Chester was sitting in his office and looking through the documents Lohan handed him over.
“I think it would be difficult to rule this out as a simple incident, too.”
In the document, the details and circumstances of the wagon accident his brother suffered were written.
Chester, who has been investigating for a long time since the day he knew of his brother’s death, was able to find out that the incident was not just an accident. As Lohan said, there were one or two dubious points that couldn’t be dismissed as bad luck.
“I’m afraid someone is determined to do it.”
Who and why the hell would kill my brother and his family?
A growl emitted out of Chester’s lips. His fists tightened so hard it trembled.
“Who dares…” He was furious and wanted to throw and break the things on his table.
“Maybe the memory of the real Master Raphelion may be an important clue.”
Two of the three people in the accident died, and the only survivor was Raphelion. So it was clear that the memory of his nephew and only survivor, Raphelion, would play an important role in catching the killer.
“Okay, go out.”
“Yes,” the sound of roughly covering the papers rang in the room.
Lohan left the office by killing footsteps to avoid touching the owner’s planting as much as possible.
Chester covered his face with his hands and bit his lips until he tasted blood and yet the anger in his heart did not fade. Not one bit.
Somebody targeted my brother. It must have been for the Halos title.
As he stood up from his seat, the chair toppled over. Even if it was cold, he thought he’d calm down by getting some air.
He opened the door with force.
As Chester came out of the hallway, the servants who had been wandering were startled, scuttered over and immediately gave way.
“I’m sick of this,” he walked down the hall, with a subtly dark look.
Chester knew what rumors were circulating in and out.
“He’s an unscrupulous killer who killed his own older brother in order to become the duke.”
“The eldest son of the Duke family succeeded the Duke, and the second son, who always followed him aimed for the title.”
“How can he stomach standing there pretending to be okay?”
“He did whatever it takes to be the duke.”
People spread rumors fast and as they did, Chester became a hypocrite blind to power.
Because of these, the heart of Chester, who cherished and loved his older brother more than anyone else, was trampled recklessly.
These people are full of jealousy and envy.
And so Chester did not react to these, it’s useless to explain to them.
However, it only helped inflate the rumors.
Chester sighed, fed up.
There were all sorts of negative frames around him.
People who pretended to think of him sincerely were only after the Duke Halos and not Chester.
Chester got used to dealing with people by wearing different masks, because everyone around him also wore masks and dealt with him, so even if someone showed his sincerity, he will always doubt them.
Because he couldn’t know which dagger was hidden or who hid it.
That’s the world he’s been living in.
“Shane.” He sailed straight to the Knights and called the division commander.
“I want the elite knight members right now and organize a search party.”
“You mean the search team?”
“Yes, we have to start a full-fledged investigation from tomorrow.”
Chester handed over the documents he was holding to Captain Shane.
Shane’s face hardened as he checked the documents.
“Is this true?”
“That’s what you have to find out.”
The enemy showed his dagger and faded away. Shane’ eyes were fierce and dangerous, as if he would not leave a stone unturned.
“Okay. I’ll recruit the team and report it.”
Chester’s steps out of the Knights after receiving a bow from Shane and heads to the garden.
Because he wanted to cool his head in a quiet place.
The uninhabited mansion was quiet everywhere, but the garden was especially his favorite place.
He passed through the blooming flowers and sat on the bench, leaned on his back and looked at the sky.
It was a clear sky without a single cloud.
The day I heard of the accident, the sky was clear like this.
He raised his arms and covered his eyes with a sigh remembering the anguish he felt at that time.
It was like his heart was covered and shaded from the sunlight.
A world without a single light, a desolate and dark world.
“You haven’t treated it yet?”
Chester lowered his arm to a sudden voice.
Werazel stood holding a ball in front of him.
Chester frowned, looking at her as she disturb his world.
Lapel, who was playing with a ball in the garden, ran forward in front of Lizelle.
Currently, Werazel and Lapel are spending time in the garden.
“We are not going to see grandmother?”
Lapel asked, saying that he had endured not seeing her parents.
Lapel loves staying in this mansion. The room was spacious, there were lots of things to play with and Lizelle was also there, but suddenly, when he remembered the baron and the baroness who gave him friendly smiles and warm hugs, Lapel became sullen.
I miss my grandmother and grandfather very much.
