Chapter 2: Kneel And Crawl
The punches sent the two men’s head twisting to the back and blood poured from their mouth. In a split second, they collapsed without making a sound.
The audience in the livestream were in an uproar. Where was the agreed oppressiveness?
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Why hadn’t the female reacted to the situation?
The woman, who was holding the phone, could not be bothered about the livestream anymore. An Xia’s retaliation had excited her even more.
“Hold her down, hold her down! Let me handle this! Where’s the cigarettes? Where did you guys put the cigarettes?”
Using the cigarettes to scald her face, it would surely leave burn marks.
Hahaha, this woman is prettier than her?
Then I’ll just have to ruin it.
In Xuancheng, no one could be prettier than her, Song Yan Yan.
When the entire pack of cigarettes were lit, it illuminated the sinister face on Song Yan Yan.
She wanted to press all of those cigarette butts on An Xia’s face, scalding her until her entire face was blistered with cigarette burns and she would become like a dog begging for mercy.
At this moment, An Xia had fully accepted the strange memory within her. Pulling down the blindfold, her rage was obvious through her eyes.
Although Country Xia’s An Xia had the same name and surname, their fates were completely different!
She, An Xia, was the eldest daughter of An family that reigned over five large families from State M, State L, State S, State K, and State X. Together with the five large families, her father established the highest command in the Imperial Domain. As for her mother, she came from Country Xia, which was why her name consisted of ‘Xia’.
At the age of twelve, she passed the family evaluation to become the next head of the family. At the age of twenty, she was a war veteran and defeated the representatives from the other four large families to become the youngest commander-in-chief since the establishment of the Imperial Domain. She was given the title of the strongest veteran in the history of the Imperial Domain, and was awarded with countless medals.
However, Country Xia’s An Xia was different. In order for her and her mother, who had gone crazy, to survive, she had to bear the ups and downs of the entire family, including the insults from their servants.
In the end?
Because Song Yan Yan disliked An Xia for being prettier than her, she demanded the An family to hand her over.
In order to win a favor from the Song family, even after knowing what sort of person Song Yan Yan was, the An family’s elders still gave her away as a gift.
She was but a useless person. It would be a blessing for her to do something good for the An family before her death!
Song Yan Yan’s mother, Mother Song, was in cahoots with Song Yan Yan. She claimed to the An family that An Xia was disobedient and a troublemaker and sent her to a juvenile detention center. Then, she manipulated behind the scenes to release An Xian from the center to appease her daughter.
Furthermore, Mother Song informed the situation to the An family so that even if something were to happen to An Xia, the An family would be able to give an explanation to the public.
The An family gladly thanked Mother Song, and even said that anything was fine as long as the Song family’s missy was happy.
But too bad, the present An Xia wasn’t too happy now.
And the unhappy her had a habit.
That was to humiliate those who offended her.
Miss Song was one of her targets right now, and it would also serve as revenge for Country Xia’s An Xia.
Song Yan Yan was oblivious to the lingering danger. While holding onto the pack of lighted cigarettes, she walked towards An Xia.
She was going to do it personally, what could An Xia do but to comply and kneel?
She was a dog. Could she disobey her master?
Closer and closer, Song Yan Yan lifted her chin and glanced down at An Xia before ordering, “Crawl over here and kneel. I’ll give your face a tattoo.”
An Xia raised a brow. She calmly tidied her torn clothes and waited for the right moment.
The number of people who could make her approach them were few.
And the number of people who could order her around, probably still hadn’t been born.
Song Yan Yan was already unhappy, and she yelled, “An Xia, you dare to go against my words? What are you waiting there for, hurry up and crawl over! Hurry up! Otherwise, I’ll make you wish you were dead!”
“Hurry up, on my count to 3, you better crawl over here!”
As if looking at her dead enemies on the battlefield, An Xia looked at Song Yan Yan who seeked death and headed towards her.