(T/N: I’m no physics geek, so the names of these formulas maybe wrongly translated)
Worried about text results? Then increase the time of your study. How?
‘Use the theory of relativity!’
The people of Earth was under the impression that ‘time is always constant’ before Einstein changed that. This concept is called the ‘Newtonian s.p.a.ce-time’.
However, after Einstein, not to mention light, it was discovered that s.p.a.ce and even time was affected by gravity.
‘Let’s create a room.’
Making a room wasn’t that hard. It was a simple magic, and he could just set the coordinates. The problem was to decrease gravity…….
‘Let’s create a gravitational field using ancient gravity magic.’
It would consume a lot of mana, but this was the only way right now.
“…Low gravity!”
Abel utilized the white mana and created an artificial gravity field. Although the calculations were difficult as he had to use Einstein’s formula of gravity, Abel had the OP item, Casio.
Using the save formula function, he loaded up a formula he saved before. This was the formula that he saved when he listened to a physics lecture. ‘Karl Schwarzschild metric’.
He only had to input the variables.
Abel created a discrete s.p.a.ce in his own room. Using the 2-cicle magic ‘s.p.a.ce’, he could create a s.p.a.ce that was independent.
He controlled the gravity field with the numbers he got from the formula. Now, his own s.p.a.ce had a different value despite being in the same dimension.
‘With my current mana, I can maintain it for around 10 hours.’
He had to supply the necessary mana constantly to maintain the artificial gravity field and the s.p.a.ce. His estimate was around 10 hours.
According to Einstein’s theory of relativity, time is bent by gravity as well. A s.p.a.ce affected by a stronger gravity will have slower time.
Meaning, in this s.p.a.ce, time will flow ‘faster’ than outside.
He didn’t know how much faster it would become, but according to his calculations, it was around 10 times. In other words, 10 hours here meant 1 hour outside!
According to his calculations, the difference of gravity between the two s.p.a.ces had to be immense, but he solved this by putting another gravity magic on top of it!
As his mana utilization ability increases, the duration and the efficiency would rise as well.
Abel decided to call this discrete s.p.a.ce ‘the room of spirit and time’. It was from an anime he liked as a child.
“Then let’s go in.”
Hoping that his calculations were correct, Abel entered the room of spirit and time with the mana theory textbook, ‘mana and circles’, in his hand.
10 hours later.
The mana supply on ‘the room of spirit and time’ was cut off, and Abel appeared with an unhealthy face.
‘Dammit! I’ll take some food next time I go in.’
He studied for 10 hours straight without food or drink. He could leave mid-way, but he held on in order to conserve time and mana.
Abel exited his room started looking for some things to eat. He saw the sandwich that he left over at dinner.
Then, he started to put it in his mouth as though he had starved for months.
Ian, who was watching, spoke doubtfully.
“Haa… you ate an hour ago and you’re eating again?”
Hearing the word ‘hour’, Abel’s jaws gaped. The sandwich in his mouth fell out slightly.
His calculations turned out to be perfect.
Even the most stupid people would do pretty well if they had 3 times as much time to study. Abel was like that. Now, he was able to follow ‘intermediate mana theory’ cla.s.s.
His footsteps as he headed to casting cla.s.s, was very light.
“Looking good nowadays, Abel?”
Luna who was next to him, asked.
“Oh, it’s just that my studies are going well.”
Abel was all smiles. Moreover, his next cla.s.s was casting cla.s.s that he liked the most. He couldn’t be any happier.
Luna was the one who sat next to him during intermediate mana theory cla.s.s. Although she didn’t have good practical results, she was very knowledgeable in theory. Abel asked a few things to her and they became close.
“That’s good! Hah, I’m envious… I want to be able to cast well like you… but I don’t seem to have the talent…….”
Sighed Luna as she said that. In terms of spells, Abel was the one helping her out.
“If you have something you’re good at, then you have something you’re bad at. You know, you’re the top in theory, aren’t you? You’ll do better in spells if you try harder. I mean, look at me! I’m doing well now.”
That made sense, though, it’s just that he put in waaay too much time….
Abel and Luna arrived at cla.s.s like that. Today was the day they had practical mock exams in casting cla.s.s.
“You should know from last time, but we’ll be doing mock exams today. This won’t affect your grades so don’t be so nervous. Just focus on getting a grasp of the real thing.”
Professor Lucas, who was in charge of 1st year spellogy, started notifying the students.
(T/N: Casting cla.s.s and spellogy cla.s.s seem to be the same thing.)
