The Different World Magic Is Too Behind! Volume 3 Chapter 1
Upon entering the city, the girl
Translators: Shuvi, Rockgollem
Editing: Deus ex-Machina
The time is around 10 days after the fight with Rajas. Suimei and Lefille had crossed the border into the Nelfaria empire and arrived at the capital Filas Filia.
While walking on the highway currently under maintenance, a bit after arriving Suimei looked towards his destination. With just a glance at Astel, one could see a unique and ma.s.sive castle gate towering above the skies.
That castle gate had a height much taller than that of Metel, Kurant city and of incomparable circ.u.mference; one could tell the power of the Nelfaria Empire from it. The dimensions of the city were also nearly double that of Metel, and outside of the castle walls were many markets and hotels.
It was a place at the crossroads of three different countries, an important trade hub with roads leading to the east, west, and south. At any rate, it was an extremely prosperous area.
Well, Suimei was originally planning on staying a while in Kurant city but, there was reason for him coming all the way to Nelfaria. Of course, that was none other than Lefille Grakis.
Based on some premonition, they had come with a large number of military forces and were attacked in Astel territory. After defeating Rajas, Lefille, who had used too much of her spirit power, suddenly turned into a young girl like an elementary school student.
As a result, Lefille lost much of her fighting capability, and being unable to wield her large sword, she couldn’t go alone to Nelfaria.
Hence, Suimei ended up leaving Kurant city early and accompanying Lefille across the border.
Furthermore, there was the matter of her curse. During the trip, it manifested many times, and despite using restraint and control magic on it every time, the corruption could still not be purged.
Upon recalling that, Suimei blinked his eyes uncomfortably and his face was somewhat hot. It wasn’t really a bad thing but, evidently, he was thinking of something embarra.s.sing.
If someone saw that situation
 well it was only because she’d used so much magic but, he would definitely be called a lolicon. Lefille was technically older than himself, but even if it wasn’t so.
But, that said...
(Still, it comes down to this)
Seems there’s no alternative. After losing her combat power she can’t travel alone, and with that curse something bad is bound to happen. So he needed to stay with her until she returned to her original body and could either be released from or at least suppress the curse.
That mazoku thingy that cursed her
 I need to take it down.
While staring at her, the thought started to take a proper shape from just a dim outline.
The female mazoku who was with Rajas. Sleep demon was it? In the other world, it would be a succubus type demon. It was known as evil spirit, well known in Europe, that seduces men in their dream and steal away their vitality. It was a being that gained form from a mere shadow due to projections of countless human desires. It seemed they were categorized as mazokus in this world.
To undo the curse, there was a need to eliminate her copies. After all, they had abilities of their own, albeit weaker, so it was decided to aim for them -- there was an effective process to it. If they destroyed the clones then afterwards the enemy wouldn’t be able to produce them again. If that’s the case then the source shouldn’t be aimed at first.
That’s right, he had come all the way up till now. Postponing his own returning to his original world, he wanted to give her his strength until the end.
“What’s wrong Suimei-kun?”
“Huh? Oh nothing really...”
“Fufu, could it be you’ve been entranced by my figure?”
With a mischievous expression Lefille did a little twirl right there. The little adornments on her children’s clothes fluttered in the wind, and she had a satisfied face. For her usually lady-like self, this was an unusual appearance.
That’s to say, pretty much.
“Seems you’re pretty happy about something.”
“Uh, well
As Suimei laughed and remarked that, Lefille looked down with a red face. It was like a child who had a secret exposed. Well, if he had to say, she was happily wearing children’s clothes and hiding her embarra.s.sment. The clothes she was wearing, of course, were not her knight’s clothes but clothes bought in Kurant city.
Originally his goal was to buy some easy to move in clothes in Nelfaria for him, but when he bought her clothes, he gave into the salesperson, and now Lefille was wearing some cute clothes. Lefille, to the end, was saying things like “You’re treating me like a child!” or “I’m an adult!” or “Cute clothes
 th-theres no way I’d be intereste
”, but the shop a.s.sistant wouldn’t take any of that and in the end, put together a bunch of innocent clothes that they bought.
Glancing around at their whereabouts, Lefille inquired.
“Is that fine?”
“The shop a.s.sistant also said so but, it’s cute”
 even if you say that I’m not particularly overjoyed.”
That is what people would call “tsun” but, she walked with a skip. To be called cute, she was probably actually happy on the inside. It’s the same as how boys get pumped up with they’re called cool. As expected, anyone would be happy if they are praised. Seeing this was a heartwarming experience, although how much of it was because she’d become little, he didn’t know.
(Just talking with Lefille casually, it’s the usual Lefille huh)
While carrying a large sword on his back, Suimei looked over at Lefille. Because she had become small, she looked like she had become much more full of emotion in all respects. It’s not really that she had scarce emotions up until now, it’s just that compared to how quiet she was back then, her current childlike character stands out. With her body becoming small, maybe her mind was dragged to a childlike state with it, but there is no way to know for sure.
However, if this is the case, she displays an air appropriate for a child, like one trying to stand on their tiptoes. Well, isn’t that fine though?
While Suimei was thinking that, Lefille suddenly stopped, put on a serious look on her childlike face, and faced Suimei.
“Oh right. Come to think of it Suimei-kun, about my body becoming small
“Oh, I completely forgot about the explanation I was saying earlier.”
“I also forgot because of all the other things that were happening.”
As Suimei remembered, his facial expression and voice changed to a serious tone, contrasting to his att.i.tude just a little ago. Because many things had happened up until now, he had completely forgotten about that talk.
Lefille had become little. Before they descended from the mountain, the talk about his guess on the matter.
