Chapter 7 - Even if I become a crazy young lady in this district

7. Even if I become a crazy young lady in this district (5)</u>
I didn’t like that I passed the exam safely, not as I intended, but anyway, I finished the exam without any problems and secretly changed my dress at the 5th library and went out. It was perfect.
When I came out, I saw Tasha sleeping on a bench in the hallway.
Maybe because she was outside during the nap time, she looked very sleepy.
“Tasha, wake up.”
Tasha woke up, yawning as she was still half asleep.
“I’m leaving now. Princess.”
“Yeah. Go now…..”
I took Tasha’s hand and hurriedly hid behind the corner.
She raised her index finger and whispered to Tasha, who was trying to ask what was going on.
‘It’s the Princess.’
Tasha’s eyes widened, As if telling
‘The Princess?’
. The sound of someone walking and pulling It’s dress came closer and I pressed my body to the wall nervously. There was nothing to say if I got caught here.
“I didn’t know you were interested in plants.”
This high-pitched voice belonged to Rosalie.
“But I’m still not very good at gardening.”
It was so nice to hear again the bright voice of Princess Silayna Reynos, who gave me the witch’s sheet music.
Thanks to you, I came back. I will fix everything as you say, so watch how I do it. I repeated the words I couldn’t convey by myself.
The princess was Karzan’s younger sister and was a year younger than me. Everyone knows that The Princess likes flowers and plants, but her real interest was dresses.
Later, an unknown designer appeared in the fashion world, and before I got married, it was revealed that the designer was Princess Silayna.
The Princess then established the empire’s largest boutique on the outskirts of Reynos. The reason the princess hid her temperament was because of her Majesty the Empress. Her Majesty was preparing to marry Rosalie’s brother Simon with The Princess because she wanted the princess to continue the life of ordinary princesses.
By now, it was time for the marriage of Princess Silayna and Rosalie’s older brother. That’s why the imperial daughter and Rosalie often met, the two had no choice but to get closer.
“If I can’t use magic, it’ll be hard to grow plants, right?”
“Princess. You don’t need magic to grow plants. You just need a heart.”
“Oh my. I think I have a lot to learn from you. I’ve never thought of that before. It makes me reflect on myself, who only thought it was difficult, my dear.”
“The princess is going to do well. Because your heart is warm.”
The two of them had a conversation there, so Tasha and I couldn’t even go out and had to hide in a corner.
“By any change, did you hear what the Empress said?”
“What did the Empress say?”
“The dress Princess Venity wore today.”
There are many eyes and ears in the imperial family. Even before I entered the exam room, the maids had already seen the dress I was wearing, so rumors would have already spread. However, the princess seemed to haven’t heard of it.
“What Is It with the dress Princess Venity wore?”
There was certainly a sense of curiosity in the princess’s voice.
“I mean Venity Raishi. She appeared wearing a very fancy dress, but the rumors seemed to have spread badly.”
“What’s wrong with her dress.”
“She showed up wearing a fancy dress with diamonds attached to it. One dress like that would be enough to buy a small castle. So people didn’t say anything in front of Venity, but everyone in the back was making a fuss about It. But, Princess Venity that I know is not that luxurious. I’m sure there must have been some circumstances.”
Rosalie was one of the people who was talking about my appearance and she was pretending to protect me. I was more disgusted to think of Rosalie’s actions that betrayed me in my previous life, but somehow it seemed to be going the way I intended, so I was relieved for now.
“Is that dress from Marianne’s boutique?”
“I’m not familiar with dresses, so I don’t know about that, but it was a dress with lots of diamonds on it.”
“Is It a new limited edition?”
“I don’t know It well either….”
“Then, do you happen to know that dress. Is it true that the dress has something that looks like a sparkling diamond at every hem of the dress?”
“It’s not like a diamond. It was Diamond.”
“The color looks like gold plated. Is that the right dress?”
Perhaps because The Princess was interested in dresses, The Princess got excited and began to ask Rosalie in detail about the dress, and Rosalie’s voice gradually decreased as she continued to ask questions.
