Announcement: If I can't squeeze out an RoM chapter by this weekend this will most likely be the last post until April 4th. Oh G.o.d exams (´;д;`) (´;д;`) (´;д;`)
Originally posted on RBKTR Translations.
Author: Yi Zhi Da Yan (一隻大雁).
Translated by: Yujuan.
A few days ago I returned home, and he wasn't working overtime, I wasn't either.
We ate dinner together, then watched a movie together.
He chose the movie, and to my astonishment, it was an unspeakable kind of film.
The heck a frigid guy is watching an unspeakable romance film what should I do I'm a little agitated.
And so when he downloaded the movie, I was so agitated I didn't wash the dishes, speedily running up to take a shower.
I had never seen this movie before. I was already so busy that I had no time to watch movies anymore.
The opening scene was within a dusky forest, which sat a ghastly old castle.
The main characters consisted of a human who stumbled into the castle and the vampire within it.
Oh oh oh there's a horror element! I like!
A horror film! While watching I can pretend to be scared and shrink into my boyfriend's chest, then a rub or two, and when the conditions are right success will follow naturally! How good is that!
And yet I was just too naive.
Those who have a job like mine, are mostly pretty bold, and also especially serious.
Those who have a job like my boyfriend, other than being bold and serious, will also be particularly attentive.
About halfway through the movie we started a profound and amicable discussion on whether a vampire was able to give a b.l.o.w.j.o.b to someone, even pondering upon the seriousness of the wound and the level of damage given to the unspeakable parts of the guy receiving the b.l.o.w.j.o.b. We couldn't help but lament just how much of a hero this guy was, and then there was no more after that.
We didn't continue watching the movie, and after chatting about our unanimous view I washed the dishes and went to sleep.
I realized something wrong with this in the process of was.h.i.+ng the dishes.
f.u.c.k, why was I being so serious about a romance film!
I gazed at the greasy plates in my hands speechlessly shedding my tears.