Suimei’s eyebrows wrinkled and he put his hand on his chin as he began to explain his conclusions.
“Now then, where should I being
 ah right. In the world I’m from, there is a line of thinking that the everything that people see are all just projections of the actual essence of the thing. The essence, from the idea view, is what the visible thing reflects, a sort of shadow of the idea. Or at least that’s how the idea theory goes...”
“Idea theory?”
“So uhh
 The things that I can see are
While nodding her head and muttering to herself, Lefille thought about the previous explanation. It’s hard to completely understand the general idea if you aren’t in that world after all. Now then, how to explain it simply

“Well, for example. The Yakagi Suimei that Lefille currently is able to see is the one that is shown to you by the projection of the idea of Yakagi Suimei. The other things you are able to sense about me are also things from the information that it lets you recognize.”
“So the idea is the essence? In other words, what is visible and what is the essence are actually different, right?”
“You could say it that way”
“Then, if it’s as you say, and that what we see is what the idea allows us to see, then wouldn’t everyone see differently?”
“Well the idea can potentially contain many individual characteristics, so it can decide to show different appearances when we see it. That’s why, even in things that Lefille and I see as the same, there are parts that can’t be seen. Around us, the trees, rocks, and buildings aren’t the same as each other.”
“...I understand it for naturally created things, because all natural things have a spirit. But how do you explain that for manmade objects? Those are created for a particular purpose, so they don’t really have an encompa.s.sing idea right?”
“That’s true. In the case of human created objects, they aren’t consciously created with an idea. But when they are made, the person is thinking “do this” or “do that,” which attaches on many traits. It’s a bit of a stretch, but that breathes a soul into it. Well, that’s for things that physically exist but, the point is that general idea and shape are given by humans.”
“So pretty much, people create it with just an outward appearance, but in actuality an idea with various characteristics is also created, and added onto the outward appearance?”
“That’s right.”
To the enquiring Lefille, Suimei nodded in a.s.sent. It seemed she sort of grasped the concept.
Thereupon, Lefille gave an usually grim face and spoke.
“But then Suimei-kun. If we can be explained in that way, then aren’t we all sort of sad existences? Aren’t we no more than like people whose existences are as thin as paper, that can be interpreted arbitrarily and differently?”
As thin as paper, how fitting. It’s quite on point, surprisingly. I guess if it’s the first time one hears this kind of talk, that response is kind of to be expected.

“That’s right. The world we are in and the us in that world are paper thin existences. Sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch, they’re all merely interpretations of the essence. Everything we see is in reality a sham, a deception..”
“A deception
Seems she can’t accept that. No, isn’t that to be expected? Things that exist, that can be seen, and yourself, they’re concrete things that are here. Words with such existential futility, that deny your own self.
“Well, just believe in this for now. There’s no need to understand it in such depth.”
“You’re saying stupid things Suimei-kun. Isn’t this important concerning the matter of myself? There’s no way I can just overlook it.”
“Well if you say it that way
 it’s all natural philosophy so personally I don’t think it’s particularly necessary but
 so, what do you think?”
“Well uh, I guess I mostly understand it. But how does that have anything to do with me becoming small?”
To the inquiring Lefille, Suimei closed his eyes briefly and then opened them. Then

“So far the theory is pretty simple. Existences can pretty much be summarized with that paper person type of idea. But for a child of a spirit and a human like you, Lefille, the theory becomes much more apparent. For a normal human, since the soul and body are tied together, when either is damaged severely it can lead to death. For Lefille, however, since you are primarily comprised of spirit, in addition to the body and soul the spirit is a component, and in some parts even without the spirit the body and soul continue on. Of course though, since the spirit is still part of the idea, and it becomes faint, you will change and your normal existence will also become faint.”
“The reflection of my essence that you and others can see, is losing its consistency as my existence fades. That’s why I’m becoming like this? So the spirit weakening doesn’t change the body and soul. But it’s not unusual that there would be some kind of fluctuation in appearance because the spirit is part of the idea that is projected.”
“Yeah. I think that’s why Lefille has taken on that form.”
Lefille’s body is currently incomplete because the spirit is not present. Therefore, the information is damaged, meaning that what is conveyed to other people will also surely be affected. However, to rid of features like the fatigued complexion, the bodily injuries, and the pale face, her body inevitably had to revert to that of a young girl.
Lefille folded her arms and groaned.
“Being able to understand all of this, your world must have been an unimaginable place. Well, just the fact that you’re from another world is surprising too.”
“Well this year has been the most unfortunate.”
Lefille showed a bitter smile to Suimei who had a disheartened face.
“To hold that much power and not be a hero that saves the world, I think that’s just being cynical really.”
“I don’t think it’s really all that amazing.”
“That is?”
“Well I only defeated a bunch of small fries, right? In that case for a magician it’s not really anything to brag about.”
“In this world there are also magicians that wish for the kind of power you had. Pretty much, I think you’re reaching for ideals that are too high.”
“...ideals huh. Well I guess so”
Suimei thought of the man that embodied his ideals. To just be able to reach his father’s toes, he had greater wishes and higher standards than others. Suimei’s aspirations in regards to his father were still strong.
Maybe she had guessed his thoughts, but Lefille approached and inquired.
“By the way, I’m curious. If it were your father, would he have been able to do the same?”
“Hmm? If it was father then he would have had no problems defeating them.”
“Even Rajas?”
To that question, Suimei thought for a bit. If it was his father then how would it have been. Of course it wasn’t a question of whether he could or not; that he could was a given. Rajas was strong and able, but when it came down to it, his father probably wouldn’t even have to move his eyebrow a millimeter.
“With a single fist he’d send him flying.”
“Wha... a fist??”
To the surprised Lefille, Suimei nodded.
