Lucia, helping the knights
“Thank you very much! Soap bubble saint, thank you!”
“We will protect you, please rest a.s.sured!”
Seeing me nod, the knights seemed really happy.
Even so….that name, is it not possible to somehow manage it??
“Mmm, that name is a little… I feel sorry for saint-sama, I will be happy if you can call me Lucia” (1)
“It is Lucia-sama then”
“The honorific is not necessary!” (2)
Somehow I managed to get the knights-sama to treat me appropriately.
“Well then, I will do as you wish….. Lucia, I am Jeremia Asukari. This thin one is Fader Brizzi.”
“Lucia-san, I am looking forward to work with you”
The tall knight with sand colored hair is Asukari-san and the one with glossy honey colored hair is seems to be Brizzi-san.
Brizzi-san….. Come to think of it, the person from the house of Lily Brizzi that Celes-san mentioned before, I wonder if he talked about this person. (4)
“So, could we immediately heading to the castle wall?”
“If we just leave as it is, don’t we will get wet? How about we stop by at the knight corps office for a moment and bring rain gear? Well… aside, is it okay with you Lucia?”
“Yes, we can leave as it is. We need to hurry isn’t?”
The rain is just a drizzle, we may get a little wet but it is alright.
“Then use this. If the rain fall heavily you will get wet, this can protect you against the rain. Besides, our knight uniform is specially made by the academia, it have high defensive power, you know?”
When he said so, Brizzi-san hung his cloak on top of my head. His cloak was wet from the rain, it is certainly heavy, but the washing laundry lady is not that weak. Only this much is nothing!
“Thank you very much. I am sorry but I will use it”
I am a little bit hesitate, but I decided to use his cloak obediently.
Brizzi-san laugh happily as I said my grat.i.tude.
We went past the collapsed rukh’s corpse, then we were heading to the garden from the broken balcony.
Despite their injury, the academia trainees said that they would guard the hall together with the soldiers, they are truly admirable. I am thankful of them.
“We will be leaving the castle shortly. Are you alright?”
“Yes, I will doing my best”
I consented to Asukari-san anxious voice. It is scary but to regret and running away is a big no-no. (5)
The outside was already turned dark, even though partly was caused by the rain. I wonder what time it is now.
Beside the tightly closed castle entrance there are a side door with palace guard, from there we were leaving to the town.
Usually the imperial capital was like how a capital should be, it was crowded with people, but now the town already lost its spirit, it was so quiet. The rain kept pouring down, the street stalls were devoid of people, not even one soul exist here.
We run at full speed on the empty street with stone paving.
We run straight to the main street and when we arrived at the castle gate the surrounding became noisy, the silence up until now seemed like a lie, Doon! sometimes the ground shook along with a dull sound.
When I could see the vicinity, there were a lot of soldiers and they were all over the place, each of them held a weapon in order to defend the castle gate.
They were different from the knights order (6), their body which was clad in full body armor made their figure looked extremely imposing.
“We are the 3rd corps, please let us through! We will be going up the castle wall!”
Asukari-san raised his voice. Then the stairway that formerly exist beside the gate suddenly split up (7). Amazing.
Asukari-san plunged into a narrow path that came into our sight. Brizzi-san also followed him.
I also pursued those two persons while received the gaze which was seemed to said ‘it is you…’ (That’s right, I, who is their uniform washing lady, was pa.s.sing through them together with the knights, it is not like I understand why I am here either okay!). You have to be with knights order or soldier corps, or else you can’t go to the top of the castle wall, so this was my first experience. But I’m not happy at all.
“How is the situation!”
“We are currently using ballista at the battle! We will go attack with bow as soon as they entering its range! The attack from the enemy is not yet……who is this?”
The one who appear to be Asukari-san colleague was simply replied to his question, but when he turned around and saw my figure there, he made a deep frown on his forehead.
“Guido, she is the soap bubble saint!”
Brizzi-san put his hand on my shoulder while introduced me…, that name, does it already become official??
“Haa……….what?! Why she is here……I mean, why are you bring her now!”
Knight-sama who had been referred as Guido-san, turned towards me with perplexed expression. Yes, I am so out of place right. I am also wondering whether it is okay for me to be here!
“She has the ability to make monster become obedient using her soap bubble! Rukh lost its fighting spirit and did nothing when he was about to be slaughtered. It was not made any shockwave like it used to, after it struck with magic, it was only spread its wing to threaten us and stamped its feet in frustration. It is worth to take the gamble!”
“We had confirmed that with our own eye. That fierce Rukh became docile with one shot. It was like an ordinary bird. She can buy us some time before the castle wall is broken through (8). Please let her try at least once!”
Guido-san made an a.s.sessment, his grey eyes scrutinized me. The surrounding knights also had doubtful expression.
“Is that the truth?”
“How come I lie in this desperate situation?”
“A merchant also tell a convenient lie.”
“That is misunderstanding! My household motto is to be sincere with your customer! No, I mean, I am a knight!”
They casually had friendly banter while my heart is pounding so much that it become immensely painful. (9)
“Anyway, let’s heading to the front! Lucia, come here”
Asukari-san pushed aside the knights and soldiers who crammed around me, he took my hand and advanced to the front.
I held my breath when I saw the spectacle from the castle wall. Would the estimation of their number exceeding 100 be considered light (10)? Great number of Ogress and Ogresses are steadily getting closer to Al Tado!
They were letting out an angry cry when the boulder sometimes fallen down onto them. I felt chills running down my back heard that eerie voice. Scary!
Brizzi-san gently held my trembling shoulder. When I glanced at him, his anxious hazel eyes fixedly stared at me.
“I am sorry, I know all of this would make a young woman afraid.  Even so, please allow us to depend on your power”
“No……I am, I also want to, supposing I have the ability to do so. If my power can be helpful even just a little, I will endure it”
I put strength into my hand that gripped the cloak. I felt the bright sensation like an illuminated bonfire. (11)
Celes-san, please give me courage!
“I am ready”
I breathed deeply to calm down.
Now, I confirmed the figure of monsters who were approaching and prepared myself.
“ <soap>!!”</soap>
<soap>When I shouted the chant, huge amount of soap bubble was arise and completely covered my sight. —And then, along with it, in front of my eyes was total darkness.</soap>