010 Status Plate
誤記修正多数。 (TLN: heck... like i
care... )
It's Fun translating this Chapter... though there are many unknown Word there...
it's seriously... fun~ :3 be thankfull to nazmul-san for the editing
this chapter will mark the 2-3 day interval of post~ so expect next chapter in the
monday night or tuesday morning :3
Have a nice day and thanks for reading my grumbling :*
・・・What is this slate
・・・the word described in this slate is・・・
「Bishop-sama, what is
written in this slate?」
「Hohoho, that is god’s
word, it’s unknown to ordinary person like us」
God’s word is japanese huh・・・
「Hohoho, there’s nothing to
be afraid of, sasa(go go), put your hand on the slate」
I was immersed in the
language but, it looked like I was afraid.
Bishop-sama lightly push
my back. (TLN: aw... what a nice jiisan)(CZN: heck... of course he is... chris
is a damn kid with you know~ lineage,sickness, everything to pity :v)
When my hand touched the
slate it began to shine, after waiting for a while『Chiin~tsu』somehow from the pedestal there was some plate with the size of smartphone that came out・・・Heck,『Chin~tsu』tte nandayo?!(what is {Chiin~tsu} oy?!)
Japanese written in the
slate-shi, a sound like microwave caoming from the plate too-shi, God’s
specification is shady zo!(TLN: -shi meaning something like continuos word that
come like too but not too, it’s kinda difficult to describe... and zo is kinda
like desu etc.)
Ha, I’m somehow tired
By the way, the thing that
was written in the plate is ‘how to use it’.
1)when you put you hand in for about 10 second it will light up
2)It will analyze your DNA
3)It will analyze your Mana(maryouku)
4)Status plate is ready
5)Status Plate has created
your mana that’s why when in need the Mana inside will come to your body you will
be able to convert it.
6)When commanding the Status
plate it’s possible to re-activate it.
7)The important parts seen by other people is【Name】【Race】【Gender】【Date of birth】
【Social Status・Occupation】【Stamina Growth】【Magic Growth】【Attribute Aptitude】【Title】【Reward and Punishment】, But【Stamina Growth】【Magic Growth】【Attribute Aptitude】【Title】you can hide it in any case.
8)In case you want to see
the hidden status you can say 『Hidden Status』and satus will reveal your hidden status,  when you say『Disperse/Vanish/Dissapear (消えろと)』it will dissapear
In a case you done with
reading the slate try to take the Status Plate.
What did you say?!
【Name】Christoph Von Bryutzels
【Date of Birth】Holy Calendar500Year1Month1Day
【Social Status・Occupation】Bryutzels Margrave second son
【Stamina Growth】Normal
【Magic Growth】God Class
【Attribute Aptitude】
Void                                                            :God Class
Fire                                                              :Spirit Class
Water                                                          :Spirit Class
Wind                                                           :Spirit Class
Earth                                                           :Spirit Class
Ice                                                               :God Class
Thunder                                                       :God Class
Light                                                           :God Class
Darkness                                                     :God Class
Space-Time                                                 :God Class
Characteristic      :Eyes of mentality        :God Class
【Title】Miko/ God’s deity (神子)
【Punishment and Reward 】None
(TLN: I’m Grinning while
translating this... )
Nay! T'was really bad
yanno! (T:N: he’s using kansai dialect.. -_-)
I am beginnin to use Kansai
Dialect but Pardon me!
【Stamina Growth】’s normal is good!
However,【Magic Growth】is God Class from the beginning,【Attribute Aptitude】was on parade with God Class and Spirit Class all
over is dangerous!
It should be,【Stamina Growth】And【Magic growth】starting form Poor class, Weak class, normal class, a
little strong class, strong class, Hero class, King Class, Emperor Class,
Overlord Class, Spirit Class, and God class is the right order of strength?
(TLN: Mother of OP MC… author.. you like to make it weird huh…)
And then【Attribute Aptitude】 starting from Junior Class・Intermediate Class・Advance Class・Hero Class・King Class・Emperor Class・Overlord Class・Spirit Class・God Class・is what I’m informed of・・・
And the heck with Characteristic attribute『Eyes of mentality』?!
Eyes of mentality
・Detailed Status of the target can be confirmed
・Can break target’s Lie
・Clairvoyance(Whether there was an obstacle can see surrounding of  100km2  )
・When the Characteristic attribute were not ordered
it will not activated
Ugyaaaa~~tsu! What is it so suddenly?!
heck, is this possibly appraisal? A, Eyes of mentality?!
Fantasy Classic has come!
ka, miko is・・・・
・The person that received Miko title blessed
with happiness
・・・Ca, Calm down Me!
That’s it! The slate had say that there’s a
hidden status.
===Hidden Status===
【 Skillfull (器用) 】532
Blessing of the God of Creation
All attribute Aptitude
The one who bring Calamity and Fortune (災い転じて福となす者)
(TLN: Call hajime [arifureta] Christoph’s not OP enough to compare it to him…
for now maybe)
(EDN: Just kill Hajime a few time and nothing can touch him... I miss that story)
Blesing of the god of Creation
・Instant death Invalid
・Abnormal State invalid
・Curse invalid and reflect it
・Ability Correction(Hidden)
All attribute aptitude
・Have an aptitude of all attribute
・Characteristic attribute excluded
The one who bring Calamity and Fortune  (災い転じて福となす者)
・When get in misfortune there’s a big
possibility that misfortune will became fortune
・When this gift is not recognized it won’t
・Sometimes God voice can be heard maybe?
・Details unknows!
This is not Tsukkomi it’s a manzai!
【Strength】and【Endurance】and the value of【Intelligence】and【Luck】that I get have a worse balance?!
Heck, is it because Blessing of The god of
Creation that I get a Frightening Status like this?・・・a, because it’s hidden it won’t be seen huh・・・
knowing about all attribute magic is good
though, The one who bring Calamity and fortune is a cheat flag doesn’t it?
Let’s forget tsukkomi on Revelation.
However、What’s wrong with the last ‘※※※’thing! I want to ask what is it in a large
voice tsu!
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