“I already gave my answer.”
Kaizen’s handsome face is distorted.
Kaizen’s eyes were terribly sunken.
“Even if I regret what I did to you?”
There is even mourning in his low voice.
Astelle was a little surprised.
“……Why are you saying that?”
Kaizen smiled slightly instead of getting angry.
“I don’t know either……”
Growing up as a future emperor from a young age, Kaizen had never been swayed by emotions like this.
He grew up thinking, watching, and hearing only politics and power.
It was also for political reasons that he ousted Astelle as soon as he became emperor.
However, at this moment, Kaizen truly regretted what happened at that time.
“I never imagined I would ever feel this way towards someone. Because I have never felt this.”
It was complicated, confused, and his pride was thrown to the floor.
In the meantime, he did not want to admit it or believe it, but now he can say one thing for sure.
“I want you. Give me a chance to make up for the past.”
Astelle stood blankly as she listened to his candid confession.
How could this man make such an expression……
It was shocking rather than surprising.
Astelle knew roughly the night of the assassination that he wanted her, but she never thought he would confide in her with such a desperate expression on his face.
This man also had this side.
Astelle felt like she was seeing something strange.
It would not be a lie.
Because Kaizen now has no reason to lie and whisper love to her.
But Astelle doesn’t believe his feelings would last.
Right, at any rate, it’s just a momentary interest.
I don’t want to cling to such light interest with hope.
“I’m sorry, Your Majesty.”
Astell looked straight at Kaizen who was staring at her with earnest eyes and calmly gave an answer.
“This is not where I should be.”
hah. Astelle heard a sigh that she couldn’t tell whether it was laughter or regret.
Kaizen stared intently at Astelle.
He seemed to want to say something more.
But in the end, he said nothing.
He turned around and spoke calmly.
“……I’ll send you a carriage and an escort tomorrow morning. If you need more, tell the servant.”
Astelle turned around and gave a final thanks to Kaizen.
“Thank you, Your Majesty.”
“Princess Astelle.”
After parting ways with Kaizen, as Astelle was about to leave the temple, someone called her.
A middle-aged nobleman with long dark brown hair was approaching this way.
He was one of the ministers watching when the will was signed at the temple a while ago.
Although he was old, he had a neat face. There was a slightly innocent impression on his gentle face.
He bowed politely in front of Astelle.
“It is an honor to meet you, Lady.”
“Excuse me, who……”
“Ah, sorry. I’m late to introduce myself. I am Count Ecklen, the minister of the military.”
‘Oh, Count Ecklen the minister of the military? He is said to be Sir Seibel’s adoptive father……’
Astelle also bent her knees slightly and said hello.
“It is an honor to meet you. I have heard many things about you.”
‘Grandpa said he used to be his lieutenant.’
However, there was something unclear about her grandfather’s attitude towards this person.
Coming to the capital, Astelle asked her grandfather why he had such a reaction when he heard the name of Count Ecklen.
‘He was just my lieutenant, but it didn’t end well and I sent him out.’
Her grandfather explained it as nothing special, but Astelle intuitively noticed that there was something more hidden in the story.
But it was a long time ago and it seemed like her grandfather wanted to hide it, so she didn’t ask anymore.
Count Ecklen asked about Astelle’s grandfather with a worried look.
“How about the Marquis? I heard that he is not feeling well.”
“He is now fully healed.”
In fact, he never felt sick.
“I’m glad to hear that. Anyway, I wanted to meet him and say hello. Is it okay if I come to the mansion and see him?”
Astelle asked for forgiveness with a very sorry expression.
“Thank you for your kind words, but we have an early departure tomorrow morning. I have to pack my luggage today, so I will not be able to entertain guests. I’m really sorry.”
“Ah……in that case, I can’t help it. Don’t worry about it.”
Count Ecklen reassured Astelle that he was fine.
His impression and actions were simple and good-natured.
‘You seem like a good person.’
In fact, her grandfather also gave a good evaluation of this person.
