Originally posted on RBKTR Translations.
Author: Yi Zhi Da Yan (δΈ€ιš»ε€§ι›).
Translated by: Yujuan.
The bar was pretty lively. Although it was currently winter it was a little stifling hot inside.
I wore a khaki overcoat, also a wig and sungla.s.ses. I had only come in for a while, and I felt that I was about to go blind, sweating all over my body.
But I didn't dare take them off.
Wearing the overcoat will conceal my completely unwomanly figure, the image of taking off the overcoat is too beautiful I dare not even think about it.
Drinking two sips of liquor, I felt myself heat up so much that I was about to evaporate.
I started to wonder just why I had to disguise myself and enter this bar like this.
I could just wear my normal clothes, then pretend that this was a dramatic encounter!
My boyfriend didn't tell me that he was coming to this bar!
I could absolutely say that I was too pressured by my work and came here to drink a few drinks, or something!
Perhaps I can find a place to change my clothes.
These clothes are just too uncomfortable, the places that should be loose are tight, and the places that should be tight are loose.
It's so unbearable, why aren't they leaving, I don't want to tail them anymore, I'm not happy, I want to cry.