Death Is The Only Ending For The Villain Chapter 7
I felt a sharp gaze behind me from when I turned the doorknob and until when I got out to the hall.
I felt a refreshing emotion realizing that he gave a different reaction than when I entered the room earlier.
However, I decided to not mind any of that.
The duke wasnā€™t a character I needed to raise the interest within, and he was an existence that I wonā€™t have to deal with until the ending at the coming of age ceremony.
Clack, I gently closed the door behind me and turned away from it.
It was then.
ā€œIā€™m certain that I told you to live like a mouse without causing any commotion.ā€
A cold toned voice entered my ears.
I turned around from the surprise.
There by the hall where the shadow took over stood a figure in an unpleasant position.
In the dark I could see the shining letters written to show [Interest 0%].
The barely seen black hair, and ice blue eyes.
It was the first son of the duke family, Derrick.
ā€œā€¦ā€¦ .ā€
ā€œA loyal maid who worked for this family for almost 10 years.ā€
Step, step. Derrick walked out from the shadow.
The man who came across the large hall within a second arrived in front of me in a short time.
He looked down at me with a sharp aura held in his eyes. It was as if he was looking at some trash.
I didnā€™t do anything wrong but I had to cower myself from the hatred and disgust I was getting from him.
ā€œNo one wanted to be your personal maid even though weā€™ve said weā€™ll pay extra. Out of all those maids, the one maid volunteered to serve you.ā€
ā€œā€¦ā€¦ .ā€
ā€œAnd I guess todayā€™s the end of that. Since you went crazy and chased out your one and only personal maid, not knowing your place.ā€
I felt unfairness rise within me from Derrickā€™s words.
When did I go crazy to chase her out? The one who went crazier than I did was that pink head.
ā€˜And it was me who was almost chased out of life, eating those rotten food!ā€™
I wanted to shout due to the annoyance of this situation.
What stopped me from doing so was the [Interest 0%] above Derrickā€™s head.
ā€˜Hold it in. If it goes any further down than that, Iā€™m dead.ā€™
I inhaled and exhaled a couple of times and calmed down.
ā€˜Interest 0%. 0%ā€¦ā€¦ .ā€™
<sub>This_content is taken from</sub>
I was already tired after talking with the duke.
Also, since Iā€™ve only focused on trying to ā€˜offā€™ the choices, I didnā€™t remember much of what happened in this scene in the game.
Thatā€™s why I decided to use some help from the system.
ā€˜Choice ON.ā€™
Ha! Guess she served you at night in bed, huh?
Maybe sheā€™ve been chased out because sheā€™ve done something that was worth being chased out.
(Glare without saying a word.)
Scanning through the choices, I hurried and mentally shouted.
ā€˜Choices OFF! OFF!ā€™
<system>Do You Want To [OFF] The Choices?</system>
[Yes. / No.]
I hurriedly pressed [Yes.].
If I chose one of the 3, I would be heading to hell.
The time seemed to have passed a lot from me doing all that, that Derrickā€™s gaze grew more colder.
ā€œHa. Looks like my words arenā€™t like words to you anymore.ā€
His gaze was so sharp that he even looked like he was going to kill me.
I opened my mouth with no choice.
ā€œI apologize for the fuss.ā€
How many times would I have to beg like this even though I did nothing wrong?
I was also a person that I had a thing called pride, so I felt disgusted and bad to bow my head down like a slave.
However this was nothing if the purpose of it was to live.
Besides, these people arenā€™t real but just some fake characters from the game.
That bitch scratched me and left a scar here, father! Brother!
Of course, a mouse-like bitch acts like one like a beggar.
I begged for forgiveness countless of times before I went out to live on my own in my previous life.
This was the same situation of that time.
In my previous life, it wasnā€™t that my life wouldā€™ve been in danger if I didnā€™t begged for apologies like in this game.
However I was pretty young that time that every situation seemed killing to me.
Thatā€™s why I lived begging on the ground to the point my hands seemed to become feet.
Comparing that to this, this wasnā€™t something that I could find unfair of. Penelope did create major fuss unlike I did.
I donā€™t know if its due to my experience in my past life that apologizing all my life to live seemed really easy to me.
ā€˜This is annoyingly similar.ā€™
I opened my mouth, thinking about the time in my past life.
