Let’s act after seeing Iris’s reaction first from now on. Ara, seeing…… I would end up moving first. Fufu.
A, ara. It, it’s all right. I will move after thinking first. Iris and Shien too, don’t look at me like that. Eh, even Eva? To think that I’m so untrustworthy, I’m startled.
「Koyu-sama. Please pardon me」
「Ara, have you calmed down? Fufu. Can I also tell you something?」
「Y, yes. What is it?」
「You see? Could you stop the honorifics? I want us to talk normally. I wouldn’t like a wall between us while we are together」
「Koyu-sama as well, aren’t you too polite while talking with me?」
「Ara, I’m talking normally, you know? I talk the same to Shien, don’t I?」
「Iris is talking normally when speaking to Shien and Eva, right? I would like to be the same. Is that no good? Moreover, Iris is going to be my teacher from now on, right? In that case, I must use honorifics when talking to Iris, don’t I? Do you want that?」
「…… I don’t like that」
「Then, please?」
「…… As much as I can? I will give it my best 1」
I wonder if it’s impossible right away? But, I hope the burden on Iris will decrease a little with this.
Reveal Character!
Reveal Character!
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Made with 'The Rock's Eyebrow Raise Meme | Concept LoRA v1.0' Model
「Saa, teach me magic, please. I’m trembling in excitement」
「Right away?……」
「I mean, I want to try using it. Maybe I can use it as well, you know?」
「Ah~…… Sorry while you are so motivated, but we are departing soon」
Eh? Ah!
I’m dejected.
「Even if you are so dejected……」
「You look like a child, Koyu-sama」
「Because I was looking forward to it!」
「You can just do it while we are resting, there’s plenty of time」
「Koyu-sama. Basics are first. Let’s begin there since it’s possible even in the carriage」
「Yes! I will do my best!」
「Yeah. We are already leaving~ Quickly, get in」
Yes, yes. Shall we get in then? Magic in the carriage. How exciting.
Today, Elm and Eva are in the driver seats again. It’s Iris and me in the carriage. Sapin and Shien are guarding on horses, we resume the travel in such arrangements.
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Generate Now!
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Made with 'The Rock's Eyebrow Raise Meme | Concept LoRA v1.0' Model
We have begun with what we can in the carriage.
「Koyu-sama, are you able to feel the magical power?」
「I told so yesterday, but I don’t really understand」
「I think you can definitely feel it since your magical power value is so high. Can you give me your hands?」
Facing Iris, she holds my hands.
『Oh, Power. Flow next to me in the form of healing』
「Please, close your eyes and feel」
When I close my eyes…… Ara, my fingertips became warm.
「Right now, I have poured my magical power. I think it’s easy to understand because I have the light attribute. This is a soothing power called heal」
「Iris, my fingertips became somehow warm」
「Then, please try letting that warmth circulate around your body」
「That’s right. If you can do that, you will feel the magical power from any part of your body. We can then move onto a training that would control spontaneous discharge」
「I understand. This warmth around my body……」
Circulate my body…… Which reminds me, blood goes around the body…… It’s an image of blood flowing through veins, isn’t it? Circulate the warmth instead of blood…… image, image……
Letting magical power flow through the body together with blood…… Ah, this!? From heart to fingertips and back……
Heart…… veins…… through the artery to fingertips on hands…… from fingertips through veins back to the heart…… again…… this time to the feet…… next to the neck……
I have unconsciously got engrossed in the comfortableness……
The control of magical power?
I removed the remaining warmth from my body.
☆☆☆ Iris’s bewilderment ☆☆☆
It was embarrassing, but I was worried so…… I spat it out……
To accept it so easily……
Just how kind Koyu-sama is?
Replacing my feelings, it’s time for the magical power control.
Because she has a lot of magical power, it would be terrible if she spontaneously discharged it.
It was lucky that she hasn’t exploded accidentally up until now.
I’m really glad…… that Koyu-sama’s surroundings didn’t get hurt.
I try to train her control by using healing light magic so that we don’t get hurt. This way, she will be able to feel the magical power without getting injured…… is what I thought.
Koyu-sama could feel the magical power easier than I thought and she was immediately able to let it flow around her body, but…… Her body started radiating little by little after she closed her eyes. Just what is going on?
I called Koyu-sama in panic, but she didn’t answer.
I thought about shaking with her body, but that could lead to an accidental explosion. I could only call her name over and over again.