Advance Bravely Chapter 62

\n\nTranslator: Editor: @anhnguyen12332\n
Happy birthday my sweet Xu Feng!!!\nGongJun: "Happy birthday dumpling!" (Dumpling is Xia Yao's nickname for Yuan Zong in the book)\nXuFeng: I've been waiting for you the whole day. Thank you JunJun 😌\n************\nNo sooner had Xia Yao returned home than Xian Da Yu came round.\n"Hey, hey, I heard that you were injured, is it bad?"\nXia Yao gave a vague answer, "I'm alright, just a simple fracture."\n"You call broken bones a simple fracture?" Xuan Da Yu said in a pity voice. "Do you want to be paralyzed?"\nXia Yao tried to smile, the uninjured arm riding Xian Da Yu's neck, his head resting on his back, fetching a sigh.\nSeeing that, Xian Da Yu gently slapped his butt, "Your arm, does it still hurt?"\n"No." Xia Yao tiredly replied. "I'm just feeling upset."\n"Upset? Where?"\n"On my mind."\n Xian Da Yu knitted his brows, turned around Xia Yao's face, thoughtfully asking, "What do you have on your mind? Who teased you? Peng Ze just called me, saying that you weren't very well."\nXia Yao pursed his lips, suddenly finding out that there were somethings even Xuan Da Yu couldn't be let in.\n"It's no problem, my right arm is hurt so it's uncomfortable to do anything. That's why I feel upset."\n"Just because of this small inconvenience?" Xian Da Yu said, "Bring a bodyguard with you! Tell him to stick close to you 24/7. And if you can't find anyone, I can certainly follow you around, helping you with inconveniences such as pulling your pants off, holding your birdie..."\n"Get out!" Xia Yao burst out laughing.\nMother Xia came in with some cakes, asking,  "What's up? What has gotten you all excited?"\nXian Da Yu grinned, "Just idle gossip."\nIn the evening, mother Xia offered Xuan Da Yu to stay and enjoy the meal, this was the first time Xia Yao had eaten at home in half a month. In order to foster Xia Yao's health, she tried to cook some food that could be easily eaten by spoon. Despite that, Xia Yao was still downhearted.\nThen she found out that he was continually staring at the clock, she asked him, "What's the matter, son? Why aren't you eating anything? Do you have any problem?"\n"No, mom." Xia Yao sadly bended down.\nXuan Da Yu picked up a piece of meat, filtered out the bones, putting it in front of Xia Yao's mouth.\n"Open the mouth."\nXia Yao naturally opened his mouth, swallowing that meat then said, "I want noodles."\nThe request made his mother so angry, she glowered at him, "The more inconvenient the food is, the more you want it."\nXia Yao didn't even say a word, taking no notice of his mother and Xuan Da Yu's chatting.\nDo I need to call Yuan Zong, telling him that I won't be coming? Xia Yao silently considered for a while. But I have never actually confirmed that I would eat there. It's a little pointless to call, but if not the. Why am I feeling so anxious?\nHaving finished the meal, Xia Yao was still in a state of nervous exhaustion, when talking to Xuan Da Yu he constantly glanced at the window.\n"I only have one wish right now" Xuan Da Yu said.\nIt tooked a long time until Xia Yao pulled his absent mind together, "What's up?"\n"I must catch that Wang Zhi Shui."\nXia Yao burst out laughing, "You're still attached to him?"\n"Very very much."\n"These day I'm just working in office, I can help you investigate him, let me see if I can lure him out."\n***********\n
I've been crazily busy these days with my college application you guys T_T, so sorry for all the delays, but do expect this to last for quite a while longer.\nLove,Ann\n