A grill came out of the pouch.
Ian and Loki were surprised to find a grill over 50cm come out of a small pouch.
Pop pop pop pop.
Grill stands, various tongs, and plates came out as well.
“Wow, as expected of a mage. That’s an awesome artifact.”
Ian exclaimed. Loki was nodding his head on the side.
“Wait a little, I’ll grill some meat for you.”
Click click.
Abel constructed the grill.
After it was complete, the grill was around 30cm off the floor.
And finally.
He took out the meat carefully.
Pork belly he got from the chef at Bordeaux Garden! Pork belly wasn’t exactly a popular part of pork in this world so he could get them quite easily.
“I haven’t seen that meat before……”
Ian and Loki were slightly scared off by the unfamiliar shape of meat. Looks like these kids only ate beef growing up.
“But how are you going to cook it? There’s no fire place… and cooking is forbidden in the dorms.”
Ian raised an obvious question. Not only was cooking forbidden, this was the living room.
“Dorm rules are there to be broken anyway. Look!”
After installing everything, Abel put his hands around his chest. Then he shouted.
“Asurabalbalta! Fire!”
A lump of fire was summoned right underneath the meat. The fire would not go out unless the mana supply runs out.
“Ooooh, cooool! As expected of a mage!”
Ian put his thumbs up.
Clap clap clap.
Next to him, Loki was clapping without saying anything.
It was a very fast incantation speed, but these two didn’t feel anything strange. They didn’t know anything about magic after all.
Chwaaak. Sizzle sizzle.
Abel put the meat on the grill and started grilling it. Fresh pork belly met hot grill and made the most beautiful combination in the world. This sizzling was the greatest kind in this world.
Ian and Loki were feeling touched as well as curiosity. Someone was cooking for them. Right in front of them too!
These two were raised in a culture where all cooking was done in the kitchen, and the dishes were carried by trays. They were experiencing something they hadn’t experienced at all.
Snip snip.
When the meat was somewhat grilled, he started cutting them apart. Then, he grilled the cut sides as well. Only a little bit more left!
“It’s done. There, you can eat it! Oh, and eat it with this. I’ll tell you how to do it.”
He had taken out various vegetables including lettuce when taking out the meat. Abel put one of the vegetables on his left hand. Then, he picked up the meat and wrapped it around the lettuce.
Although it was a little bit of a pity that there was no Kimchi and sauce, this was satisfactory.
“See that? You wrap it around and then eat it. Loki, you eat it first, say Ah. Ah~”
Abel seemed to pity the small-statured Loki and gave the first wrap to Loki’s mouth.
The smell provoked his desire to eat, and Loki subconsciously opened his mouth. The wrap entered Loki’s mouth and filled it.
Nom nom.
Loki chewed with his small mouth, and his eyes widened suddenly.
His tongue was already so short, and he was trying to say something while something was in his mouth, so he couldn’t say it properly.
“Yes! It works here too. Next time, I’ll find something like gochuchang (red pepper paste) and cook gochujang pork belly.”
Seeing Loki eat it so well, Abel felt the motherly love(?) of wanting to feed him more.
Seeing that Loki was fine with it, Ian also picked up a pair of tons and started eating the meat.
Since the people of this world did not use chopsticks, Abel gave them tongs instead.
Chew chew chew.
“Oh this is really nice!”
Ian, who did what Abel told him to do and made himself a wrap, exclaimed loudly. This had a different charm to it than beef. Abel, this guy… is a nice fellow.
Their first meeting left them a great impression.
The three enjoyed themselves in their first meeting. After a simple(?) BBQ, they each returned to their rooms.
The Iris Dormitory was better than the house Abel used to live in back on Earth, and had one shared living room, 3 bedrooms and a bathroom. It was very luxurious and comfortable.
“There we go. Now I should unpack.”
He did all that without even unpacking his stuff
He took out his clothes from the magic pouch and hung them up inside the closet, and switched the existing pillow with the comfy one he had brought. And that was it. That was fine for guys.
“Oh yeah, the communication orb!”
Abel suddenly remembered about old man Kyle.
He took out the communication orb from the pouch and carefully placed it on his dek.
“Is he still at the office?”
Abel inserted mana into the orb. Even if he activated it, it would be useless unless the other side reacted.
The orb started vibrating after consuming mana. Eventually, the grey mana turned clear. And inside a familiar figure appeared.
