Chapter 5
Looking back, he must be an angel.
‘My worries have been washed away….’
While I reminisced about the past, Felix said something.
“Thanks to you. At first I didn’t understand, but now I do. Even right now, my body absorbed the demonic power yet I’m still breathing and walking normally.”
Certainly, a year is enough of time for a genius to master that skill.
It happened all according to my plan. The worst scenario had been avoided.
I rolled my eyes awkwardly, then released a relieved sigh.
Speaking of which.
“What are you doing here at this hour?”
He answered my question with a sweet smile, asking in return.
“Did you spend your night peacefully?”
“Um.. Yes.. Thanks to you.”
Thanks to him??
I was so embarrassed for giving such a weird answer. I cursed at myself in a whisper and stroked my face for a moment.
It must have seemed funny to him. He smiled in amusement and said,
“What a relief. I actually didn’t want to wake you up from your deep sleep.”
I see. I had a deep sleep….. What?
“It seems to have an implicit meaning!”
What did he actually mean?
First, he had been here a nightlong.
Second, he entered my room.
Less than a minute ago, I complimented him as an angel. What is happening now?
“It seems like you’ve hired a new maid recently.”
“What’s the point of this? You keep changing the topic…!”
“The maid had been bribed.”
“Do you realize that you have been poisoned now?”
I’m poisoned? What the hell are you talking about, noble sorcerer?
“The poison inside your body is deadly. You’re going to die.”
He smiled sweetly while announcing my death. I couldn’t even react to his words.
Wait. Pardon me?
I knew I had my time limit, but am I really going to die now?
I knew I had given up my life and shouted out to just kill me, but really? So soon? It’s only been a day since I made a lifetime promise with Claudia.
‘Sigh… Look at what three insane men have done.’
I froze with blank eyes and a slightly agape jaw. Then I asked him.
“Oh, how much time do I have left?”
“Within half a day, your whole body will be in terrible pain. You will be paralyzed from your limbs and legs, until your body hardens like a stone. Then you’ll lose all your senses…..”
“E, Enough.”
Even so, I still had time to write my will, didn’t I? But I hadn’t expected it to happen so soon.
I really couldn’t believe it at all. I was lost in my thoughts.
Felix stared at me with sad eyes, then said in a comforting, warm voice,
“Even so, you’ve already passed half a day.”
Was that supposed to be comforting? When I began to doubt my evaluation of him as an angel, he continued,
“If I didn’t come here, Irene wouldn’t have been able to stand in front of me like this.”
“…. The assassins came here too, didn’t they?”
Oh, that’s why you entered my room. I was startled because he’s not a person who would do something like that.
I had thought that I heard voices in my sleep. The voice was loud enough, but the moment I fell asleep, I slept like the dead. It’s a struggle to wake up.
Without Felix, I would have died in my sleep. Of course, death would still follow me everywhere after this.
“I have taken care of them, so there’s nothing to be worried about.”
Taken care’ in his words must have had implied meaning.
Mr. Angel, how can you say things like that so euphemistically?
I’m very grateful but! No matter how deeply I was sleeping, please wake me up when the assassins came!
Anyway, my mind’s going to burst thinking about the fact that I almost died.
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When I heard it, I suddenly felt dizzy and nauseated. Maybe it’s a psychological effect.
I felt like my head’s going to explode thinking what and who I should write into my will.
Felix put the setaria down and brought me to my senses.
“So, don’t be so far away and come closer to me. I’ll  detoxify you.”
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