His father was a magician, but he was incapacitated and stuck in a wheelchair. Without legs and his body disobeying himself, he would seem to be no match for Rajas. In the past he’d had a fighting style weaving close combat and magic, and had a stubborn forward facing disposition.
Yes, in battles he was dreadfully formidable. Even in his current condition in the wheelchair, he could fire barrages of magic, and in the time between casts he could evade attacks and slip into the cracks of his opponent’s defenses, delivering a thrust using his Shinden (TL: Skill name meaning Magnificent Lightning), rendering his opponent into dust.
And then, after using it, he would inevitably gaze at his hand and think.
...Well, my fist still hasn’t become weak yet.
“...he would be able to do it. It’s him after all. His strength is mindboggling.”
If it was father he’d be able to do it. If it was him, then the mazoku that took me quite some time to find the characteristics of, he would have used modern magic to immediately find an effective magic. To be honest, in addition to taking time, I’d been reduced to tatters, while father was strong and wouldn’t have had any problem. Although because his legs had gone lame, compared to when he could move freely, he wouldn’t be able to do it as easily as one could imagine.
“The mazoku general, that easily
“Yeah. Really, how did he manage to become so strong? Well, I can’t ask him anymore
Yes, his father could no longer answer. He died. Before his very eyes. Halfway through his path in life, he’d handed over his legacy.
“How do I say it. I can tell your world was extraordinarily different.”
“It can’t be helped. My world and this world are in completely different states in terms of how far civilization has progressed. The development of technology is different, and people’s strength is also different. Lefille is an exception but
“That’s unpleasant.”
“In the end the one that defeated Rajas with one sword was an exception. Carrying a power that’s like the natural enemy of magicians.”
That amazed voice was from the mystery that is the heart. Even in the other world, Lefille’s spirit is an exception. With that, Suimei looked up at the blue sky and said.
“Someday, I’d like to become a magician like that
Arriving along the highway to Filas Filia, where many and diverse people came and went, the two of them finally reached the castle gate and lined up in queue for the city entrance inspection.
Looking up and down the castle walls and gate while shielding his eyes from the glaring sun, Suimei asked Lefille.
“It’s a little late, but what kind of place is the Nelfaria Empire?”
To that far too late question, Lefille frowned as if at a loss for words before replying.
“Really to only ask now? We’ve already been in imperial territory for quite a while. Shouldn’t you kind of already be able to tell?”
“To me everywhere kind of seems the same. If I had to say what’s different from Astel, there’s more people and a greater variety of things.”
Suimei shrugged his shoulders. He was a person from the modern age, and telling apart people here was hard. Maybe Lefille could tell a lot of differences between the interior designs and states of the cheap hotels they’d been staying in up until now, but for Suimei who had come from modern j.a.pan, it was hard to tell the differences between things in this other world. At most he could tell the differences between the clothes people were wearing.
“Didn’t you do some research in the Astel library before we came?”
“I only have knowledge from books, so I’d like to hear Lefille’s impressions.”
“My impressions of the empire huh
Lefille thought for a while in response to Suimei’s words. The honest opinion of someone from this world. There wasn’t much to go on.
After a little, she nodded and then answered.
“Well, let’s see. In a sentence, I’d have to say the Nelfaria Empire is strong in terms of national power. Yes.”
Suimei took on a stiff smile.
“...ah. From the books it did certainly seem that way.”
“Right. Nelfaria’s wealth is famous. And their military power is by far the best compared to other countries.”
“But, it doesn’t really feel like it’s to that extent. Is something happening?”
Suimei asked about the doubt he had for quite some time.
Basically the empire was known as a place with many people and lots of influence. In addition, they seemed to constantly exert pressure on the surrounding countries. Yet, the empire also held alliances with countries that had different governing philosophies.
While it’s true that many other countries fell into the empire’s sphere of influence, it seemed to fit together almost too well.
Furthermore, to Suimei, the empire seemed similar to Imperial j.a.pan, bearing a strongly similar image.
“Well that can’t be helped. At first the empire annexed the surrounding countries, but in the war several hundred years ago, they lost a lot of their national power. These days it seems to have calmed down,”
“Calmed down
 it seems to be a country with a large ambition, yet even after hundreds of years nothing much has happened.”
“Well, at that time the empire was allied with three different countries, and because of the potential danger of a war, the other countries raised militaries of comparable strength.”
“So even after raising war potential, a war never broke out.”
“Yeah. One of the big reasons is because the hero summoning became a big topic.”
To Lefille’s unexpected words, Suimei put on a dubious face.
“Because of the hero summoning? What does that have to do with it?”
“They were summoned during the war in those days. The heroes.”
To Lefille’s explanation, Suimei’s confusion only deepened. Certainly during those days, the Hero summoning was carried out. The nation’s leaders and magicians guilds, due to the highest conference of the salvation church, recognized the hero summons, which for the first time, succeeded. However, how did a war cause a summoning?
As Suimei’s face distorted in deep thought, Lefille gave an answer.
“This is handed down through legends. At the time, the ruler of the Sadius union suddenly instated a dictatorial government and waged war against the surrounding countries, causing ma.s.s murderings.”
“Oi oi, ma.s.s murderings are dangerous. Why would he?”
“Who knows, the legends didn’t say that much. I don’t know either. Anyways, without discrimination and with great brutality, aiming for power he continued to wage war against everyone in the world, and most people sensed the impending danger.”
As Lefille spoke, Suimei remembered something in the corner of his mind. Yes, a while ago, the thing with the Astel prime minister Gless and that official Dorothea in the Twilight Pavilion. The story about the tyrant. At that time, 3 heroes were called from another world; it was the tale about the fall of the tyrant. However,
“So the heroes are summoned, and then the empire’s aggressive war was also affected...oh.”