Lucas was a battle mage, and it is rumored that he achieved great merits during the Rose War.
He called one student
“Come up front and solve this.”
Lucas wrote a question on the board.
When he finished writing it down, Seamus started solving it.
After he wrote down the answer, the professor spoke after looking at Seamus’s answer.
“Well done! The most important aspect of casting is not only the accuracy of the calculation, but doing it in less time as well.
Seamus, just now, has correctly done the casting, but was too slow. In other words, he will be in incredible danger in desperate situations. The real exam will include casting the magic as well, so keep that in mind.
After evaluating Seamus, the professor started calling out other people as well.
Gulping, Luna stood up. She looked very tense.
“Good luck! You can do it!”
Abel whispered so only Luna could hear it. He gripped his fists as well.
Luna felt better with Abel’s cheering.
Now it was Abel’s turn.
He walked forward with confidence.
Then, he started writing the answer on the board. And his solution was done very quick. The professor and the other students widened their eyes while looking at his solution.
‘What the heck, he’s so fast!’
That was the shared thought amongst the students.
Actually, Abel would usually pretend to think for a bit before writing down the answer, but these days, he gained some insights(?) and forgot about controlling his speed.
“F, fast, Abel. The answer is correct as well…. If you can cast the magic then it would be perfect.”
Even Lucas couldn’t help but exclaim at the appearance of a talented student.
The students started whispering amongst themselves due to Abel’s hidden(?) skills.
“Who the h.e.l.l is he? I didn’t see him before.”
Sibelius looked at his servant and right hand, Goel.
“Hm, he’s a complete noob that asked questions in theory cla.s.s. This is unexpected.”
Goel spoke in surprise.
“Look into him a little more, and try to recruit him into our club. I think we’re falling behind that Junerheart. We need more people.”
“Yes, young master. With your background, he’ll definitely enter.”
Abel had no intentions on entering, but these guys said it as though it was a done matter.
With Abel as the last one, professor Lucas ended the mock exams. As they were out of time, he hurriedly finished the cla.s.s.
“Next week will be the real exams so prepare yourselves.”
The answer at the end of the cla.s.s was always the loudest.
Abel put on his coat and tried to leave, but someone blocked his way.
He had a tall stature for his age. And like EPL football players, he had an oiled slick back reddish-black hair. Though, his skin was quite pale and looked as though he didn’t do much outdoor activities.
It was the third son of Duke Junerheart, one of the famous people in the magic department.
“h.e.l.lo. Abel, right? I’m Cain. Well, you should know from the rumors but I’m from the Junerheart family.
That just now was very impressive. You finished casting in 10 seconds…….”
Finishing his words, Cain extended his hand. Considering that he was a high-ranking n.o.ble, he was quite polite.
“Thanks. Do you have anything to ask?”
Abel went directly to the point while handshaking. Since it was lunch, he wanted to go eat meat.
“Haha, you see my friends right? We created the magic club, MARIO. It stands for Magical a.n.a.lysis, Research and Investigation Order.
I want to do this together with someone talented like you. I’ll also help with difficult theories and homework. Wouldn’t you like to join? Oh, and you don’t need to pay anything. I pay for everything.”
(T/N: The original MARIO meant ‘a club to seek the truth of magic beyond comprehension’ or something… I tried changing it)
‘Hmm… a club, huh…….’
Club, it’s a bittersweet experience. Abel had a slightly bad memory with clubs.
When he entered college… he entered a volunteer activities club ‘Love Always’ with the pure heart of doing charity for others. In the club’s orientation, they said that they would go to an orphanage at least once a week, but the truth wasn’t like that.
Not to mention volunteer activities… they always drank when they met up. In the membership training, they brought soju in boxes…. They went to Daesung-ri (A popular place for college MTs), and thanks to some bottle of Soju, Abel had seen the silhouette of the grim reaper.
The club was practically ‘Love Alcohol’ and not ‘Love Always’.
“Hmm, I’m thankful for the offer, but for now, I think I’ll focus on the mid-terms first because the mid-terms are next week. If I want to join, I’ll look for you.”
If this was last week, he would have joined at the first moment. However, right now, he had plenty of time. It wouldn’t matter even if he chose one later. After all, he had the cheat key of ‘the room of spirit and time’.
“Haha. Yeah. Let’s meet up and drink some tea after mid-terms.”
Cain laughed heartily and left the lecture room.
‘For a n.o.ble, he seems okay.’
This guy seemed completely different to the other guy, named Siberia or whatever.