“0 defectors and 0 wounded people. A total of 116 volunteers of the 3 <sup>rd</sup> unit were admitted without any problems.” Rewan Gauer said adjusting his glasses that had fallen to the tip of his nose.
As he was busy turning over the bunch of heavy papers that he was holding, he took out a few and handed them over to the person sitting from him.
“I thought that this thing is nothing but a waste of time… But there are some people who stand out…”
That person was Ignis Von Patus, the prince of the Patus Empire, who received the official documents.
He consciously combed through a few documents.
From time to time, extraordinarily talented people appeared among the trainees.
The talented people were mostly aristocrats, but their status in the society meant nothing when it came to this, so they were normally forced to join the Imperial Knights by the Empire.
How many talents has he gotten that way! The Patus Empire has never missed these opportunities. That was why Ignis was there personally to select talented people with his own eyes.
“Are there not even five!” Looking fed up; He threw down the papers and raised his gaze.
“I can’t help it. The aristocrats pay money and refuse to let their children enlist, so most of them are commoners. Well, we’ll have to wait and see. Because anyone can become a good knight after training.”
His bookkeeper, Rewan, replied with a shrug.
“How about the evaluation screening?”
“It is underway now. Let’s go see it”
“Sure” saying so Ignis lifted himself up and stood lightly, the movement brought attention to the shimmering silver hair and his smooth and white skin. Rewan could feel the chillingly cold aura from the man walking by his side.
“Letio…. Is he a commoner?”
“Because there is no surname, he should be a commoner.”
“His place of birth is not written.”
“Look at the notes. He has written that he doesn’t know. Well, maybe he is from a slum.”
Ignis nodded. “The eldest son of Viscount Kazen, the eldest son of Baron Eparos, the eldest son of Viscount Tyro, the eldest son…. they are all the same.
“The high nobility pay the fine and refuse to enlist. What can I do?”
“I’ll have to raise the fine, I think.”
“Do you know how much you will be cursed for that? Do you intend to live long?”
Ignis laughed at Rewan’s remarks and Rewan continued “But they’re still struggling. I think you’d better take a good look.”
Even then Ignis did not take his eyes off the documents in his hands, “By the way.” He paused as he tilted his head, “Evans?”
Rewan clicked his tongue when he saw Ignis narrowing his eyebrows. “Up until 15 years ago, he was the commander of the 2 <sup>nd</sup> division of the Imperial Knights.”
“Ah…” Ignis grumbled as he raised his head
“He suddenly retired. Though they tried to get him back many rimes, they failed. He disappointed the Emperor by doing so, remember?”
“His eldest son, Celestine Evans enlisted.”
“Are you saying that Evans’ eldest son enlisted?” Ignis asked again, becoming happy.
“Yes this Celestine Evans must have taught by Simon Evans. Then his sword skills must be exceptional.”
“I’m looking forward to it.” Ignis’ lips twitched upwards, relaxing a little.
He was someone who was yet to receive the title of a prince. This was because he needed to be recognized by the emperor. Which could only be done, by increasing his power base.
‘I need to add one more person to my people’ Ignis thought, suppressing his impatience.
“They’re all over there.”
Ignis looked towards the place that Rewan pointed to. There were about a hundred soldiers who were taking the test of cutting down logs.
“Do you know how he looks like?”
“He is the fifth person in row three. Please look carefully at the documents.”
“Then you mark it. You make it so hard to recognize….”
“There he is!” Rewan cut off Ignis’ as he pointed at the person.
Ignis narrowed his eyes, but soon turned towards where he was pointing, taking a quick glance as if he was already familiar with them.
“….That…” Ignis frowned again as soon as he saw Celestine.
Because he looked quite different from what he had imagined.
Shouldn’t a good soldier have broad shoulders, a large torso and thick forearms? But the Celestine that he saw in front of him was…
“He’s skinny.”
He was about half the size of his forearms; he was so thin that both his wrists could be held in one hand.
“Can he even lift a sword with a body?!”
Rewan massaged his forehead and said “You don’t know. Evans wasn’t big built either.”
Ignis doesn’t know but he hopes that he could become a part of his people.
“Yeah, yeah… so that is Evans’ son huh? I didn’t know.”
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Simon Evans was a hero among the knights for his legendary long-sword skills that was said to be capable of defeating dragons.
Evans’ son must also surely be excellent and have his father’s skill.
Ignis held hope in his heart and was calm by the time he heard.
“It’s Evans’ turn…”