“Yep, seems like you’ve noticed. In the war, against the aggressor nation, the fact that you can summon a hero to oppose them was proven. While the empire didn’t go as far as to conduct ma.s.s murder, if he tried to conquer the surrounding countries, then they would come to agreement, and then
“They would summon the heroes, and go after them.”
“Yes. The Nelfaria emperor at that time had seen the power of heroes and was considerably scared, thinking that he must not make enemies of the heroes.”
“I see.”
If it was to that extent, it couldn’t be helped. To scare the emperor who had that much power and influence over the rulers of other countries to that extent, the heroes must have had tremendous power.
“There’s that, but the hero summoning was also monumental.”
“Yes. To get the war power to defeat the mazoku and the demon king. Power equal to a whole country. Wouldn’t there be a lot of political manuevering to get that?”
“And because of that, there’s a lot of compet.i.tion, and the large scale debate has prevented war from breaking out for a long time.”
“Pretty much.”
”Well that said, two years ago around the time of the conflict between Astel and Shaldock, due to the contributions of the Astel Kingdom’s Princess t.i.tania, Astel won.”
t.i.tania’s contributions. To those unexpected words, Suimei’s eyes widened.
 oh Princess t.i.tania. Yeah she had quite considerable contributions you know.”
“Really...that princess huh.”
With that, Suimei gave a huge sigh of amazement. It was unexpected. The Astel princess, t.i.tania. She had vigor and was tidy, but for that princess that always walked closely behind Reiji to have furiously contributed on the battlefield, it was unimaginable. She didn’t seem to be as powerful as a mage as Felmenia; could she have been hiding it?

 that’s what he thought, but in contributing to the battlefield, there are many ways such as coming up with plans and policies.
(Iya, is it because Tia can fight that n.o.body said anything about her departure?)
At this time, Suimei remembered the matter before he’d left the castle.
When Reji and his party were paraded out in a line, the king, the prince, and the others at the castle showered them with praise, but Suimei couldn’t remember a single word of caution. In other words, did n.o.body have any words of worry for them? Did that mean they had that much confidence in the princess’ power?
“...the next person, come into the office.”
While thinking that, he heard a voice from the office. It seemed they were at the front of the line. Suimei and Lefille both ended their conversation and entered.
Entering, there were several people of the military police standing up in a cozy little room, inviting them in.
There, a young man who looked to be in charge of doc.u.ments and tax collection raised his voice.
“Entering the city?”
Seeing the two of them both nod their heads, the man handed them the doc.u.ments. They were to write down their names. Upon leaving Metel and entering Kurant, they had done the same thing so Suimei was already familiar with it.
“Then, please write your name here. Next, if you know your social status then please present
 Oh oops right, about being able to write...”
To the calm Suimei and the tottering Lefille, the official changed what he was about to say and inquired such.
“Yes, she can write”
“No problem.”
“Sorry about that. Then please write here. Next, please pay the city entrance tax as well as the pa.s.sage toll and everything should be concluded.”
Suimei, after hearing the official’s polite words, started to enter in his name, while the official looked over at Lefille’s carefree smiling face. Does he like kids, does he have a nice character, Suimei is too nice, the official thought, and he stooped over by Lefille and lowered his gaze.
“Then, could you, miss, also fill out these forms?
Hearing that request, Lefille’s eyebrow twitched, and she suddenly made a serious and severe face.
“Official-dono. I am not a Miss. Correct yourself.”
“Ahaha. You’re right. Sorry sorry, Princess-sama.”
“What’s with that response! What kind of childish bulls.h.i.t are you trying to spout?!?”
To the official’s response, Lefille stood up and shouted furiously. It was the same when they were shopping in Kurant city, upon being treated like a child she would have quite the reaction. To any trivial slip of the tongue she would always have this kind of adamant negation.
“...tch, Suimei-kun! Suimei-kun say something!”
“Wha... me?”
What could he do to resolve this. There was no way that he could say “Truth is, this child fought with the mazoku and became little.” That kind of response was like what you’d hear in some comedy. Upon hearing Lefille, the official looked at Suimei and gave a wry smile.
“Heh, seems like she’s quite lively. Must be hard.”
“Ah, well
In the end Suimei had dealt with the rest. Just when he thought it was over, Lefille came over with arms crossed.
“Suimei-kun! Why did you go along with what he said?”
 that was uhh
What he wanted to say was, ‘it can’t be helped, please deal with it.’ Thinking that, Suimei said bewilderingly to Lefille who was clinging to him.
“A child standing on her tiptoes like this. My little sister that I left behind was also like this so I understand.”
Nodding and grunting in affirmation, it was like he had experience. If you looked around, the other military police officers also had similar smiles due to Lefille’s actions; it was quite a warm and light atmosphere.
 I’ve had it. Hurry up and finish the paperwork so we can get out of here.”
Saying so, Lefille gave up and returned to her quiet self and went back to filling out the paperwork. But

“Hmm, hmm”
“What’s wrong?”
Somehow, while reaching out to the papers, Lefille let out a groan and braced herself. Even when Suimei asked what it was about, Lefille, as if grappling with something in her head, wouldn’t respond. She only raised her voice as if she was dealing with a difficult enemy.
“Ku, this sort of thing, this sort of thing!”
“Not yet! I can’t give up yet! My pride. I can’t throw it away!”
Lefille grandiosely declared such. For a while she continued on, until she realized something and sank down in despair.
“Kuh, my hands can’t reach the paper...”
With a sound, Lefille sniffled and said so tearfully. Reaching at the middle of the top of the desk, she seemed to be in quite the precarious situation, evidently having trouble writing. Was she really having that hard of a time?
