Counter Attack Chapter 33

Chi was relaxing on the sofa at home, Jealous was curled up in his arms sleeping soundly.
He shut off his phone long ago, he was sick of Yue Yue's constant blabbering. In his mind, love is the fusion of sex and intense passion, he's not used to being tied up with forever love and house affairs, he would much prefer to stay at home looking at Jealous all day.
Gang Zi told Chi the second he stepped in his house, 'We've searched through almost every snake breeding centre around here, they just had a few of those rare breeds, they didn't have proper environment or supply to keep such huge number of snakes. You say, did those snakes got killed by the master?'
Chi told Gang certainly, 'He wouldn't dare to.'
'Then are we still searching?'
'Yes, search for private breeders too.'
'Even such huge breeding centre don't have the supplies to keep so many snakes, how could private breeders even keep all of them?'
Chi glared at him, 'Then how did I manage to keep them all alive in the small basement?'
You have the money to splurge on this, no one in the right mind would have the money and energy keep this much exotic snakes.
That's what he thought, Gang wouldn't dare to say them out loud, so he kept his mouth shut.
Two weeks past by, Wu has basic knowledge about Chi's background. 28, son of an official, his father is Yuan, secretary of the city council. He loved snakes, commonly known as 'the snake guy', he especially adores one green tree python, named 'Little Jealous'. He is a master in relationships, he's bisexual, he has no fixed partner.
'From the photo, this person has thick bushy facial hairs, has fairly tanned skin, high pointed nose, sharp eyes, huge palms, his middle finger is especially long... This shows, his libido is very strong, his kidneys are very healthy too, he's a healthy grown up, it's a rare breed amongst men.'
Wu was documenting it into his computer.
Shuai cleared his throat, probed, 'Regarding this, what do you think?'
Wu gave Shuai a short and simple answer.
Shuai pouted, 'That's all?'
Wu asked, 'If not?'
He's a straight guy, which makes it harder for Shuai to talk about it.
'...Well about do I put this? You think, this person, he's detached, but when he has someone he likes, as long as they have the standards, he doesn't care much about them. I think you have the chance to hook up with him, but the problem is what comes after that, do you get what I mean?'
Wu looks puzzled.
Shuai tapped on his forehead anxiously, he said clear-cut, 'That is when you two are together or have the chance to be together, he requested to have sex, do you have the hope to on top of him?'
Do you have the chance to even be the top?
Wu looked worried, 'It's hard to say.'
'That's it.' Shuai hit the desk, 'Let's meet him, after preparing for so long, it's time to act.'
They changed and went out.
Today was Chi's off day, he went out of town early in the morning, he followed Gang to scout different snake breeding sites elsewhere.
It was the first rain of spring, there was a lot of crushed ice on the road, Gang didn't dare to drive recklessly. Chi was lying back in the backseat, leaving thin gaps on his eyes, couldn't tell if he's thinking or he was asleep.
There's some car obstructing the traffic, Gang was honking non-stop.
Wu pried open his eyes, looked out of the car. There was a slope ahead, a motorcycle was unable to get up the slope, the cyclist was pushing the vehicle up. It was cold and wet outside, the cyclist couldn't even stand properly, he kept slipping down after pushing for some distance. Gang was honking at him, he just moved his motorcycle aside, the vehicle was again at the starting point, all the effort was useless.
Gang didn't care about that, you'll get out of the way and I'll drive.
The car successfully went up the slope, Chi looked out again, then he let Gang stop the car.
Gang obeyed without asking much.
Chi's gaze was focused on something out there, it was that Wu again. He was wet everywhere, he removed his shirt and bared his upper body. He gritted his teeth and pushed the vehicle forward, he was panting after pushing for a few times. He stopped to rest for a while, he was using his head and shoulders to prevent the vehicle from sliding down.
There were numerous cars passed by, on this cold day, there was no one offered him help.
Chi don't usually care about things like this even under hot scorching sun, he actually went down the car and be a helpful citizen for once.
Wu's lips lifted and formed an uneasily detected smile. \n