“You want to see your grandparents?”
Lapel nodded.
“Let’s go see them later. You know this is Lapel’s house now, right?”
Lizelle patted Lapel’s cheek, erasing his bitter feelings.
This child is still too young to experience breaking up.
So it is my job to explain it so that he could understand it later.
“Eat well, play well and stay healthy, and you can see them when you’re done.”
She soothed the disappointed Lapel and gave him a small smile.
“Shall we play ball?”
“Yeah? Yes!”
Lapel smiled and nodded at Lizelle’s efforts to change the atmosphere. He was sad but it would be fine as long as she’s with him.
The two ran around the garden playing a ball. His tiny body was so swift that Lizelle, who was running casually, quickly ran out of breath and panted.
“Miss, are you alright?”
“Oh, Tia.”
Tia, who was next to her and gave a bottle of water to Lizelle, was just 18 years old, with red hair with impressive freckles and striking red hair.
She is a little girl, and she was in charge of the two while they are staying with the Duke. She was friendly and bright, so she got along well with her and Lapel.
Earlier on, Lizelle got worried about the naivety of revealing everything to her, but she turned out to be a harmless child. She was the only acquaintance of Lizelle after Lapel, plus the duke whom she knew nothing about.
Even though she was a guest, Tia served her with utmost care under Chester’s instructions.
Perhaps since Lapel is the duke’s nephew, and Lapel cared for her so Tia took care of Lizelle like this.
What’s more, she just tells Tia what she wants, and she was provided quickly, and so she was spending more comfortable days here in the mansion than when she was in the baron’s.
“I’ll take a break, so can you play with Lapel?”
“Yes, I will.”
Eventually, Lizelle, waved a white flag, defeated by Lapel’s stamina and slumped on a chair while looking at the back of Tia running to Lapel.
I only played ball twice with Lapel and now I am so tired that I could lie down.
Lizelle took a deep breath and watched the two people playing ball in the distance. Tia was playing with Lapel much easier than her, showing she had good physical strength.
“I have to exercise,” she said, realizing that she had less physical strength than others.
I have to build up my stamina.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, it’s okay.”
Kay, the knight who was guarding her, carefully asked.
Lizelle shrugged with a smile as if it was nothing. Kay was one of the knights who came to escort her and Lapel.
Kay looked about her age and has black eyes and dark blue hair.
Tia said that he was a popular person in the ducal house as he is tall and satisfactory in appearance.
There was no need for a special escort at the mansion, but the knights took turns guarding the side of Lizelle and Lapel because of the Duke’s words that there may be an unknown threat.
For some reason, both Tia and the Knights made her feel like they were watching her, but it does not matter. They played and interacted well with Lapel on behalf of her, who is sometimes struggling too.
Lapel shouted in surprise because the ball flew away past the place where she was resting.
“It’s okay. I’ll bring it.” Werazel stood up, stopping Tia who was about to run. The place where the ball fell was relatively closer to her than they were.
Lizelle quickly headed in the direction the ball went over.
She had to walk a long way through the garden on the other side because Lapel threw so far.
“He’ll become a soccer player. He has a good foot strength.”
What can Lapel really not do?
He seemed like a genius who’s good at everything.
Of course, the face was the most genius among them.
She smiled happily with a proud heart, picked up the ball from the ground.
When she looked up and found Chester sitting on a nearby bench. The corners of her mouth that were raised up went down in no time.
What an unlucky day.
Facing a human who she does not want to meet, she quickly  turned around and tried to go back the way she had been walking. Because this was the opportunity that Chester didn’t see her.
Oh really.
But she couldn’t go back because she saw the wound on his hand. The wound he got while he was trying to protect her when she was almost hit by a cart yesterday.
Lizelle sighed deeply and stood in front of Chester.
He was injured because of me. I couldn’t pretend I didn’t know it and just get over it.
Chester lowered his arm and looked at her.
“What are you talking about?”
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“The wound. This.” Lizelle pointed to his hand.
“It was hurt yesterday, didn’t you take any medicine?”
“It’s okay. Don’t mind it,” said Chester, looking at his wounds indifferently.
He forgot that he was hurt. It wasn’t a big wound, so if he leaves it as it is, it will naturally heal.
“You’ll have tetanus,” said Lizelle with a straight face.