Thereupon, the official came over to her side and gave her a chair.
“Here Missy. Please use this instead.”
“I! I
To the official’s kind gesture, Lefille once again grew angry, but

Eyeing the chair and then the desk, slowly she deflated. Eventually, in silence she depressedly climbed the chair and began to fill out the doc.u.ments.
Her ponytail swaying back and forth slowly, one could see her sadness. In short, she didn’t want to acknowledge that she had become small. Suimei gave her a comforting pat on the shoulder while telling her “patience,” and she began to write on the paper using the feather pen.
After a little, around when they finished up the doc.u.ments, suddenly the door from the inner side of the city opened and a girl entered.
Upon seeing her with a surprised look, the military police turned towards her and saluted.
“Second lieutenant Zandike!”
The official called out the rank of the girl. With slightly red tinted purple hair, somewhat sickly looking skin, a right eye with an eyepatch, and a drowsy looking left eye, she gave off an awfully unusual impression. She was wearing gothic lolita style military clothes with a coat and gloves.
To that girl that looked like she was from another world, Suimei raised his eyebrows a bit.
It was a novel appearance. In the other world he had seen many peculiarly clothed people but, it had been a while since he had seen such self-a.s.sertive clothes like these. That didn’t mean that it didn’t fit her though. It was precisely because it fit her that she seemed out of place.
Did Lefille have similar thoughts?
Apparently not. Upon seeing those excessive clothes, she let out her initial reaction.
While Lefille and Suimei were thinking about her clothes, the second lieutenant walked up to the official and spoke with a business-like icy voice.
“Yesterday’s name registration, I came to pick it up.”
“...Yes ma’am!”
With a clapping sound, the official stood ramrod straight and saluted. Then he took out a leather bound book from a drawer and handed it over. The girl took the book, quickly scanned it, and then clapped the book shut while saying “good work.”
... Is the Empire’s military system different than other countries? The way lower officers referred to higher ranking officers by their rank was reminiscent of modern military but, well, anyway. This girl. She looked to be 12 or 13, no more than a little above that. There weren’t many military personnel this young. She was definitely a child soldier.
Did she notice him looking at her? Her sleepy eyes turned and stared at Suimei.
“ be looking at a soldier that much, is it unusual?”
“Iya, not that really.”
The strange thing wasn’t that. While Suimei was saying so, Lefille blurted out what they had both been thinking.
“Iya, for a soldier, you’re quite young.”
Thereupon, after hearing those words, the girl gave Lefille a sullen stare.
“From a child younger than me, I don’t want to hear that.”
“Wha!! I’m not a little kid!”
Suimei let out a big sigh. This matter again? It seemed like recently every time something was up, it would be this. He would have to give Lefille a good lecture after this.
Shortly after, the two girls gave glares as if they were saying “Why don’t we fight,” “I accept your challenge.”
And then, the two of them went out as if they were going to duel.
Could they actually be planning on fighting?
“Hey, wait Lefille”
“... Suimei-kun stop. I cannot back down from this fight.”
“Can’t back down huh, that’s not really the problem...tch”
Lefille didn’t hear him out in the end.
While scrutinizing each other through their gazes, the two of them circled around one another. Moving while crouched like sumo wrestlers, they moved wary of their opponent’s zone of control. After a while, Lefille saw a chance and leapt, and the other girl also matched her movements and lunged in. Just as everyone thought they would collide, the two of them suddenly stopped.
Their noses nearly touching, they glared at one another.
And then they sprung backwards, backing off, and repeated the same movements as before, but this time they seemed to have come to some sort of mutual understanding through their gazes.
--What could it be?
Lefille and the girl. They straightened their backs as if competing in something while continuing to glare at each other. It was supposedly a fight but there was no physical contact, could it be they were competing in height? Suimei tilted his head while ruminating like the others around him, but that didn’t seem to be the case. The two of them stood face to face, folded their arms around their chest, and repeated several undecipherable movements.
Finally, Suimei came to an answer and laughed amazedly.
(Ahh. They’re comparing their chest.)
Pretty much that was it. They had just begun comparing their appearances and relatively flat chests, which was, well, kind of obvious. To be honest, comparing was kind of amusing.
But what was with the tense atmosphere before and after they measured up against one another? It was almost incomprehensible. WIth the amount of force and vigor, was size that big of a plus? That said, after seeing the two of them, the conclusion was that that Lefille was the smaller one.
“So how is it? It seems I’m the more lady-like one.”
“Ku, to lose to a little girl in size”
As Lefille vexingly said that, it was as if the girl was trying to kick a dead horse in claiming superiority.
“Nope. Even if I appear this way, I’m not a little girl. You should call me onee-san. Got it?”
“I, Iya! If I could return to my original self!”
Adamantly shouting in denial of her loss, she was quite obstinate. While originally Lefille had a chest anyone would acknowledge, to bring that up now was a bit childish.
To Lefille’s words, the girl had a dubious expression and then nodded, as if she was thinking “original form? ...ah.”
“Wha, what is it?”
“Saying such empty dreams. Stop it. For someone of your age, it’s fairly normal to talk about things like that but, to only talk about something like that, sooner or later won’t you regret it?”
So pretty much eighth grader syndrome? (TL Note: When you pretend dream and imaginary stuff is real.) True for someone who doesn’t know the circ.u.mstances, it would certainly sound like that when someone brazenly talks that way.
The girl’s words stabbed into Lefille like a knife, and Lefille turned staggering while walking towards the couch.
“Suimei-kun. Give me a little bit of s.p.a.ce.”
“Iya, I know how you feel”
“Please don’t comfort me. This pitiful self doesn’t deserve that much.”
