The stronghold of the demons existed at the very extremity of the north.
Just as the dragonnewt Eanru sarcastically said to Ilzarl about him having âcold meals,â the region was eternally plunged in an intense cold of never ending snow and ice. It was a place where humanity would be unable to make a living. No, that was not limited only to humanity, it could be said that all living creatures could not live out there.
In short, it was a land at the extreme limits. However, located in those extreme lands, to beings who needed no such things as the activities needed to live, they may not have even been conscious of the intensity of the region. Rather, precisely because it was a place that humanity couldnât push through, I could be said that there were those who thought it was perfectly ideal for a stronghold.
If humanity was unable to live in that climate, it would be no simple feat to attack them. So looking at it from that perspective, it was truly an ideal location for a stronghold. And the demon stronghold in those lands could even be called a proper castle.
There were stone walls, spires, ramparts and gates. If ten people saw it, all ten would describe it as a castle just from its appearance. Itâs structure that looked like it was given birth from the civilization of humanity setup a somewhat unsuitable sense to it since they detested humanity. But perhaps it was because the demons who had a human shape stood at the peak of the demons. So the fact that it ended up in a shape that was easy for a humane shape to live in, could also be said to be perfectly natural.
Deep within the castle, in a dull and dimly lit room, angled light poured in from the opening door. The light which peeled back the darkness of the room, was the warm light given off by fire which almost seemed inappropriate for those who wielded the dark coloured powers of the Evil G.o.d. And sliding in from the small crevice of firelight, was a single shadow.
"Excuse me."
Showing courtesy as they entered the room was a female demon wearing deep blue armour wielding a large sword. With tanned skin, white hair and blood red eyes, she looked completely human at a glance, but because she was constantly surrounded by an aura of blood thirst, it was difficult to say that she was in any way normal.
In any case, as if waiting for the womanâs arrival, the candlesticks placed inside the room lit up. And what was revealed were those who were seated and waiting. The young girl with black hair and dark skin, the Demon Lord Nakshatra. The man with blonde bangs gloomily hanging over his face, Lishbaum. The woman with bat like wings, Latora. The good looking man with long silver hair, Ilzarl. They were those who controlled all the demons in the world.
"So weâre all hereâŚ"
"Long time no see~."
Matching the female demonâs arrival was Ilzarlâs discontent voice, and Latoraâs friendly greeting. However, the female demon didnât react to either of them and glared over them as she immediately knelt before Nakshatra.
"We have been waiting, Moolah."
"Oh master who serves as our Lord. I am extremely delighted to once more have an audience here with you here this day."
As the female demonâMoolahâs greeting came to an end, she bowed down her head while still kneeling down. Immediately following that, in accordance with Nakshatra simply saying âAt ease,â she stood up, and headed towards her seat.
"âThe demon generals who warm these seats have certainly decreased in number huh."
Moolah gave out her indifferent impression without hesitation.
"It cannot be helped. It just means each and every one of them who suffered defeat from mere humans were insufficient to fulfill the ambition of our G.o.d. They were too weak."
"Good grief, it is exactly as you say. Despite having far more of our G.o.dâs divine protection than the others, it is a disgrace for a demon to suffer a defeat from mere humans. Not only that, it also disgraces Nakshatra-sama sacred name. Let alone garbage, they are lower than dirt."
Her words towards the defeated, were curt. No, merciless. As if spitting out that power was everything and that there were none in the world who would voice any objection. It was the doctrine of the strong, the survival of the fittest. That was frankly speaking, the way of the demons.
"âHowever, what will we do about the vacant seats? As one would expect, leaving them empty leaves quite a large holeâŚ"
It wasnât good. Even Moolah understood this. Demons were being who strove towards only a single goal, but those who led the mobsâthe vanguards of the Evil G.o.dâs will, were essential. If they moved their armies while those vanguards had been worn down, it was inevitable that the demons would break down into chaos. If they all moved individually and only followed their own wills, even the humans who held less power than them would easily defeat them. As Moolah held those apprehensions, Nakshatra gave a generous nod as if she was in full agreement.
"Regarding that matter, it has already been decided. Lishbaum."
As Nakshatra spoke, she exchanged glances with the single demon who appeared in this land and performed the duties similar to a staff officer and served the Demon Lord. In response to her calling his name, Lishbaum spoke while making exaggerated gestures.
"The answer we have arrived at, is for Moolah-sama to take lead of several of the army corps."
"Several you say? Currently I have been entrusted with a single group of p.a.w.ns you know? Are you saying that you plan on further increasing my workload, b.a.s.t.a.r.d?"