[Haha, it seems like you arrived at the dorms.]
So he was there after all. Well, he is a research fanatic.
[Do you like the dorms? How are your new friends? Have you eaten yet?]
Kyle seemed to have a lot of questions and barraged them all at once. Abel complained towards him.
“Ask one thing at a time. We have a lot of time. For now, the dorms are super great.”
Honestly, he expected 2-storey beds when he heard ‘dorms’. So, he thought that he should occupy the lower ones first.
Perhaps some might think that the upper bed is cool, but they would soon find out after living for a while. Abel also realized after living his 1st year at college on the top bed. It was really, really uncomfortable! Whether it was going to the toilet, or something else, it really took a lot of effort to come down once you were up there.
[Hahaha, I remember the times I entered the academy.]
“You’re also from this place?’
[Sure! I was a promising individual.]
Kyle. He’s an okay guy, but if there’s one thing about him, it’s that he boasts a lot.
“Ah sure…. Today, there were no lessons since it was just the orientation. I only saw the faces of others too. But I think I got a lot close to my roommates. We were together until just now.”
[That’s good! Meeting others will help you out a lot. And you should listen to your teachers since they are better at teaching than me. If you find anything hard, then you can ask this old man in the evening. Don’t get too down just because it’s difficult.]
‘What difficult! He says that even after seeing my skills……’
These kids were middle schoolers at best right? Piece of cake.
“Don’t worry. I’ll win no problem.”
Abel spoke while gripping his fist.
Finding that cute, Kyle laughed out loud.
[Hahahaha, good att.i.tude. Oh! You know what. The 2nd volume for ‘The Book of Thrandriel’. I asked my archaeologist friend and he said that he donated it to the academy. It’s in ‘Paraminu Library’ and that place is only allowed for graduating students and professors, so focus on learning the 1st volume first.]
He did read it, but he still hadn’t completely understood the first volume. He was very curious about the contents of the 2nd volume, but there was no choice since he couldn’t get it yet. He decided to focus on the 1st volume.
[Also I put a lot of Peridot.i.te and Hydraken so you must gather mana every day!]
When did he put that in…….
“I’ll do it after this. Don’t worry too much. I’m not a kid……”
However, to Kyle’s eyes, he was no more than a child who was about to go playing with water for the first time.
[Haha, okay then. Well… let’s start.]
“Eh? Start what?... Oh! I’ll go get the calculator.”
Even when they were apart, he was still a calculation serf.
Kyrux Hall, where the majority of magic theory lectures were taught. At the very back of the hall was Abel. He started looking through the textbook for his first lesson, mana theory. And… his mentality collapses. What. The. Heck.
‘What the h.e.l.l is this? I can’t understand a single thing?’
The bland cover said ‘I’m a text book’ no matter which angle you looked at it from. However, the contents were too unfriendly and was filled with words that didn’t make any sense. It was worlds apart from the calculation-oriented spellogy cla.s.s.
Abel raised his head and looked at the expressions of others.
‘Everyone should have it hard. This is not middle school level!’
However, none. They all had calm faces as they looked through the textbook.
Abel, who had entered the academy with the old man’s backing, didn’t know. The students that were capable of entering the academy were all geniuses….
‘Well, the teacher should explain it more easily.’
Well, at least he was optimistic.
Creak, trod trod.
The doors to the lecture hall opened, and the professor in charge of mana theory entered. It was the Eminem teacher from yesterday.
Tap tap!
“Attention! Don’t chat in my cla.s.s. If you want to know what happens when I find out, then you should just try.”
Looks like it was his habit to tap on the podium.
“Yesterday, I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Professor Dofram and I’ll be teaching this semester’s ‘Intermediate Mana Theory’. Nice to meet you.”
Clap clap clap clap.
The students habitually clapped. It felt as though they would get bashed if they didn’t clap.
It’s the ‘vicious’ type teacher that all schools had at least one of. Usually, these kind of people become the head of year….
“Most of you should have taken the entrance exam papers. If so, then you should be around 2-circle. So, in this cla.s.s, intermediate mana theory, I will explain about the utilization of mana from 2-circle onwards. If anyone cannot follow they should apply for beginner mana theory.”
The professor was as quick as ever in his speech. Really, even Eminem has to admit that this guy talked fast.
Abel expected a hard road ahead.