Suimei smiled as he became sure of what was going on. Lefille slowly sat down, buried her face in her knee, and then didn’t move. It was as if she was getting absorbed into the darkness of mazoku. Or put simply, she seemed quite pitiful today.
Thereupon, the girl, as if all was normal, took a step towards Suimei.
“You, you don’t seem to be from one of the families around here, where from, did you come?”
“Ah, I’m from the west. The girl is the daughter of an acquaintance.”
“West huh. From Astel. Still west. Right?”
“Pretty much.”
With questioning words and eyes, she was considering whether they were from Astel or its surroundings. Upon hearing Suimei’s answer, she closed her eyes briefly while saying “as I thought,” and then when she opened them her sleepy eyes had changed to those like a falcon as she glared at them.
“Se, second lieutenant?”
From Suimei’s mouth came a low sound while the official let out a bewildered voice.
Because he had said he’d come from an unallied country, was she suspicious of him being a spy? Letting out killing intent as well as magic power, the atmosphere became dangerous.
“For what reason, did you come here?”
“I don’t think there’s any need to answer that but...”
Upon Suimei saying that, the girl increased the magic power she emitted. For a normal person, it wouldn’t be unusual for them to have fainted.
“Se, second lieutenant! Calm down plea--hiii!”
“You’re in my way.”
With that, she gave him a death stare. The official stumbled and collided into the desk. For what reason could she be radiating so much hostility? The rest of the military police were standing stock still unmoving.
The depressed Lefille also tensed up with the dangerous atmosphere and ran over.
“What happened so suddenly?”
“Little kid, this has nothing to do with you. Quietly look away. Go.”
“Quietly... in this tense situation?”
“Yes. This is a matter of the empire with this potentially dangerous man”
Lefille drew a cold breath in response to the girl’s words; her current brave appearance completely contrasted to her earlier dejected self as she fired off a relentless tirade.
“Under what pretense are you creating hostility against people who have followed the Empire’s city entrance procedures? Regardless of what you say, giving such poor treatment reflects on how poorly trained the empire’s soldiers are.”
“What did you say?!?”
“What happened to ‘the imperial army will act more strictly and with integrity than any other country,’ Imperial Military Outline paragraph 12, clause 3? Can you say that your current actions are in accordance with that?”
In response, the girl’s face twisted into an unsavory scowl. What Lefille had just said was imperial doctrine. The girl glared daggers at Lefille for a while and then acquiesced in accordance to the regulations.
“...Fine. I will withdraw from here. However
Cutting off abruptly, she once again turned towards Suimei and sent a cold gaze.
“--This is the Empire. Any strange behaviors will be...”
To the girl’s coercive words, Suimei jokingly asked.
“And if we do something?”
“I’ll kill you.”
She replied without hesitation. Very coldly. Was that her normal tone of voice? He did provoke her, but for it to be this far? By j.a.pan’s standards, she definitely seemed older than middle school age. To a girl like that who fired off those threats, Suimei had complicated feelings.
Now of course, he understood why pushing her with j.a.panese-like pride would anger her. In a different culture, ethics would be different, and the draft age would be different than modern times. Of course there would be differences between the civilizations of each world. She would see his pity for child soldiers as mere arrogance. That said, by no means was there any confirmation of the existence of child soldiers here.
For a moment, Suimei’s eyes flashed with pity, but they immediately returned to their original joking manner.
“Oh, what a scary little girl.”
“Little girl huh. If it’s that kid that says so, it’s acceptable. But you should watch what you say lest we end up in...a lawsuit. To the military court, that is.”
With a sullen look, the girl jabbed her index finger at the joking Suimei. The irritated voice that said such was, unexpectedly childish. Meanwhile, Lefille had eyes as if saying “You’re still talking
“...Let’s return.”
The girl said so, and then left into the city with the name registry.
“Fuu...kind of a bad omen before we enter the city huh.”
With the tense atmosphere gone, Suimei let out a sigh of relief, and the official also let out an even bigger breath.
“You guys should stop with the provocations. After all that’s Second Lieutenant Zandike.”
“Iya, sorry.”
Suimei timidly scratched the back of his head, while Lefille started speaking as if she remembered something.
“I see. I remember hearing that name, is she Liliana Zandike?”
“You know her?”
“Her father is Rogue Zandike of the Seven Swords, a prominent magician in the Empire. Although young, I hear he is one of the twelve Yuuketsu of the Empire.” (TL Note: Yuuketsu seems to be a t.i.tle with kanjis meaning skilled excellence.)
“Hee. If Mizuki heard she would be delighted.”
Seven swords, one of the twelve Yuuketsu. This was the kind of topic Mizuki liked; powerful people seemed to have a.s.sociated t.i.tles. In Earth, there was also a similar thing that denoted powerful magicians and swordsmen; it seemed this world also had such a thing.
Agreeing with what Lefille said, the official nodded his head.
“Yes, you’re correct. That’s why I think not acting and talking like that would be in your interests.”
To his cautionary words, Suimei replied “I’ll keep that in mind”, and with that, the conversation was over.
The official turned towards the couch and said to Suimei and Lefille.
“I’ll do the final confirmations over there, so please wait a little bit.”
Suimei a.n.a.lyzed the remnants of the girl’s magic power, while Lefille sat down on the chair, swinging her legs to pa.s.s by the time. The next person in line was called by the military police, and they entered. While he presented the doc.u.ments to the next travelers, they struck a conversation with him.
“Oi, did you hear? About the hero summoning in Astel.”
“Yes, Reiji-sama was it? Of course I’ve heard.”
Hearing the name of his friend Reiji, Suimei’s ears twitched. Lefille, who knew of Suimei’s circ.u.mstances, looked over at him.
