Originally posted on RBKTR Translations.
Author: Yi Zhi Da Yan (一隻大雁).
Translated by: Yujuan.
I followed my boyfriend's boss for quite a few days.
His daily schedule is just about working overtime, eating meals and returning home. Don't talk about having an affair, even when a guy with a figure as good as those you see in underwear advertis.e.m.e.nts asked him for directions, he didn't even give him a second glance!
The only different thing he's done in these few days was buying a bouquet of flowers from a flower shop on the roadside, then delivering it to my client.
Where else can you find a boyfriend as good as him!
I think my client has been watching too many melodramatic story plots, what affair, his imagination is really just too wild.
I gave my client a call on the last day reporting my results to him. However, my client wouldn't believe me.
He was persistent in believing that the boss had hooked up with a certain lawyer in his law firm, and wanted me to tail that lawyer and the boss at the same.
Is the client playing with me? How can I tail both people at the same time!
You want to watch me do a Shadow Clone Jutsu?!
My client said conceitedly on the phone: I don't care! You go tail that lawyer, or I won't pay you money! Hmph!
This has already surpa.s.sed the problem of watching too many melodramatic story plots, this is called being brain dead, he needs to treat it.
But he's paying, and those who pay are G.o.d.
I won't tail my boyfriend, that sounds a little perverted, and besides, if I get discovered, I think my boyfriend won't be limited to just getting angry.
It might cause domestic violence, and he might even think I don't trust him and just simply break up with me.
With my absolute faith in my boyfriend, I believe that there are absolutely no problems between him and his boss. I don't need to waste my thoughts on tailing and shadowing, I can just simply snap a few photos at home and send it to my client.
If my boyfriend realizes I'm secretly taking pictures of him, I can just say that I'm fanboying his face.
Then he'll let me take photos openly.
Isn't that great!