Sorry guys, my laptop broke down and I had to get a new one.
Originally posted on RBKTR Translations.
Author: Yi Zhi Da Yan (一隻大雁).
Translated by: Yujuan.
Dust blowing up and filling the house, that dog watched by the side and was seemingly horrified, barking frantically.
Although he was thin, his windpipe was louder than a loudspeaker in a public square.
My boyfriend was woken just like that.
I thought my boyfriend would get angry, at least giving me a scolding.
Since this originally clean living room had been turned into shambles by me, any mysophobic person would become angry.
My boyfriend exhaled deeply, smiling and said: It's okay, I'll do it.
Have I misheard? He's not getting angry?! Why does that smile look so scary!
Is it just me, or has he been treating me really well lately?
I brought a dog home and made a mess in the living room, and he's actually not mad?
…Could it be that he thinks that he already has a physical defect and that if he loses his temper I'll dump him?
Goodness, he's so pitiful.
I need to love him well.