The small white ball tilted his head and think for a moment. Then later, he said: This Medical Classic Book is not complete, this one is only half of them.
Murong Qingyan picked up the Medical Classic Book and began to read.The more she read, the more her heart get shocked. This book has many recorded information that she had never heard of.Most importantly, there are also different kind of drug formula and refining methods. And among them is the most advanced medicine called10th level medicinal pill.
According to the memory of the previous Murong Qingyan, the pharmacist that can refine a 9th level medicinal pill in Sheng Hong Continent are rare. So, if she will be able to refine a 10th level medicinal pill it will be clearly a big slap for them. After all, the 10th levelmedicinal pillis already the most advanced medicine.
How could that be? Murong Qingyan frowned, The information in this book is complete.
That is not the real case. The small white ball shook his head and looked very serious: Indeed, there are a lot of medicines that were written inside that book and it even has the 10th levelmedicinal pill. However, in this world, the most advanced medicine is not really the 10th levelmedicinal pill, but
At this point, the small white ball paused for a moment and even look more serious: Elixir!
When he said that word, Murong Qingyan got puzzled and her eyes flashed a trace of shock.
Murong Qingyan is not very familiar with ancientmedicinal pills.Although she had learned Chinese medicine to her grandfather and also she is a most famous physician. However, when it comes to ancientmedicinal pills, she just only heard them but didnt actually use them.
Originally, Murong Qingyan thought that elixir is only a legend and didnt expect that it was real.
So, you are saying that this Medical Classic Book is not complete because the method of how to refine an elixir is missing? Murong Qingyan asked.
Yes, The small white ball nodded his head: We can only say that the Medical Classic Book is complete if you find the other half of it. But, I dont know where is the other half of this book.
I will find the other half of this Medical Classic Book. Murong Qingyan firmly said.
Master, I believe that you can really do it. The small white ball forms his hand into a fist and nodded his head again and again.
By the way, what is your name? Murong looked at the small white ball and curiously asked, Even now, I still dont know your name!
Hearing that Murong Qingyan finally got interested to know his name, the small white balls eyes almost got teary. He sticks out his chest and said his name: Master, my name is Bai Ze!
Bai Ze? Hearing his name, Murong Qingyans voice felt some doubt and got somehow surprised.
Although she was ignorant in this ancient world, but she still had heard the words Bai Ze.Legend said that Bai Ze is an ancient magical beast and an auspicious symbol. It can speak to the people that he have deep feelings and is very proficient in the spiritual world. It can also turn calamities into blessings.
But, this small white ball in front of her, she cant even see the shadow of the ancient magical beast called Bai Ze.
Master, what are you thinking, ah? Looking at the doubtful eyes of Murong Qingyan. The small white balls furs stands, This uncle is truly a dignified Bai Ze
Yes, Ive got it. Seeing that the small white ball started his long speech, Murong Qingyan immediately stop him and said: I believe you.
Even if she doesnt believe his words, she already made a contract with him. But then, when she just made a contract she really felt his ancient powerso what he is saying is real.