"Yes. Just like the other generals, we would like you to gather together three or four units."
"Lishbaum. My original purpose is to protect Nakshatra-sama. In spite of that, saying that you would push other duties upon me seems somewhat unreasonable does it not?"
"We are short on hands after all."
"As the main perpetrator of that situation, just what are you saying?"
Moolah sent a gaze over to Lishbaum like she was piercing through him. It was so sharp it could be said she was literally reading between the lines. And certainly, there was something behind Lishbaumâs smileâ
"Oh my, so youâve seen through me. However, that was not a useless expenditure. It was a necessary one."
As Lishbaum replied like it had all been arranged, just this once, Moolah replied to him with a gaze filled with killing intent.
"⌠Just what are you thinking? What purpose are you here for?"
"The same reason as all of you. To eradicate all life from this world. That is all."
"Does that have any relation to reducing the number of p.a.w.ns?"
As that was very clearly pointed out to him, he replied without any pretense. As she continued to glare at him, Moolah was unable to read just what that light deep inside him was implying. Giving up on probing any further, she took her seat.
"⌠Just as I said before, I have the duty of protecting Nakshatra-sama. That is a priority that I hold above all else. However, if Nakshatra-sama so desires it, I shall comply."
"So Moolah-sama says, how about it?"
As Lishbaum turned and asked the Demon Lord, Nakshatra made a somehow delighted faint smile. And thenâŚ
"Moolah, commander of our elite guard. Let us request of your great efforts shall we?"
"Ha. Though I may be inadequate, I will exert myself to the fullest."
"Very well. Then are there any who object in Moolah taking action as a single general?"
As Nakshatra asked, Ilzarl lifted his eyebrow as he replied.
"Youâre asking us? I have no complaints towards the strong."
"Iâm thinking the same as Ilzarl~. I have no complaints with someone powerful, rather, if its the commander of the elite guard, isnât it a job that sheâs more suitable for than we are? Right~ Nakshatra-sama~?"
And Moolah was the one to react to Latoraâs frivolous reply.
"⌠Latora. Despite being a demon, just what is with that way of questioning Nakshatra-sama?"
"What? The fact that Iâve been like this from the start is something Moolah knows well isnât it~?"
"Iâm saying you should know your place."
"After all this time? Nakshatra-sama, itâs fine right~?"
"We do not mind."
Nakshatra sided with Latora, and Moolah silently accepted it without showing a discontent face. To Moolah, Nakshatra was absolute. She would never protest against her. As that topic came to an end, Lishbaum once more began speaking.
"Incidentally, there is something that I would like everyone to look at today."
The first one to react to him, was Ilzarl.
"Hou? So that means one of your d.a.m.n schemes is coming to light?"
"Yes. It is this."
Saying that, Lishbaum leaned his body back a little, and lightly looked behind him. Matching his gaze, the others in the room looked in the same direction, butâthere was nothing there. Finding the situation suspicious, and being aware of Lishbaumâs abilities, they all observed him carefully.
Eventually, Lishbaumâs shadow opened up eerily, and from within it, an even larger shadow appeared. What appeared, was a figure more grotesque than any figure even the inhuman beings in the room had seen before, but it was definitely a demon.
It had many eyes lined up horizontally in an asymmetric fashion, and a single insect like mouth part leaking out acid like saliva. It had enormous arms that would match a human adult, but dangling down from its bulging shoulders, they had distorted bones and protruding horns sticking out all over it. Its skin was dark purple. Its body was swollen in b.u.mps, and it was easy to see that its body was well forged. At a glance, it was enormous. And it was ugly to the point where it couldnât even be compared to the current demons up until now. However, what surprised the ones in the room more than that, was the vast amount of power from the Evil G.o.d that the demons held.
"Uwa, this is⌠Seriously?"
Naturally, the reason Latora pulled back slightly was in part due to its aesthetics, but Ilzarlâs admiration was focused solely on its strength. As they raised their voices in surprise, Lishbaum courteous att.i.tude remained unchanged as he faced Moolah.
"This is the answer to the doubt that Moolah-sama had been holding on to just now. The demons up until now have been tossed into the kiln, and fresh p.a.w.ns have been made."
"⌠Beings of this extent, just where have you been hiding them?"
"Within the interval."
"⌠With your d.a.m.n power?"
As she remembered Lishbaumâs ability once more, she muttered like she was convinced. And then, there was one who raised their voice in doubt.
"âHowever, Lishbaum. From what Iâve see, it does not seem to have the intelligence of the p.a.w.ns up until now?"
