T/N. Surprise! In celebration of Dynamite, here’s a new chapter hehe. Enjoy! 💜
Btw, author-nim is slowly integrating Werazel’s name as Lizelle. So to clear it up, Werazel is Lizelle. Ok ok? 😊
That night, Werazel put a blanket over Raphelion’s body on the bed.
“Let’s not get too cold. Good night, Lapel. See you in the morning. If you feel sick or uncomfortable, you can pull this rope okay?”
She tenderly touched the soft hair that fell on his forehead.
“Oh, no, no!”
Lapel held her hand as she was about to move away. His face looked very anxious as he was about to burst into tears.
Worried, Lizelle approached him. Before she knew it, clear snow water was forming around Lapel’s eyes.
“Are you okay? Are you sick?”
“D-don’t go…” 1
The little hand wriggled and clasped tightly as if he didn’t want to miss the rhythm of Lizelle’s hand. His crying eyes looking up as if hoping for something.
Werazel sat down next to Lapel, who lay alone in a spacious bed.
“Shall we sleep together?”
She smiled softly and wiped away the tears of the sad Lapel.
Eventually, the frustrated person kicked the man’s stomach. The man curled up in a heap.
The people watching from the side lowered their heads even more. Otherwise, it will be directed at them next.
“Sor… sorry!”
“Find the boy.”
It was truly wicked. The face of the employer who casually spits out such words was covered in a mask but the mouth that was revealed at the bottom was mean and wicked, as if covered with a devil’s shadow.
“If you can’t find him, prove to me that he’s dead!”
A shrill voice rang in the basement.
“Yes, yes! Give us a little more time and we’ll find him for you!”
There was deep contempt from the eyes looking down at the man who was lying down and shaking. He passed him by, tapping the man using his feet.
The minutes didn’t go away as fast as the guild members wanted.
“One month, no more.”
There was rage in the ruthless way of speaking. It’s too cold to be reckoned with .
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“T-thank you. “
The employer walked up the basement, leaving the guild behind.
A small sapphire embedded in the mask worn by an employer sparkled in the sunlight with the sound of the iron gate.
The blue light from the sapphire dyes the basement for a very short time. Then it quickly disappeared like a mirage.