“Yes. Th-That’s right, Is there something wrong? Princess?”
I could hear Rosalie’s voice filled with questions and the princess’s voice taking a deep breath.
“Ah! That dress. It was a dress that I wanted. But Princess Venity has already purchased it.”
Why did the Princess want to buy such a luxurious-looking dress? Do these kinds of dresses look attractive to designers?
“What. Th-That dress. The Princess?”
Rosalie’s voice was full of curiosity, but I was curious as well.
“Princess. I live in Reynos, a country of fashion, but I have no sense of fashion like this.”
It wasn’t an angry voice, but Rosalie responded as if she was bewildered at the way the princess spoke quietly, and it was the same for me that was embarrassed.
In the eyes of designers, are these kinds of dresses really that good. To the point where you can even talk about your fashion sense?
Just by listening to her voice, she seemed to know how stupid Rosalie was right now.
Because I also have that kind of expression.
“It’s not Diamond that’s attached to the hem of the dress. It’s called cubic. This time, Hans The Jeweler developed a cubic that looks exactly like diamonds.”
Cubic? So that wasn’t a real diamond?
“You mean it looks like a diamond? Does that mean it’s a fake diamond? But why did the Princess want to wear such fake clothes….”
Rosalie’s words were blurred. I didn’t hear It. I don’t understand either. Why did the Princess want to try wearing fake clothes like this.
“It’s frustrating, Princess. Why do you think so? Even if ordinary people want to have sparkling jewels like diamonds, they cannot afford it because the price is too high. Even if they want to make such a pretty dress, they want to use all the diamonds, but they are heavy and expensive, so they developed an inexpensive cubic. A Jewel that anyone can wear cheaply and beautifully, yet sparkles just as beautifully as a diamond. Do you understand now?”
When I saw Tasha, who is usually interested in clothes, and asked if she knew. but, Tasha immediately shook her head. Apparently, Tasha also had limitations as she learned from across the family.
Anyway, Tasha, who was very interested in dresses, looked up at me with admiration. The expression on her face was as if saying
‘I didn’t know that the princess had such a great eye’.
But I didn’t have that kind of eye.
I was not interested in clothes at all even In my past life and now. In fact, I was not interested in everything that wasn’t practical.
“This time, thanks to the cubic that Hans developed, I was able to make such a gorgeous and beautiful dress at a very affordable price, so Marianne made only one of those dresses. To find a real fashionista who recognizes this cubic. I wanted to see if people had an eye to tell the real from the fake. But everyone thought it was a diamond and couldn’t buy the clothes. So, no one could buy it because they were afraid. But, Princess Venity bought it!”
“Then, why didn’t the Princess buy it first…..”
“Marianne refused to sell it. She made a proposal. If no one buys the dress, she will give it to me as a gift. But in the end, Princess Venity bought it.”
“Do you understand now? Princess Venity didn’t wear strange clothes, she was just ahead of the trends. No, she led the trend!”
Oh my god. This was a completely different development than I had expected.
Tasha looked at me with amazement, but now those eyes are not at all pleasant.
What is, How Is this even happening.
Then I. had to return home, without the title of a crazy young lady of this district moving away from me.
It was darker than Rosalie walking around gossiping about me from behind.
A few days later, I became a fashionista.
“I didn’t know that the princess had such a deep insight!”
“Venity! You said you weren’t interested in becoming a crown princess! So you didn’t mean it.”
“Our pretty daughter! You’ve suffered a serious head injury while riding a horse, and I was worried about what was going on in your mind, but on the contrary, you had an insight that you had never had before. Mother didn’t know how much joy this is.”
“I bought some jewelry because I thought that Venity would like it. I hope you like it. My daughter.”
This is crazy. My whole family was proud of me.
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I can’t believe I became a fashionista who knows nothing about fashion!
The way the people of the imperial family looked at me changed completely. At first, they looked at me as a crazy and immature young lady, but now they are looking at me with admiration as I was a person who is leading fashion in the social world.
My plan to make a title A Crazy Young lady in this area was completely gone. Rather, my reputation was improving.
This isn’t right!