From the p.a.w.ns he knew of, the demons who had wings had enough intelligence to understand human language. However, the demon before Ilzarlâs eyes only had a violent ferocity which completely painted over any intelligence, there was not a single hint of the light of intelligence deep within its eyes. Intelligence had a direct connection to strength. However, Lishbaum did not seem to perceive thisâ
"As long as it is made obedient with the power from the Evil G.o.d, intelligence is not particularly needed is it? With enough power, a brain that thinks of meaningless matters is nothing but an excess."
"For a b.a.s.t.a.r.d like you who values using his brain, itâs a strange answer."
"Our utility is different. So to speak, this is a symbol of fear to the humans. If it was given intelligence and understood human speech, some of that fear would fade. Not knowing what their opponent is thinking at all, is something that those with intelligence fear in of itself."
"Especially those frail humans, is it?"
Seeing that Ilzarl agreed, Lishbaum nodded in satisfaction.
"So how about it? Have I shown you something that meets all of your expectations?"
"Youâre saying weâre going to bring these things along with us from now on right? With this couldnât we get things done with a lot fewer numbers than we were using before?"
"Certainly, if we had more of these, those d.a.m.n humansâeven the heroes would be nothing special."
Latora and Moolah each muttered their impressions and consented. However, Ilzarl once more raised a steep voice.
"Lishbaum. Incidentally, there is something that I would like to ask you."
"Is there a problem regarding this?"
"No, about something else."
With that, Lishbaum seemed to get a hint, and made a smile like he was caught in an ominous joy.
"In other words, what happened just recently right?"
"Thatâs right. You seem to know that human, but just what does that mean?"
Saying that, Ilzarl pointed a cold gaze towards him. It was none other than a question probing Lishbaumâs relationship to Suimei. In response, Lishbaum smiled provocatively back at him. As for Latora who had heard this for the first timeâŚ
"Hm? Eh? Whatâs this whatâs this? You have a human acquaintance of something?"
"Yes, well."
Lishbaum admitted it without hiding anything, and as if remembering something that happened before, he looked up at the ceiling as he spoke.
"Originally I was in a world other than this one you see. Even in that world, I was doing something similar."
And the one to respond to that first, was as expected, Ilzarl.
"Something similar⌠huh. The place you were didnât necessarily have the G.o.ddess and Evil G.o.d. In that case, was it the extermination of the offerings?"
"Though the goal was different."
"The goal was different? Is the extermination itself not the goal?"
"To me, that is only the means. In a sense, you could say that my goal is the ant.i.thesis of yours."
The oneâs present didnât seem to be able to understand the nuance behind his words. Only the Demon Lord Nakshatra was laughing with a knowing look.
"Fuu⌠Just from exterminating all the offerings, I donât think there is anything for you to gain though."
"No, that is not the case. From the very beginning, I never wanted anything."
Since the ones present had never touched on the many ideologies of man, they likely could not understand.
"Well, in the end I was defeated by the man. Since I was attached to another phase, I lost a fair amount of power, and should have been buried beyond the horizon of dimensions, but⌠Let us just say that I was fortunate to be forced into the physical world. And that is how I am here now."
Bringing that talk to an end, Lishbaum pointed his gaze at Ilzarl.
"Ilzarl-dono. Rather than myself, what about you?"
"What about me?"
"The humans are the same to you as meals. To bring ruin to them on your own, it is like you are striving towards your own death is it not? Just what thoughts are you holding on to while you lend your powers to Nakshatra-sama?"
It was certainly as Lishbaum said, as the fierce G.o.d who ate men, cooperating with the demons meant Ilzarl was getting rid of his own food source by his own will. This was none other than a contradictory action as a living being. However, he showed a composed air like it wasnât a problem at all.
"Even if they are food, with so much riff raff, arenât they simply an eyesore? Without thinning out a certain amount, they are nothing but troublesome."
"And so you cooperate with us? You say that they are troublesome, but we may very well annihilate all your food right?"
"No, you are unable to annihilate the offerings."
Hearing Ilzarlâs statement, only Moolah was rubbed the wrong way as she knit her brows. But in any event, Lishbaum spoke up.
"And, what is the reason for that?"
"Itâs nothing complicated. It just a matter of how gluttonous those offerings are. Contrary to expectations, they are tenacious. Even if you kill them and kill them some more, theyâll immediately surge forth from somewhere else. No matter how many of their numbers you reduce, no matter how much you corner them, they always will. Since you say your objective is to exterminate those offerings, I do think it is something you understand right?"
