Originally posted on RBKTR Translations.
Author: Yi Zhi Da Yan (äø€éš»å¤§é›).
Translated by: Yujuan.
I looked on as my boyfriend finished eating everything.
Even after knowing him for so long, he still looks so good looking, so handsome.
Sigh, in this time and place, situation and circ.u.mstance, it's so suitable to have a wild and frantic office play in here!
ā€¦I might as well not think of something that won't happen.
My boyfriend said: I might have to work overtime tonight, I won't be going back for dinner.
Me: It's fine, I'm working overtime too.
After all, tailing someone is best done fixing one's attention on them twenty-four seven.
My boyfriend asked: You've received a new job?
I nodded my head.
Boyfriend: What kind of job?
Me: The same old.
Boyfriend: Oh.
Boyfriend: Why do I feel that you're acting a little strange today?
Me: Hahaha how am I acting strange you're overthinking things hahaha.
Boyfriend: The more I look at you the more you look suspicious.
Has he realized that I'm going to tail his boss?!
Goodness, if my boyfriend finds out what the job I received is, he'll definitely get angry!
What should I do in this kind of situation!
My boyfriend is so smart, spewing lies to make a bluff probably won't fool him, I think the only way is to take out my instant-kill move!
I threw myself over to hug my boyfriend: Sob sob sob you're actually suspecting me!
Boyfriend: ā€¦
He's actually so aloof!
How can he be so aloof!
I embraced my boyfriend's waist tightly: Sob sob sob how could you suspect me!
Boyfriend: Stop fooling aroundā€¦
I rubbed my imaginary tears and snot on my boyfriend's s.h.i.+rt: Sob sob sob you're actually saying that I'm fooling around!
Boyfriend: Really, stop fooling aroundā€¦
How am I fooling around, this is called being affectionate!
He actually thinks that me being affectionate is fooling around, I'm so depressed.
It must be that my competence in being affectionate is not enough!
I have to try harder!
My boyfriend pressed my waist with clenched teeth: If you don't cut it out I'llā€¦
The boss pushed open the door to the office: I called Xiao Zhao and the others over tonight for a gatherā€¦ Oh sorry for disturbing you.
Boyfriend: ā€¦
This situation is a little awkward.
I think the boss must have misunderstood something.
He doesn't know that my boyfriend has a hidden trouble too hard to mention, so he must have thought that my boyfriend and I were doing something strange in here.
Forget it.
Might as well misunderstand, it's better than knowing the truth.