Counter Attack Chapter 14

Chapter 14 - A bet's a bet. The fight was at climax.
After the king cobra got free from the python's tight twine, it reared up its body, its stance almost equate to the size of man. The pair of eyes were overwhelmed with deadly cold glare which made those standing close to it retreated a few steps.
Guo Chengyu threw a side gaze at Chi Cheng with his bloodshot eyes. The blood vessels were obvious around Chi Cheng's neck. His adam apple was fluctuating. His gaze was filled with darkness as he stares intensely into the enclosure. This clearly indicated his anxiety right now. Guo Chengyu gave a slight sneer.
The python suffered a second blow. This time it was at its abdomen.
Apparently, the venom had began to take effect as the python's movement slowed down gradually. Yet it was still tugging fiercely at the king cobra. It seized the king cobra's head to avoid being attacked by it again. The king cobra was also slightly overcame by exhaustion. It tried its utmost best to rear up its neck, in an attempt to prevent suffocation from the python's strangle.
Time passed by slowly. The python's gaze fell dim.
The king python seize the chance to free itself from the python's strangle. It was in high spirit again.
Guo Chengyu whistled. Arrogance shot up his eyebrows.
"Baby. Just a little more. Fuck it!"
Chi Cheng was not anxious. He merely smiled at Guo Chengyu.
"Don't tell me you're here to humiliate me?"
Guo Chengyu placed his hand on Chi Cheng's shoulder and spit beside where he was standing.
"Oh no. Look, we're friends!"
Putting fooling around aside, actually Guo Chengyu felt unbalanced inside. Chi Cheng and he had known each other for more than 10 years. He was especially aware of his temper. Once this person started getting courteous, the loser would surely land on the other party. They had been battling for years, and Guo Chengyu would end up losing each time. As a result, Chi Cheng got himself a shameless fighter that fight on despite repeated failures; Never absent.
The both of them turned their attention towards the enclosure at the same time.
It seemed the outcome was evident. Some of the onlookers started shaking their legs in impatience, all waiting for the king cobra to stand in disdain. Little did they know, the dying python came back to life. In an instant, the ferocious animal thrashed up and coiled itself tightly around the king cobra, leaving not a single gap available for struggles. The onlookers raised up their fists again as silence sank in. A disturbing sound of crushing came from the king cobra's chest traumatised the ears.
At last, the king cobra did its last struggles and stopped moving.
Guo Chengyu was stunned only for a moment before he applauded for Chi Cheng.
"Alright. Lost again."
Chi Cheng shifted his crude gaze in Guo Chengyu's direction. A deep chortle escaped from his nostril. "You must have thought I didn't lived well right? Always giving me things every week."
"Of course!" Guo Chengyu twitched his mouth and ignited a cigarette. "No one's on my mind, except for you."
Chi Cheng squinted his eyes at the sight of python devouring the king cobra not far distance away. Until it was on in its stomach did Chi Cheng said with his hoarse voice. "What did you bring this time?"
That was redundant. He just wanted to humiliate him. The two had an unsaid agreement that the loser would send in his lover for the winner to sleep with once.
Guo Chengyu signaled Liwang with his eyes. Liwang brought over a young model that he had just hooked up with.
"This is Chi Cheng. He's older than you. Call him Chige*."
The young model came from the Southern part of China. She had a strong Southern China accent.
The adam apple of Chi Cheng fluctuated, acknowledging her presence. Guo Chengyu was standing beside him. Chi Cheng reached under the young model's dress. With a hook of his finger, the stocking was torn to her knee level.
"Had slept with Guozi?" Asked Chi Cheng.
The young model eyed Guo Chengyu shyly.
Guo Chengyu raised his chin. "Be honest. He doesn't mind."
The young model nodded.
Chi Cheng still had his hand under her dress. He lifted one side of her underwear and reached his finger inside. The young model felt chilly under her body. It was as if a slippery popsicle was thrust into her. Her face was pale in an instant as her knees dropped to the ground. The pain as well as overwhelming terror made her sweat profusely.
A snake slid out from under her dress. Its head was covered in blood.
"My snake doesn't bite." Chi Cheng stated calmly. "She's still a virgin."
Guo Chengyu's face changed a little. His ghastly gaze shot at Liwang beside him.
"Where the bloody hell did you find her?"
Liwang scooted to Guo Chengyu's ears and whispered, "He's defaming you on purpose. No doubt that snake definitely bites."
He already had bloodshot eyes in the first place and right now, they seemed to be stabbed with knife. Guo Chengyu strained his neck as he swallowed hard.
"Don't play if you can't afford to lose." Chi Cheng patted Guo Chengyu's forehead with the back of his hand. "Using a little girl to fob me off. It's fucking sickening."
With that, he pointed at the young model. "Help her up now and bring her for a check up. The medical expense will be on me."
*Chige - Direct translates to Bro Chi. 'Ge' is an honorific to call an older male party. Could also be used a nickname as well for closed ones. When someone calls you 'ge', it could indicate respect, closeness or aegyo.
Busy week. The video shall wait. 
Till the next chapter. Ciao.