When Chu Changge saw the updated warrant, he was totally shocked……
“Not bad for a painting.” He looked at the painting of himself on the wanted warrant as if he were looking at a mirror. He was satisfied.
“Madam’s drawing, it’s definitely top-notch.” The East Guardian’s tone was as if he were gloating over Chu Changge’s misfortune.
After hearing that, Chu Changge was stoned for a few seconds, then he asked weirdly: “This was painted by Murong Yun Shu?”
“Yes.” All four guardians said in unison, and they heavily nodded their heads. Madam must have been sent from the heavens to punish the leader.
“She knows how to draw?!”
“Her painting skills are not bad.” The East Guardian took out an original painting that was “taken” from the Jin Ling government and handed it over to Chu Changge to let him appreciate the painting for himself.
Chu Changge stared at the paining for some time, but he just couldn’t accept the truth.
If this was painted by her, then who was the one in the past that he saw was painting a donkey that didn’t look like a donkey, and a horse that didn’t look like a horse in the bamboo house?
This…… was too big of a difference between before and now.
“Leader, are you disappointed in your heart? Do you have a feeling of anger? An urge to go to Jin Ling and capture madam and give her a beating?” Being betrayed by madam, it must have hurt leader. Leader must have felt very sad.
Chu Changge squinted his eyes, and with a relaxed tone he said, “I’ve already taught Mingjian Sect a lesson, don’t you guys go and make more trouble.”
Their plans had been foiled. The East Guardian was frustrated, he wasn’t satisfied, “Why didn’t you bring us to go together with you on that day?”
“I don’t want people to say that I am bullying the few with numbers.” Chu Changge said.
“……The people in Mingjian Sect were not few at all.”
“To me, they only counted as one person.”
The East Guardian was surprised, he thought that leader wouldn’t even see them as one person. “Who had the honor of being recognized as a human being instead of a dog in your eyes?”
“Fang Hongfei.” Chu Changge said these three words bluntly.
“Is he even human?!” All four guardians were shocked. Their leader was being too merciful this time.
“If I do not see him as a human being, then when word spreads out, wouldn’t I, Chu Changge, be laughed at as a joke for even bullying brutes?”
“……” All four of them were confused, their leader actually doesn’t know how to write the word “mercy.”
Chu Changge no longer cared about them, he was smiling at the painting, while drawing slowly. After a long time, he put down the brush and used the wind from clapping to dry up the ink. Then he rolled up the painting properly.
“Send someone to deliver this to Murong Sect.”
In the wide sky, and the wide valleys, there were two people riding a red horse, sprinting on the cliffs.
Murong Yun Shu hugged Chu Changge’s waist with her arms tightly, sticking her face onto his back, smiling happily Her eyes were filled with happiness.
All of the above, could only be found inside the drawing.
He had no sense of shame at all! Murong Yun Shu badmouthed Chu Changge for being thick-faced inside her heart while she herself was leaking a shy expression on her face that even she was not aware of.
Murong Yun Shu moved her eyes slightly as she laughed charmingly while taking a brush and writing two sentences. Then she rolled it up and gave it back to the sender of the drawing. Thinking about Chu Changge’s possible reaction when he read the sentences, her smile couldn’t help but widen.
“Miss, other people write confession letters while you and master are always drawing confession letters, it’s making everyone jealous.” Lu’er said playfully.
Murong Yun Shu’s face was slightly red while she stared back at Lu’er with a bad sense of humor, “Has the money manager come yet?”
“He is already here, waiting inside the study room.”
When Murong Yun Shu entered the room, she heard Manager Qian say, “The imperial envoy that was sent by the kingdom was abducted at Hua Tuo Mountain!”
“Immediately send someone to Hua Tuo Mountain…… Never mind, I shall go there myself.” After that, Murong Yun Shu ordered Lu’er to pack up their valuables to prepare to set off.
