Chapter 21 I’ll Make Her More Miserable
The sky was slowly getting brighter, and who knew when it started snowing as the earth was covered in a layer of white.
An Xia stepped on the snow as she walked through the garden, accompanying Mother Ye to the attic where she lived.
The broken off engagement had been successfully resolved, and Ye Meng Wei, who was determined to accompany her daughter, needed to go back to the attic to pack.
There came a rush of footsteps behind her. Soon, someone came in front of her eyes with a prideful face. “My good older sister, look at what became of the mother and daughter, hahaha. Don’t they look like homeless dogs?”
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“Hahaha, from today on, I’m the eldest daughter-in-law of the An Family. My daughter, An Yang Yang will soon become Young Mrs An from the Bo family.”
“Mrs Mu, instead of rushing your daughter to the hospital, you came here flaunting in front of me. Is it to make me say that everything you have today is rubbish that Xia Xia and I threw?Since you like rubbish so much, take it away as soon as possible. As for your daughter, she’s doomed not to become Young Mrs An from the Bo family as the daughter of a mistress is nothing but an embarrassment! Will she still be able to marry into a well established family!”
Normally, the calmest tone makes the most impact. Especially those last words which exposed the truth.
An Xia cheered for Mother Ye’s effective words.
Mu Ning Xue exploded on the spot and raised her hand to slap as usual. “Bitch, how dare you…”
“Slap, slap, slap, slap…”
However, An Xia was faster than her. An Xia slapped her as soon as words left her mouth!
An Xia stopped after giving 10 slaps.
Mu Ning Xue was slapped until her face was swollen and bloody. She felt dizzy and fell onto the snow, unable to utter a word.
An Xia was feeling very unhappy.
She, the commander-in-chief who had experienced hundreds of battles and was called the “Goddess of War” by the enemy, unexpectedly fell to the point of slapping people in the face and holding grievances!
Out of the attic, An Xia carried a small 21-inch suitcase in one hand and helped Mother An to leave the An Family. She saw Old Mr Bo sitting in a luxury car and setting down the window before waving at her.
Mother Ye nudged gently. Without a choice, An Xia accommodated unwillingly.
“Get in the car. Grandpa will take you to the hospital.”
After breaking off the engagement, Old Mr Bo liked An Xia a little. “Look at yourself and your mother. Will you be alright not going to the hospital?”
Understanding what he meant, An Xia got into the car and closed the door before the car drove straight to Xuancheng City’s best private hospital.
At the entrance of the An Family, An Yang Yang sat in a private car and watched the departure of Old Mr Bo’s car, her eyes full of needle-like bitterness.
An Xia!
Don’t think you can feel relieved once you have left the An Family.
She would definitely return last night’s insult.
She took out her mobile phone and sent a text message quickly. The blinds in the car were pulled up, and the glittering screen shone against An Yang Yang’s face, clearly reflecting the viciousness on her.
“The person you are looking for is still alive, at Xuancheng City’s private hospital.”
She received a reply a minute later, “Good, you’ll receive your reward once delivered.”
She kept an eye on the reply, and bent a gloomy smile at the corners of her mouth. “An Xia ah, An Xia, you left the An Family. Without the Bo Family, you would wish that you were better dead than alive!”