette’s brain was frozen.Lionel came closer to her, his expression full of sweetness,
‘I came to get you,’
‘I have received permission fromHis Majesty.’
‘Permission to marry you,’
Colette’s brain was frazzled.Didn’t she decline his offer last night?
Lionel drew closer, ‘So, let’s headto your home town now,’
‘What are you going to do there
‘To ask for permission from yourparents.’
Wait! What?! Colette felt faint.Her mouth opened and closed without any sounds coming out for a while. Sheregained the ability to speak and she was happy when a very sensible sentenceemerged,
‘Suddenly coming home with me, itmight be troublesome for my parents
‘That will not be a problem,’ hesaid assuredly
The leader of the knights and hissubordinates had prepared everything, and then got Colette out. Rose and theother maids arrived at the scene and cried out excitedly, ‘It’s so great!’
No it’s not great. She had wantedto have a long think about the future but she could not think of anything rightnow. In this situation, Colette did not have the mental power to say “No I willnot marry you Lionel, it is impossible.”
Rose came up to her and said, ‘Thisis what I’ve been wanting to tell you all day: Lionel officially cancelled hisengagement, and you and he are officially allowed to marry!’
You should have told me sooner!
Lionel lifted Colette onto the horse so she assitting side saddle and then he mounted behind her. Lionel salutedhis men and they saluted him and saw them off.
‘Now, we go,’
As Lionel said so, his horsegalloped like the wind.
Was he really serious? It was notpossible. He was allowed to end his engagement to marry a commoner? And now theywere on their way to inform Colette’s parents

Will she be able to be his wife asshe was?
No it was impossible.
There was no way she could be thewife of a Commander of the Knights, a high ranking noble and closest retainerand friend to the King.
Colette knew best that she had nosuch talent or spirit.
As Lionel held her close to him onthe horse that flew to their destination, she thought, this had truly become avery serious thing (Zuben: Kyaaaaa!)