“Miss, you absolutely must not! The bandits on Hua Tuo Mountain are ruthless and unreasonable, letting you go yourself would be too much of a risk.” Manager Qian disagreed.
“Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” Murong Yun Shu said with a calm face, “Not to mention, can anyone replace me in negotiating with the Imperial envoy?”
“…… No, but if we could just save the imperial envoy……”
“For what purpose?”
“He is totally unrelated to me, why do I have to save him?” Murong Yun Shu said it as if it were totally right.
Manager Qian was confused, if it’s not for saving him, then what are you going to do at Hua Tuo Mountain?
The cold wind rustled, walking on the high but bare mountain wall, making a mournful scream. Thick layered clouds were laid like cotton high up the two mountains, giving people a sense of oppression at the thought of being able to see the sunlight.
An old but gorgeous carriage was being driven on the road creakily, leaving deep ruts. The driver who was clothed in too few pieces of clothing was soon freezing until he had a pale face, green lips, and could not help but say, “This mountain is too cold for humans!”
“Have we arrived at Hua Tuo Mountain?” the host of the carriage, Murong Yun Shu asked.
“Yes, we are already here. The mountain road in front can only be traveled on by foot. The carriage won’t be able to continue.” The driver answered while stopping the carriage.
“Have you seen anyone special on the way here?” Murong Yun Shu had opened the curtain and stuck her head out to look around.
“No, this area is desolate, it’s only…… us here. Oh yes, there is someone, I remember now.” The driver hit his head, saying: “Before, an hour ago, I saw four people that were carrying a carriage that was lamer…… No, it was gorgeous and way more extravagant than our carriage at the front. The four of them were wearing something luxurious, with their expressions being fierce and ruthless, as if they wanted to eat someone alive. The weirdest part of it was that they did not even waste a single breath while carrying those supports. They seem to be able to carry it easily, but they walked with an extremely slow gait.”
“Mmm, traveling such a far distance, it is possible that anyone would meet a few strange people.” But she was only interested in the bandits. Murong Yun Shu jumped down the carriage and looked around, and then said to Lu’er, who followed her tightly down the carriage: “You and the driver should wait here, I’ll go ahead and look.”
“No, I…… I…… We should go together to explore the roads.” Lu’er wanted to act like a hero, but the clouds were so thick and dark, her heroic spirit wasn’t high at all. She was scared!
Murong Yun Shu gave her a blank eye, “Don’t worry, if the bandits wanted to ambush us, they would have done it sooner, they wouldn’t have waited for us to come.”
“The bandits are probably up there.” Murong Yun Shu said, while pointing at the road in front.
Lu’er shrunk her neck cowardly, “I think I should just wait here.”
How realistic. Murong Yun Shu smiled while shaking her head, beginning to walk up the mountain.
As she headed up, the road was steadily getting steeper and the moisture in the air was getting heavier which wasted quite a bit of her energy. It didn’t feel cold here, but made her feel more refreshed instead.
Hua Tuo Mountain looked bare from the outside, but was filled with bushes of trees inside. With the guidance of the branches of trees which defied the natural law of growth, Murong Yun Shu successfully found the hideout of the bandits – of the outer area – which was a huge peach forest.
It was April, the flowers on the mountain began to blossom.
Looking at the flowers, it was too beautiful for anyone to handle.
Murong Yun Shu stared at the beautiful scene in front of her eyes, she was stunned for some time. If there weren’t three words “Sai Hua Tuo” carved on the big rock beside her, she could hardly believe that the inside of the forest was actually a bandit’s hideout.
Something more unbelievable was that she had walked for a long time, but she hadn’t even walked to the other side of the forest yet. To be exact– she was walking in circles.
Murong Yun Shu first thought of astray ghosts, but then she thought that there shouldn’t be any ghosts lurking around in this beautiful scene. She then rejected the idea and sat on a clean rock, thinking hard about what countermeasures to take from here.