ā€œJust like you said, I didnā€™t know my place up until now.ā€
<sub>Foll_ow current_novel on</sub>
ā€œIt is my fault that I wasnā€™t able to handle my situation well in the first place, so you donā€™t need to fire her. I was just on my way back to my room after apologizing to father.ā€
hearing my words, Derrickā€™s expression changed to a weird one.
His slightly wider blue eyes was refreshing to see. It was the similar reaction to that of the dukeā€™s.
I opened my mouth. Repeating these dialogues werenā€™t that hard since Iā€™ve already said these lines multiples of times.
ā€œI will live my life so quiet from now on that you wonā€™t even notice to mind anything. So please forgive me this once.ā€
I bowed my head.
ā€˜Was I too lifeless while talking?ā€™
I came to realize just how insincere my tone was that it started to worry me now.
But he wouldnā€™t slice his sisterā€™s neck out of nowhere even though itā€™s in a cruel game.
I waited for an answer with a light mind, trusting my thoughts that this wasnā€™t a situation with the cruel psychopathic crowned prince involved.
I wanted this to end quick and go back to the room.
Even standing was a torture now.
Now that I think about it, my bodyā€™s not in the best condition due to the incident in the morning with the maid, and I didnā€™t eat anything after that.
Derrick spoke after more than 5 minutes unlike my desire for this situation to end quickly.
ā€œā€¦ā€¦This once.ā€
ā€œā€¦ā€¦ .ā€
ā€œIā€™ll forgive you just this once.ā€
Without giving me a chance to thank him, he added,
ā€œHowever, keep in mind that this will be the last time Iā€™ll be forgiving you behaving that way.ā€
It was a more unpleasing reply than the dukeā€™s reply.
I felt relieved that it wasnā€™t an answer related to death like how I expected.
But no words of thanks came from my mouth no matter how I tried to force it out.
ā€˜Yes, yes. This is only for my safety.ā€™
I bent my back forward and bowed with a disgusting feeling like how I did to the first bastard in my last life.
After that, I immediately turned to head back to my room.
It was then.
ā€œAhā€¦ā€¦ .ā€
My head started to hurt as I felt dizzy and nauseous. My sight was blurry.
I donā€™t know if it was this sudden relief that came to me from the fact that I didnā€™t die, but all strength left my legs.
I soon lost my balance and stumbled.
ā€˜Iā€™m fallingā€¦ā€¦!ā€™
I was getting closer to the floor.
Tak-. Someone roughly grabbed onto my one shoulder.
<sub>You can_find the rest of this_content on the platform.</sub>
I felt the force pulling me back up.
I turned my head and saw flaming blue pupils right before my eyes. Derrick had caught me from me falling.
ā€œIā€™ve heard that you eaten rotten food.ā€
I felt my mentality swooshing back to me as I heard his emotionless voice.
He asked when I just stared at him in surprise.
ā€œDonā€™t you need a doctor?ā€
My complicated mind settled down in an instant.
ā€˜He knew.ā€™
He knew that it wasnā€™t Penelopeā€™s fault.
He knew but he still tried to push all the responsibility to me, and even the maidā€™s wrongdoings.
ā€˜If I didnā€™t ask for forgiveness, heā€™d probably jump to kill me with no hesitation.ā€™
I felt like Iā€™ve just been dumped with iced water.
ā€œNo, young master.ā€
Tak, I snached my hand out of his. It was an unconscious movement that came from my survival instincts.
But soon after that, I regretted it. He probably wouldā€™ve felt unpleasant, so I forced a smile on my face.
ā€œIā€™ve already told you just earlier that Iā€™ll do my best for you to not mind me at all.ā€
So mind your own business.
I politely bowed once again and quickly walked away.
I would look ridiculous as I was walking down the hall so fast that probably looked as if I was running away from something.
However that is correct. I was scared if heā€™d take out his sword at me.
I couldnā€™t notice from hurrying down the hall towards the stairs.
The look on the face of the man remaining behind me.
ā€œā€¦ā€¦The first young master, huh.ā€
Derrick unexpectedly repeated what Penelope said before she left.
The bitch couldnā€™t even call the duke ā€˜fatherā€™, but always called him and Rennald ā€˜brotherā€™.
The image of her pale face when he caught her from falling wouldnā€™t leave his mind.
The blue eyes flashed as he watched Penelope leaving as if sheā€™s running away.
But soon, he turned away as if heā€™s disinterested.
[Interest 5%]
Over his head sparkled the letters written in white which Penelope failed to notice.
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-CatLovesTowels -Lizette ~~ <3>