Advance Bravely Chapter 9

\n\nTranslator: Editor: @anhnguyen12332\n*********************\nA day later, with an eye to avoid Yuan Ru, Xia Yao made a decision to travel by bicycle. With a slightly bowing stature and hands holding the handle, Xia Yao's purely white shirt blew in the wind, showing off the intermittent appearance of his smooth underbelly.\nHis straightly long legs perpetually shrunk and stretched, harmonizing with the rhythm of Xia Yao's movement on the padles, executing artisticly sturdy lines.\nAll the ladies could not get over that gorgeous gracefulness when he passed by their vehicle's windows, their gaze flies to him. If that affectionately optic sensation was decribed in only two words, it would be:\n"Absolutely handsome!"\n
(I forgot this one earlier :v)\nUpon his arrival at the department, Xia Yao parked his bike at the parking lot when he ran across a colleague, Chang Tian.\n"Oh my! What's up with the bike?".\nXia Yao obviously had no intention of telling his peer his purpose to escape a crazy stalker, so he simply replied:"Exercising."\n"It is superfluos for guy like you." Chang Tian slapped Xia Yao's ass, "Building some muscles for this baby?".\nXia Yao's expression did not showed little satisfaction, "Are you trying to make it flat?"\n"Oops! Forgot that". Chang Tian smiled.\n"Master Xia, you hate being touched, hate touching people, or seeing others naked in front of you. What would happen if you had a wife?"\nXia Yao slapped on Chang Tian's neck, "Is it your affair?"\nAfter lengthy hours at work, leaving from the back gate, Xia Yao was intent on glimpsing at the car park. The bike was still there. Glancing at the main gate, that car was there as if it had been waiting for him. Xia Yao curiously stared at Yuan Zong, then stretched out his leg and started biking.\nYuan Zong drove his car, meanwhile his scorching gaze settles on those round, luscious buttocks bumping rhythmic against the saddle, creating a mouth watering sight.\nHaving reached a turn, Xia Yao unexpectedly swerved into a desolately small alley.\nThen, he gave a sexily lopsided smile, "Come over here if you have the guts! It would be odd if I ran over you!"\nYuan Zong pulled over at the entrance of the alley. Xia Yao frowned, intending to gather the speed when he put his foot on the clutch, willing to escape from the other man's eyesight. As a result, the clutch stucked. As he made an effort to speed up the second time, a crackling sound blared out suddenly. Something was broken.\nAfter sitting down to check the car, Xia Yao's eyes turned blood red.\nThe bike's chain had been cut.\nXia Yao flew into rage, gnashing his teeth just as how much a single part of a regular vehicle broke. Are you hoping to hear me begging you to give me a lift so that you can easily press your gift on me? I am a man! And this man is neither willing to turn around nor take a step into that filthy car. I can take care of myself.\nAnd so, Xia Yao walked away with his bike unoccupied.\nRunning across another turn, he encountered a deep and uncovered hole. "Work in progress". Xia Yao felt as if he had been punched in the face.He slamed down his hand into the handle in anger.\nImmediately, Xia Yao moved along the old path leading to the entrance of the alley. Yuan Zong was still standing there, looking through Xia Yao with a smirk on his face.\nXia Yao smiled gently as he ran up, knocking on the car's window. No sooner had Yuan Zong wound down than Xia Yao heaved his bike, using all the strength to throw it at Yuan Zong.\nXia Yao yelled with all his might,  reaching every corners of the street, "Stop having such a thick skin!"\n
(It's this part)\nHaving threw away the bike, he escaped as soon as possible.The corner of Yuan Zong's lips could not resist the exposure of a fugitive smile.\nThat night, when Xia Yao returned home, his mother immediately noticed the absence of his bike.\n"Where is your bike? Weren't you riding it this morning?" Xia Yao's mom showed her curiosity as he returned home.\n"Oh..." Xia Yao laughed forcedly.\n"There is something wrong with the pedals. I am having it fixed."\n"You are so reckless! It is a high quality bicycle. How could you have broken its pedals?"\nXia Yao saw through the fury in his mother's criticism.\nXia Yao mentally stuck out his tongue, holding his peace and rushed out to his room.\nMuch as he had gained satisfaction from throwing away his bike, he spontaneously resigned himself to the regretful feeling.\nOther than his "Mother Dowager"(1), no one could scare Xia Yao to death. Despite the conventional thought that "bad mothers teach bad children", his family was the exception. Although he was the only son but his mother would never take it easy on him. It was his mother's rod that became his upbringing. (1)"Mother Dowager: A particular status that a prince gave to his mother who was also the queen during China's medieval period. In the story, it is a sweet-sounding name that Xia Yao used to call his mom.\nXia Yao's mother always cracked down on her only son. Mrs. Xia always forced her son into apologizing to childern with whom he went into brawl without using her conscience. However big his family's fortune was, Xia Yao did not gain permission to squander on penny. Thus, his expenditure of the monthly salary of 6000 yuan was always accompanied by an invoice\nThe bike costed more than 1000 yuan, how can he just say he had thrown it away?  What will happen if "Mother Dowager" found out?\nCan he ask Yuan Zong for the bike back? Not on his life! Xia Yao here would rather be beaten by his mother than actively get in touch with that fox!\nWhatever, he'll just borrow some money tomorrow and buy a new bike.\n************************\nThank you for reading!\nDon't forget to VOTE and COMMENT!\nLove, Anh\n

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