After having lunch on the Kastal Queendom side, we leave the town.
Our next destination is a town named Konoe. It has Japanese-like name. I heard this town was founded by a summoned hero.
And this town is famous for adventurers. It has two S-ranked adventurers. It’s an amazing town that can fight that old man on the equal ground.
[I’m going do the adventurer’s registration in the next town.]
This is no surprise because I already stated as much when we were in Erudia.
[Understood. Consider Jin-sama’s ability, I think you will become S-ranked immediately.]
Maria often flatters me. However, this time, it isn’t correct.
[Even if I’m going to become an adventurer, I don’t plan to raise my rank above C.]
[Ehh~, I plan to be the youngest S-ranked adventurer in the history!]
Mio complains. Hmm… Does she really want to do that? I understand her reason for stating this, but it is definitely a useless reason.
[May I ask you about the reason?]
Maria seems worried, too.
[I just want to travel around using an adventurer’s position because it is convenient. However, there are some disadvantages when we become B-ranked and above.]
I will explain about an adventurer’s rank.
First of all, newly-registered adventurers will have a G-rank immediately. Rank will be raised if you meet the requirements. The rank that is at the top and above all others is an S-rank. G to E are lower-class adventurers, D to C are middle-class adventurers, and B to S are high-class adventurers.
I will explain about the advantage of being B-ranked and above. There are requests that only those who are B-ranked and above can do, and the pay rate for these is one digit higher than normal requests. I could say there is a lowest price to make a request for B-ranked and above.
In short, they have some kind of privilege. Of course, it isn’t at the noble’s level, but it is totally different from normal people. I heard you can get a contact from nobles, too. Well, this country is somewhat different…
Next is the main disadvantage. There is some kind of obligation. Well, it is natural to have a duty in order to obtain the right. There are two great obligations.
First, there is the forced request. You are forced to join during a crisis, like defending the city from a monster army. Of course, it is dependent on the rank, too…
You could choose not to participate in this kind of request, too. At C-ranked and below, your status as adventurer would be frozen for a year if you refuse. However, you will be disqualified as an adventurer when you refuse if you are B-ranked or higher. Although I want to have the privilege of being adventurer, I don’t want to join the city’s defense force.
The second disadvantage is being a target of new system called nomination request. As the name suggests, it is the system that allows townspeople to nominate an adventurer for the request.
The fee to request a B-ranked or higher adventurer is higher. As you can imagine, there will be lots of requests from nobles since they are only ones who can pay for that.
Of course, the guild will have to investigate the contents of requests to prevent unreasonable demands. If one passes, it will be like a forced request. You could say it is tied with politics, whether in a town or in the country. And when we have to deal with nobles, we might need to compile to their unreasonable demands, too.
Both forced and nominated requests are tied to both the country and various towns, and there’s always the possibility for unpleasant obligation requests if we are ranked B or higher.
Since we have a lot of secrets, we should have a degree of freedom, more so than usual. Naturally, I have no intention of letting those who wrong us off.
For us, those advantages aren’t worth it. I don’t think helping the nobles in each town is interesting. Beside, we have “Room”, so don’t we have as much luxury as nobles?
And about the request fee. We still need money to pay for their service. With our special powers, however, we have a lot of ways to gain money — more than just being adventurers alone.
We decide to become adventurers, so we can get the status of adventurer to aid in our travel in the first place. I don’t plan to become a hero.
We have been thinking about the advantages and disadvantages. we don’t need to choose something that’s disadvantageous. By the way, all of this information is from Help-sensei. Well, isn’t that natural?
[We just need to right to travel freely, so anything other than that is unnecessary.]
Maria says while nodding.
Our purpose is traveling, and we are going to receive interesting requests as adventurers along the way. I want to keep something troublesome like an obligation out of the way.
Trouble is still a trouble, but trouble related to a noble is unpleasant to accept. It is unlikely to be a problem that we can solve with smile at the end.
By the way, you have to take an examination to become B-ranked. In short, You won’t become B-ranked if you don’t take the examination. I might refrain from registering if an adventurer’s rank increases on its own.
[Are you okay with that, Sakura?]
[Yes, of course. You don’t want to become B-ranked because you don’t want to have noble-related trouble. And Erudia was really a bad example of them…]
[I can’t say this country won’t be better than Erudia. Well, we will know that sooner or later…]
[Of course.]
Q : Is there any other worthless country like Erudia?
A : There are two countries with discrimination and three countries with corrupted politics.
I will confirm the details later.
[Although becoming S-ranked will give you wealth and fame, that isn’t Master’s purpose.]
Mio is right. Our purpose isn’t wealth nor fame, but I won’t say that wealth and fame are absolutely unnecessary. I will try to obtain these if I have an opportunity to do so.
When acting according to the order from the higher rank, you will receive various buffs.
Maria’s cheat knows no bounds. Is it really okay? Won’t my special power’s presence become thinner and thinner?
The sun went down, so we decide to have dinner. The main chief is Mio, but Maria and Sera are helping her. Sera hasn’t cooked before, but Maria decide to let her help because she thinks “Cooking is slave’s job”. Sakura and I have nothing to do. It is normal from slave’s stand point: we are good for nothing, after all.
Let’s have some trivial talk. We bought slaves for the sake of cooking, and we use Sakura’s magic for transportation because “We don’t use special power for frame”. My crisis (which isn’t that serious) will allow me to unlock new power but, because of the cooking and transportation we have right now, it makes me lose the moment of that enlightenment. (Because there is an alternative way…).
I have a limited amount of special power, so I want to stop the moments of enlightenment for strange special powers before they happen.
This is something trivial.
Today’s menu is omu-rice. (Spec : – Omelette with rice. My country also has a more simple form of this.) I bought some tomato ketchup from Lilaluke. We don’t have much rice, but we use it without care. I throw various ingredients into the [Room] with
It seems everyone agrees.
[Then we accept this request. I mean, we need to confirm our talent first, right?]
[Yeah, you need to confirm your talent before accepting this request. Please tell me if it is no good.]
This is our second request, and it’s a production type.
[Err… Come to think of it, I still haven’t had a chance to show my skill, right?]