He had a good personality and was excellent at swordsmanship, but he was not from a prestigious family, so when he was young, he went to the battlefield every time.
But for some reason, Astelle’s grandfather seemed to be extremely uncomfortable with this person.
She didn’t know what was going on, but he didn’t seem to want to meet him.
‘It would be better not to come.’
“I heard about the marquis’ pension matter. Even though I was in this position, I was completely unaware of it…… If I had known, I would have told His Majesty earlier and returned his pension.”
Count Ecklen looked sincerely sorry.
“No. The pension matter is up to the administrators anyway. There is no way the minister of the military can take care of such a task.”
Seeing that her grandfather didn’t ask this person, it seemed that he wasn’t close enough to ask that.
While having a conversation, they arrived at the entrance of the temple, but the carriage from the mansion was nowhere to be seen.
The servant who found Astelle ran to her.
“The carriage has a problem and is being repaired. If you wait a moment, I will contact the mansion and send you another carriage.”
“It’s okay. I’ll just walk.”
After hearing it, Count Ecklen kindly offered to Astelle as they walked together.
“I’ll drive you in my carriage.”
“Thank you, but it’s okay to just walk. The mansion I’m staying in is close to here……”
Astelle’s residence was nearby.
Even if she does not take a carriage, she can get there by walking a little.
But the count asked her to go in his carriage.
“I can’t send you away alone. For your own safety, go in my carriage.”
Having said that, he instructed the servant to bring the carriage.
When the carriage came, he opened the carriage door by himself before the servant could even move.
Astelle was forced to get into the carriage.
“Thank you.”
Astelle got into his carriage and returned to the mansion.
It was late afternoon when Astelle returned to the mansion.
Although she was exhausted from getting up early and going to the temple, she was relieved when she finished the will and got permission to leave tomorrow morning.
“Lady Astelle, have you been well?”
“Yes, Hannah. Where is my grandfather?”
“The marquis is in the study with the young master.”
Astelle took off her coat and went into the study. She had to tell her grandfather that things worked out.
The marquis was looking for something in the study.
“Grandpa, what are you looking for?”
“Astelle, you are back.”
The marquis looked behind the small curtain before he found Astelle and turned around.
“Did the temple work go well?”
“Yes, it’s completely over. I have also received His Majesty’s permission to leave tomorrow morning.”
Although I was asked to stay. But I refused, so he gave up and went back.
Kaizen’s permission has been granted, so we will be able to leave tomorrow no matter what.
Finally, it’s all over.
We can go home now.
A sense of relief came to me from the depths of my heart.
“But what were you doing here?”
“I was playing with Theor.”
Then with a small smile, he looked under the desk.
It was also empty.
“I was supposed to find Theor if he hides, but this mansion is so spacious that I can’t find him.”
Astelle laughed.
Even in the country mansion, Theor used to play this often.
Her maternal grandfather’s country mansion was small, and all unused rooms were blocked off, so it was easy to find Theor wherever he was hiding.
This place was too wide.
“I’ll look for him.”
Astelle started searching the rooms on the first floor one by one, starting with the next room.
She wandered around and found Theor under the table.
A colorful tablecloth made of light green silk was spread over the round table.
As Astelle picked up the tablecloth, there was Blynn who barked and wags its tail.
“Aunt Astelle?”
“Theor, you were hiding here.”
Theor was sitting with Blynn under the table.
Books and inkwells are stacked around the two of them, and toy soldiers are lined up side by side.
Blynn sniffed each one of the toy soldiers in a row.
Theor, who was sitting in the middle and hugging the teddy bear, said excitedly, “This is my castle.”
“Your castle?”
“Yes. This is the wall.”
Theor pointed to the books surrounding him.
It seems that he made the walls of the fortress in his own way.
The toy soldiers around were soldiers guarding the castle.
Astelle smiled and went under the table and let the tablecloth cover them again.
The table was so large that even if Astelle came in and sat down, there was enough room left.
Once inside, she felt as comfortable as if she was in a tent.