(Suimei-kun. If I remember right
(Ah. I think they’re talking about my friend.)
Not many days had pa.s.sed since they left on the journey yet it was already the talk of travelers. Since the traveler started the conversation with that, Suimei thought, did something happen? Keeping a calm face so that no one would suspect anything, Suimei listened as the two men continued.
“They were recognized by the guild as the highest rank, being the t.i.tle holder of mastering all elements.”
“Ah, being able to use all the elements is amazing. The ruler of all.”
“Those two are wonderful. I’m a civil officer but I wish I could be like them.”
With that, Suimei couldn’t hold in his urge to laugh.
“Bu...ku ku
 that’s why, stop that
Seeing Suimei stifle his laughter, Lefille gave him a strange look while the other men swallowed and then declared in an excited tone.
“--Anyway, recently Astel put together an extermination group to face the mazoku that attacked Kurant city.”
“What’s more, they defeated the mazoku general. If I remember right, Rajas was the name.”
The first to respond in surprise was Lefille.
“Oi oi
 what’s the meaning of this.”
Suimei’s face turned into one of dubiousness.
The two men met gazes while the official said “Amazing. Even though they were just called recently they did something like that
” in wonder. They were surprised by a completely different aspect.
Somehow, something strange Suimei and Lefille didn’t know about happened .
A horse ran over the rain soaked ground. It was going fast enough that its hooves chopped up the mud as it splashed into the air. The mud splashes reflected the colors of the melancholic ashen skies.
It was a few days before Suimei and Lefille arrived at the Imperial capital, Filas Filia.
After Reiji had heard Suimei’s predicament from Gregory and hurriedly departed on a horse, he met up with Mizuki and t.i.tania and crossed the Nelfaria-Astel country border, coming to the woodlands to the west of Kurant city.
Leaving the road, they went to the right into the expansive plains. Near the end, they came to a place where an evergreen forest went as far as the eye could see.
Her horse running parallel to Reiji, t.i.tania held onto the reins tightly and turned to talk to him.
“It was fortunate we were able to borrow some horses along the way. If that wasn’t the case then we wouldn’t have been able to catch up to Reiji-sama.”
With a relieved look, t.i.tania recounted some of the details up until their reunion.
Upon hearing Suimei’s crisis and learning of the truth, Reiji quickly set out alone. t.i.tania and the others chased after him, going along the path they used to return to Astel, luckily being able to borrow horses on the way. Halfway along the road they came across Reiji resting his horse.
Turning towards her, Reiji said apologetically.
“Yes...but, are you fine Tia? With this, I’ve made you go along with my selfish desires.”
“It’s fine, considering you were dead set on going. If it’s like that then I can’t help but accompany you.”
“Sorry. This time it’s...”
Yes, this time he also had responsibility. Astel being attacked by the mazoku, and him arbitrarily taking off, he definitely was the cause. To those who he made come with him, he couldn’t pay back his indebtedness.
However, t.i.tania, with a smile that said don’t worry about it, rode up to his side.
“No. The matter this time, it’s not Reiji-sama’s fault. The n.o.bles of our country were the ones that tricked Suimei, and in the first place if we didn’t summon you here, such a thing would not have occurred. Furthermore, being part of the royal family, I am also obligated to help you. That’s why, there is nothing you should feel indebted for.”
“...Yes. Thank you.”
“Don’t worry about me. More importantly
t.i.tania looked backwards while riding. Looking concernedly at the person behind them, what she meant was obvious. There, was the girl who had been caught up in this dangerous situation due to his selfish actions.
Unable to ride a horse yet, she clung to the female knight Luka. Still unfamiliar with battle and fear, she still came to a place with the mazoku army even after being told a second time of the danger.
Reiji was actually a little bit proud of her. However,
“Mizuki, don’t push yourself. If you think you can’t fight, then definitely fall back. Okay?”
What came from Mizuki’s mouth was the feeling of a girl asking ‘is that really okay?’ Knowing a friend is in danger and coming to help, and yet, withdrawing without doing anything. Her conscience was weighed down by the feelings of helplessness.
To the girl plagued with a sense of responsibility, Reiji and t.i.tania both offered words of comfort.
“It’s fine if you don’t try to do more than you feel you can. It’s not just Suimei, if something happened to either of you, I would
Yes. If something happened then she wouldn’t be able to forgive herself, which is why she wanted Mizuki to stand down.
“That’s why, if we feel like it’s getting to be too much, can you retreat with Luka to a safe place?”
“...Alright. You too, don’t push yourself. Promise?”
“Ah, promise.”
To that gloomy face, Reiji told a lie to calm her down. Right now, that was the only lie. Of course. About being able to protect that promise, his confidence was because he wholeheartedly believed in it.
Upon seeing their conversation come to a conclusion, t.i.tania came over and inquired.
“Reiji-sama. Do you have any plans after this?”
“Yeah. First we’ll check out where we think the mazoku are and wait and see. I don’t know how much time we have, but right now we don’t know where he is. After we figure out what their plans are we can go around and search where they might be hiding.”
Their top priority was to save Suimei. It would be impossible to directly challenge the mazoku, so there was no need to. Upon determining the situation they would go and search for them.
True, the chance of them coming across him and the mazoku was low but, even still.
“Fufufu, you can’t beat the mazoku?”
“What?!? Still, that would be impossible for me too.”
“Admitting it outrightly
 Well, however it is, it seems you haven’t forgotten the situation. It was needless worry huh.”
“You were messing with me? You’re quite shrewd Tia
 Well so what do you think?”
“Hmm well. Confirming the state of affairs and then moving is a good idea I think.”
After she said so, Reiji tried asking about something else.
“...Hey Tia. If I were to, say, cut and run right here, what would you do?”
