“Look at these dark hair and red eyes! It must be the child the Duke is looking for! “
A man with brown hair, looking like a weasel, pushed forward the child standing next to him, showing him proudly.
He inflated his chest as if he was confident and did not forget to put on firm expression.
“That’s right, black hair and red eyes. It definitely matches the kid I’m looking for.”
The spacious parlor was splendidly adorned with expensive ornaments. It might have been decorated like this to intimidate the coming visitors and showcase the magnificence of the duke.
In the living room, there was a man elegantly sitting cross-legged on a luxury leather sofa under a large chandelier.
Duke Chester Halos, the current Duke of Halos, who inherited the title of Duke after Iorn Halos died.
He was wearing a cravat around his neck. In the middle of cravat was a green emerald, like a lush forest, surrounded by a frame made of gold, all real, and is currently the most popular designer made jewelry. It was the one and only jewel of that kind in the world that was made to exist, which would cost a few months of labor for ordinary aristocrats.
“It is the child the Duke is looking for! “
The man glanced at the jewel on the Duke’s cravat. The greedy eyes flashed wondering as to whether the precious stone worn by the noble figure is real.
“I’m glad you came. “
“…Is that so?”
Duke Chester glanced at the boy standing up, crouching. The sharp red eyes glanced past the child. Obviously, as written on the leaflet, he was a boy with dark hair, red eyes, and a small body.
However, somehow, the grayish black hair and the red eyes as dim as the eyes of a dead fish to him look artificial.
However, it is not yet possible to quickly decide. That kid might have been a real Raphelion. Chester has never seen his nephew. The leaflet with the image of a child was from what he always heard of through his brother’s words. The appearance of a child who is said that his brother’s eyes and hair were the same as him.
“Where did you find the child?”
After observing the kid, Chester stared at a man who couldn’t take his eyes off his jewelry.
“Ah, yes! I found him at the western nursery and brought him. Three months ago, someone brought a child who wandered on the street and took care of him.”
The man who was gazing at the jewelry gulped and replied quickly. He began to get excited by the attitude of the duke, who showed interest in the child, thinking that the Duke believed him, and he would take the child soon.
The greedy man had the idea of running to the gambling board immediately when he received the 100 shillings, ignoring the threats he kept getting from his pursuers.
The Duke, who was watching all this with his sharp eyes, gestured to Lohan, who was standing behind him.
“Yes, Master?”
“Are you going to let the Raphelion stand still?”
At the words of the Duke, a man like a weasel smiled widely.
A red glow from the setting sun shone behind Chester, who has a reputation for being cold-blooded in the social world.