More exams, so I won't be posting until Thursday next week. Sorry if this ends on a cliffhanger. In my defense though, this chapter is pretty long.
Originally posted on RBKTR Translations.
Author: Yi Zhi Da Yan (一隻大雁).
Translated by: Yujuan.
This spectacle is a little awkward.
My boyfriend looked at me, the expression on his face looking really complicated.
My heart felt really complicated too.
Is it too late to pretend to be a pa.s.serby, turn around and run away?
My boyfriend set me upright, let go, turned, then ruthlessly drove a fist into that d.a.m.n hoodlum till he toppled to the ground.
Boyfriend: f.u.c.k, he dares touch my girlfriend.
My face was dumbstruck.
My boyfriend just cursed I'm a little scared, even after knowing him this long I've never heard him swear at someone, and he's even hit someone, goodness is this really my boyfriend have I walked into the wrong scene…
f.u.c.k, how can he be so hot?!!!
I have to love him my whole life!!!
The boss and his little companions behind my boyfriend were also dumbstruck.
The boss looked at me, the expression on his face changing from "Eh I seem to know this person" "What the heck isn't this that guy" "Wait a minute why is he wearing female clothes" to "Mama I'm terrified".
Their companions' expressions were as if they had seen their cabbage dug up by a pig.
Mm, my boyfriend is the cabbage.
I'm the pig.
Pah, I'm not a pig!
I just look a little strange because I'm wearing female clothes!
I'm also a handsome guy alright!
Big Brother Bouncer hastily stopped my boyfriend, letting him calm down, then asked if he wanted to report this to the police.
…This big brother over here just how much do you like calling the police?? Won't calling the police affect your business!
My boyfriend rejected Big Brother Bouncer's question, then brought me outside.
And yet my leg had twisted.
It would be embarra.s.sing getting carried on the back or carried in his arms out, so I chose to walk on my own.
My boyfriend could only support me out.
On the way out we waved goodbye to the boss and his companions.
My boyfriend turned his head to look at me: We need to talk.
TL Notes
Their cabbage dug up by a pig (自家白菜被豬拱了) has a few meanings, either: 1. A beautiful girl has been taken/being courted by an ugly guy or 2. A cabbage someone worked really hard on growing was dug up by a pig, for example, a father who has seen his beautiful daughter grow up only to have her stolen by some guy