“At that time I would go with you.”
“That is.”
“...I said it before Reiji. To accompany you is my duty. And if Reiji-sama is to fall, then so will I.”
Eyes turned ahead, what could she be looking at? It was as if she was staring at the difficulties that were to come. However, hearing her solemn determination, Reiji forgot his earlier words. In her voice was strength. Was it resolution? In the end, t.i.tania wasn’t a just a girl who would blindly follow as she was told. One who would decide to follow him with resolution to the death when he has matters he must do. That was the girl with him.
“What seems to be the matter?”
“Iya, Tia is amazing. Someone like me couldn’t even compare.”
It seemed she couldn’t understand what he meant from his words. She curiously tilted her neck as she rode the horse. As the princess of a country, she seemed to have stronger resolve than he did. Before her resolution, his determination seemed to pick up somewhat. Seeing her figure, he became aware of his own weakness.
But right now, he didn’t have the time to think about that. Shaking off those thoughts, Reiji asked t.i.tania.
“Tia, based on this plan, where do you think we should head to?”
“Yes, why don’t we head north from here. These woodlands west of Kurant city become thinner if you go north compared to south. In addition, it is more elevated as well, making it the most favorable location to confirm the situation.”
“Understood. Then let’s go.”
Reiji and the company made a detour to the north on horseback until they reached a mountainous area surrounded by forests.
Looking up, the sky was filled with dark clouds. The surroundings was gloomy as if predicting for the coming anxiety and uneasiness. Despite there being a forest, there was lack of life to it. Everything that existed there simply lay on top of dark shade and grey background.
Opposite to his hurried manner so far, he drove the horse forward carefully. Having caught wind of what was in front, he slowed down even more. Then a small squad of soldiers from Astel emerged to block the road ahead.
A man who looked like the squad leader shouted towards Reiji’s and the companions.
They pulled on the reign to avoid collision and stopped right in front. Sound of horse neighing spread throughout the forest. The man asked Reiji’s companions with a menacing face.
“Who are you! Answer now!”
“We are
As Reiji was about to explain obediently, the elderly knight Gregory, who had been riding behind strode forward and began to scold the soldiers.
“You fools! Do you know who you’re blocking the path of! The ones riding here are her highness t.i.tania and the summoned hero, Reiji-sama! Show the proper respect!”
The soldiers immediately backed down at Gregory’s reprimand. After several fidgeting glances to confirm, the soldiers perhaps realized they had seen them before. The scenes in their memory and the person in front of their eyes matched, the soldiers knelt as if to make up for their previous rudeness and showed proper respect to t.i.tania and Reiji.
“I, I apologize. Please forgive my rudeness.”
“It’s fine. You seem to be on guard duty. Are you from the Kurant city garrison?”
“Yes. We are in Duke Hadorius’ army.”
The soldier was honoured to answer t.i.tania’s question. The moment they heard the answer, a strange atmosphere developed amongst Reiji’s party.
But whether t.i.tania was used to hiding her expression or not, she did not appear taken back at all.
“So Duke Hadorius is there.”
“He is camped just ahead.”
“Guide me to him.”
The soldier answer “yes” and guided the way with other soldiers without even wiping the sweat off his brows.
The soldiers’ boots made the leaves rustle. t.i.tania followed behind them. The horse that Luca rode, which had been following behind Reiji so far, leisurely approached him. Then Mizuki, who had been riding behind Luca, leaned over to Reiji and whispered.
“Reiji, if it’s Duke Hadorius.”
“Yeah, the n.o.ble who used Suimei as a bait. I didn’t expect him to be somewhere like here.”
“S, so we’re going to the place that person is at
“.... Yeah.”
The mortal enemy who was waiting for them somewhere. When he squinted his eyes open, as if the mortal enemy was standing right in front, Mizuki seemed to freeze up with anxiety. They were about to meet the man who sent their friend into a trap. It was to be expected.
Reiji thought so, but Mizuki spoke sternly with a worried expression.
“.... Reiji, you can’t rush this. We might have Tia, but we don’t know what kind of backlash will happen by harming a n.o.ble.”
. Yeah, I know. Thanks for worrying about me, Mizuki.”
Perhaps Mizuki was worried that he couldn’t hold himself back and pounce at the man. But there was no way that could happen. It must not happen. Even if he did not care what would happen to himself, Gregory, who gave that information, could be in danger. For Gregory, who gave him the information despite knowing the possible dangers, he needed to restrain himself.
Soon, amidst the Oak tree forest, there was a place with a group comprised of knights, soldiers and mages. There were not much room to stand around thanks to the uneven terrain and the muddy ground the rain created not too long ago, however they stood in formation nevertheless. How disciplined they must be.
At the centre of that place was a middle-aged man wearing pitch black armour who appeared to be the commander.
His age was around forties, or at least the same as Gregory, perhaps younger. He sported cleanly trimmed beard and a scar stretching from his forehead to the left cheek.
A tall man standing nearly two meters tall with st.u.r.dy build. His existence alone was overbearing enough to make people tense.
He was the kind of a person who made sure that people knew who the leader of the group was.
The squad that guided Reiji’s companions moved towards the formation to alert their arrival. They appeared to exchange several words back and forth with the man who appeared to be the commander. Then the man motioned with his hands to the densely packed knights and soldiers around him. Upon the man’s command, a path immediately opened up.
The man approached Reiji’s companions through the path. Without hesitation, he kneeled before t.i.tania with all his martial aura and showed the gesture of subordination.
When t.i.tania spoke “Rise, Duke Hadorius.”, the man --- Duke Hadorius, stood up.
“It has been a long time, your highness. The soiree several months ago was last when we’ve met.”
“It h