As Ilzarl pointed that out, Lishbaum narrowed his eyes like something had come to mind.
"⌠Certainly, you do have a point that they are beings who live in filth."
Lishbaum voiced his agreement. However, to Moolah, who held the demons, in addition to the Evil G.o.d and the Demon Lord as supreme existences, their words were not something that could be pardoned. Somehow managing to suppress her urge to draw her sword on the spot, she glared at the two of them while raising her voice.
"Ilzarl! You b.a.s.t.a.r.d, how dare you deny the ambitions of our G.o.d in the presence of Nakshatra-sama!?"
"What, did it touch your nerves? Despite putting forward such a calm air, youâre unexpectedly quite short tempered."
As Moolah fired off an intense blood thirst towards him, Ilzarl treated it like it was nothing at all. To that fierce G.o.d, even Moolahâs sharp blood thirst was but a gentle breeze.
"It is fine, Moolah. Stand down. We united fronts with Ilzarl knowing of his thoughts."
"With all due respect, even without someone like this, we would not fall behind mereâ"
"Can you truly say you wouldnât? In reality, the majority of those who occupy these seats fell behind those âmere humans,â as you would put it."
"That only means that those who were defeated were poor at their jobs."
In response to Moolah who showed no mercy towards the defeated, Ilzarl looked at her with a somewhat disappointed face.
"Are you saying youâre any different?"
"Do you want to try and see?"
Taking his words as provocation, this time Moolah began to pull her sword out of its sheathe. As the situation reached the critical stage, their fighting spirit began to clash in between them to the point where lightning and sparks were manifesting, and the one to raise their voice in mediation, was Nakshatra.
"Moolah, Ilzarl, put a stop to that."
As she pa.s.sed down those words to them, Ilzarl turned a faint smile to Moolah.
"So she says. So, what will you do, oh commander of the elite guard. Will you go against Nakshatraâs will and fight me? I absolutely do not mind either way you know?"
"⌠Remember this."
While glaring at him in annoyance, she returned her sword to its sheathe. However, even so, she wasnât able to suppress her hostility, and her fighting spirit and blood thirst remained as it was. Watching her resentfully do so, Nakshatra spoke up once more.
"Moolah. To fulfill our ambition, Ilzarlâs presence is necessary."
"⌠My master. Could you indulge this foolish self of the reason behind that?"
Saying that, Moolah knelt down before Nakshatra. And as she did, Nakshatra suddenly made a suggestive smileâ
"That isâto compensate."
"Thatâs correct. All phenomena known as incidents that occur and are caused in this world, without exception, will have slight deviations. If you do not have a flexible sense to take that into account and compensate for that, one day it will lead to failure."
"I wonât let you say it doesnât you know? It is for that reason, that the demons have come so far without fulfilling their aspirations. Is it not? Our little bundle of demons is especially weak to unexpected phenomena."
"Then, to compensate for that, Ilzarl was invited in?"
"Lishbaum is also the same. And in reality, they are doing fine work. Currently, there are certainly foreign bodies on the enemy side that we are unable to deal with ourselves, and they have become the power that restrains them after all."
"By foreign bodies, you mean the four heroes?"
"Your field of vision is too narrow, commander of our elite guard⌠Fumu, in that case, it may make sense to have you face those d.a.m.n humans yourself."
As Nakshatra muttered out like she was convinced, she glared over each of those there that had fought in battles, and spoke once more.
"Then, we will give our orders. First, Moolah. Just like Lishbaum informed you earlier, you will hold the additional post of a demon general. What you do may be the same as it has been up until now, but you will no longer have the right to refuse to lead an army. And so, you will take your current p.a.w.ns and push into the northern lands where they are short of hands. If it goes smoothly, those who get lured in should answer your earlier question regarding tenacity."
"All is as you will."
"Lishbaum. You will throw the remaining p.a.w.ns in the kiln and hurry with increasing the number of new p.a.w.ns. We have the leisure of time, but if we give the heroes too much of it and they build up too much strength, it would be a poor move. Do at least keep that in mind."
"It is certainly understood."
"As for the others, youâll have some free time until the new p.a.w.ns are gathered. Once a sufficient amount are gathered, this time we will seriously attack the humans. Stock up your powers until then."
Hearing her words, all besides Ilzarl lowered their heads with obedient expressions. Seeing that, Nakshatra leaked out irrepressible joy from her mouth.
"âNow then, humans. It wonât go quite as your G.o.ddess planned you know?"
As she left them with that ominous prediction, the Demon Lord silently departed from the room where the demon generals gathered.