Ch55 - In a while you’ll have something to cry about!

Translator: Reiyu; Editor: GlitteryPanda
The hotel Lin Feiran booked was less than a kilometer from Gu Kaifeng’s house. The two walked on the wintry street and the sun shone from behind, casting two deep, black shadows ahead of them on the light gray road. One shadow was longer and one was shorter. Lin Feiran held a light paper bag, and inside were several things they might need shortly.
“Give me the things.” On seeing the paper bag Gu Kaifeng stretched out a hand to take it. When they walked together, he never let Lin Feiran carry anything, and he even sometimes carried Lin Feiran’s schoolbag for him.
“It’s very light. I’m fine carrying it.” Lin Feiran secretively stuck his hand behind his back, considering how to prepare Gu Kaifeng for what was coming.
After he had gotten the idea of sharing yin with Gu Kaifeng into his head, Lin Feiran had deliberately dragged Gu Kaifeng to several horror films to test Gu Kaifeng’s courage. According to his observations, Gu Kaifeng’s courage was quite strong. Gu Kaifeng did not even raise an eyebrow at the various horrific and gory scenes in the movies, and had no problem going to the toilet on his own at night. He was much stronger than Lin Feiran had been before he started seeing ghosts.
Before, when Lin Feiran watched a ghost movie, he would be nervous for a month. He would have to put on a night light in his dorm room before sleeping, and when he went to the toilet in the middle of the night he’d have to switch on all the lights on the way. After going to the toilet, he would run with the speed of a 100m sprint, so scared he could pee himself, to his bed!
Even a timid person such as I am used to it now. Gu Kaifeng should have no problem. Besides, according to Grandfather’s notes, the Yin-Yang eyes that come from sharing yin can be controlled… As Lin Feiran thought, he stuck his hand out and tugged on Gu Kaifeng’s sleeve and verified it one last time. “A question for you.”
Gu Kaifeng replied passionately, “I love you very much.”
“Who’s asking you that?” Lin Feiran could not stop smiling. After a moment’s hesitation, he wrapped his scarf around his face so it hid his mouth, and said softly with his head lowered, “I love you very much too.”
He was even going to give Gu Kaifeng the ritual that could only be done once in his life! This was certainly true love!
Gu Kaifeng who was totally unprepared for this confession now considered Lin Feiran for a moment, then lifted his wrist and looked at his watch. He said slowly, “I think you won’t be able to get out of bed before the sun sets.”
Lin Feiran’s face went red and he changed the subject. “I was going to ask you, are you… afraid of ghosts?”
Gu Kaifeng laughed out loud. “Do I look like someone who’s scared of ghosts?”
“You say you’re not scared now because you don’t believe in ghosts at all,” Lin Feiran said word by word. “If — only if– there really are ghosts in the world, and you have Yin-Yang eyes, would you be scared?”
Gu Kaifeng touched Lin Feiran’s serious face with a fingertip and very conciliatorily followed his little sticky cake down this rabbit hole. After thinking for a moment he answered seriously, “That would depend on whether the ghosts harm people.”
Lin Feiran said mysteriously, “They don’t harm people, but their appearance can be quite scary. They bleed from all orifices, or only have half a head, or even have no head…”
“As long as they don’t harm people I’m not afraid,” Gu Kaifeng answered with the decisiveness of steel. He paused and asked, “But can I shut these Yin-Yang eyes? Best not to see them while I’m eating.”
Lin Feiran said hurriedly, “Sure, you decide when to open them and when to close them.”
Gu Kaifeng smiled roguishly and said, “Then that’s quite good. When we’re taking the university entrance exams, I’ll burn some paper money and ask them to look at your answers for me. Then I’ll answer the same as you and I’ll be guaranteed to get into a good school.”
Lin Feiran looked at Gu Kaifeng with respect. “……”
He had thought of that much in just an instant! He was not simple at all!
Just then, the two reached the hotel. Gu Kaifeng let Lin Feiran sit on a sofa in the lobby and rest while he got out his ID to get a room.
Lin Feiran had booked a room with a round bed, and on the ceiling right above the bed was a big round mirror about the same size of the bed. The scene of two people on the bed would be faithfully reflected in the mirror above, a very sexual design. Lin Feiran had been thinking of other things when he booked the room and had not noticed whether he had booked a room with a square bed or one with a round bed. The moment he went through the door, he was stunned.
“Why is it like this…” Lin Feiran raised one hand to his face as if to shield himself from Gu Kaifeng’s heated gaze. His face and ears went red as he explained, “I didn’t look carefully when I booked the room. Hey, don’t look at me like that…”
Without a second word, Gu Kaifeng picked Lin Feiran up by the waist, carried him to the round bed and held him down. Lin Feiran lay on the bed in that position, his eyes open, and saw himself in the mirror on the ceiling. His face was reddened from the chill, his eyes watering, making him look like anyone could do anything to him. Gu Kaifeng pulled down the scarf that wrapped around half his face, revealing his soft and red shining lips, then caught ahold of his face and kissed him. Like he was under a spell, Lin Feiran stared at the image in the mirror. This was the first time he was seeing himself under such conditions. The youth in the mirror was so shy he looked like a small herbivore, but an air of desire and seduction still emanated from his brow, carrying with it the tenderness of youth. This made him seem especially attractive.
Lin Feiran felt that the person in the mirror was a total stranger, but it was also himself. Passionately he stuck out the tip of his tongue in response to Gu Kaifeng’s kiss, and at the same time he looked into the mirror and tried to assume a cold expression. But his handsome brow and shining eyes formed an unavoidable shy seductiveness and Lin Feiran was embarrassed to no end by his own image in the mirror. He turned his head away and glanced elsewhere, but this movement only made him look even more delectable.
“Wait, I haven’t even taken off my jacket yet, nor even my boots.” Lin Feiran started fiddling with them uneasily. He felt that Gu Kaifeng today was unusually hurried. He had just lain down and Gu Kaifeng was already nipping and biting.
“Baby, why are you so attractive today…” Gu Kaifeng caught Lin Feiran’s chin and considered it for a long moment. He took a deep breath, as if to calm his emotions, but the fire in his heart burned even hotter.
“That mirror.” Lin Feiran’s nerves were about to snap. He used a hand to shield his eyes, and wouldn’t look at the shameful image in the mirror. With a pleading tone he asked, “Can we get a different room, I…”
Gu Kaifeng raised his head and looked straight at the mirror above the bed. He smiled, realization dawning. “Damn, no wonder… are you shy?”
Lin Feiran nodded fervently, his body twisting to the side with all his strength. He wanted to take the opportunity to escape the bed.
Gu Kaifeng decisively trapped Lin Feiran’s wrists so he couldn’t cover his eyes. He gently bit Lin Feiran’s lips as he said suggestively, “When we have our own home, we’ll put one on the ceiling of our bedroom, so I can see this expression of yours every day.”
Lin Feiran, so embarrassed he wanted to die, said, “Gu Kaifeng, you…”
Just wait! In a while you’ll have something to cry about!