\n\nTranslators: Editor: @anhnguyen12332\nLet's welcome a new translator to our fam! ❤❤❤😘\nI got the whole team working just to get this chapter up for you guys! Sorry it took so long. T_T Some of you may wonder why we have tests so often, it's because we're English majored (the top class in the school's foreign language majors) so difficult tests are our "friend". Sad...but true...\n**********************\nThe next day, as Xia Yao sneaked into the training room with great alarm, as a warm gust of wind suddenly whipped across his face, relieving the man's tense heart in just a moment. This feeling was particularly comfortable, completely different from that of the air-conditioner in his office. Xia Yao tried touching the heating system, sufficiently hot, wasn't it too early for it to be turned on?\nAs Xia Yao was lost in his own thoughts, the bell of the coach suddenly rang.\n"Hurry, change your clothes into swim wears, today we are going to practice fighting under water."\nXia Yao was one of the last to leave the locker room, and as he left the change room, he immediately caught the eyes of many people. Smooth skin, muscular body but not too rugged, slim waist without being too skinny, sexy curves forming a letter V beneath his swimming trunks. This hottie's lower part was also covered in the fabric, showing flawless, mouth-watering curves and lifts, amazingly attractive overall.\nA female student approached, carefully asking, "Mr Xia, would you mind if I touched your butts?"\nXia Yao grimaced.\nThe student teased, "I have a strong feeling that it's very soft."\n"What the hell...Soft is meant to describe a taste!" another girl standing nearby grinned, "Durable is to describe tactile."\nXia Yao smiled hollowly at the girls before getting in line.\nNot long after, Yuan Zong appeared, his eyes swept over all students. They halted a second over Xia Yao, before turning to the students again, and then he started to explain the basis of underwater combat.\nYuan Zong directly served as a model, as throngs of students observed from the above.\nXia Yao sat on his heels, watching Yuan Zong with concentration. Yuan Zong was elaborating how to breathe underwater. The water in the pool was strikingly transparent, clear enough to see his muscular body moving like a dragon. Beauty standard was not compatible between men and women. In the thinking of men, Yuan Zong was authentically their dream.\nThe coach whistled a sound, then all the students simultaneously went into the water. The training began.\nToday Xia Yao's performance was obviously bad for no certain reason. Normally, he would complete the course quite successfully, if not, the best. As they swam, all the others exposed their arms above the water, only Xia Yao had to use his arms to support his weight.\nYuan Zong quietly swam towards him, observing him making a mess in the water, strictly reprimanded, "Were you listening when I explained the basics?"\nThree word were obviously written in plain sight on Xia Yao's soaked, handsome face - I did not.\nYuan Zong glowered at him, if it had not been Xia Yao but any other person, they would absolutely have been punished. As a consequence, Yuan Zong forcefully pull Xia Yao towards him, softly saying, "Listen to me, everybody is looking at you."\n\nAfter that, Yuan Zong personally supervised Xia Yao's practice.\n"Don't fold your legs, yes, like that, follow my commands."\n"Use your leg strength, be a little more perseverant."\nA student nearby who couldn't tolerate it anymore, called out, "Director Yuan, he has done very well, you should really help the other students."\nBut after receiving the glare from Yuan Zong, his face immediately showed an expression of: I was wrong, Xia Yao definitely has to put in more effort...more...\nAs he instructing the next skills, with Xia Yao halfway under water, Yuan Zong's hand had to hold tightly onto Xia Yao's waist, sometimes unavoidably touching his butts, at those moments he had to vehemently restraint not to think of anything dirty.\nBut there seemed to be no way out. The touch of body against body, along with physical reactions, were the things men could not control themselves, just like Xia Yao's creamy, elastic skin was what the God had endowed him with. Moreover, the time the two men's bodies slid against each other was quite long, so as Xia Yao waved his arms underwater, he accidentally touched a tent underneath the other man's trunks. Yuan Zong reacted at once.\nHis reaction was seen by Xia Yao several times when he dived into the water, however, he pretended not to have witnessed anything. With a quick glance, Yuan Zong's body part above water surface would not look different, his face was quiet as usual.\nTherefore, Yuan Zong could only instruct Xia Yao alone. Three hours had already passed, and that part has become hard as iron, even potent and firm.\nThen, Yuan Zong blowed the whistle.\n"Everyone please take a rest and prepare for lunch."\nAll the trainees got out of the pool, so did Xia Yao. He stood near Yuan Zong, squinting his eyes, looking at Yuan Zong superciliously. His face was outrageous and scheming.\n"Hey, listen Yuan Zong, why aren't you getting out yet?"\nHearing that, the trainees who had just got out of the pool and who were still in the water looked at Yuan Zong with a doubtful look on their face, just like Xia Yao.\nXia Yao went on asking.\n"Director Yuan, do you have a cramp?"\n"Hey, need help?"\n"..."\nIf it were other men who got an erection in public, just hiding with careful maneuvering would be fine. But once Yuan Zong's lower part gets hard, It's like a gun being raised in a bushy wood, the muzzle points to the sky, seeming to prepare to fire, aggressive and alive, like an encaged animal. Yuan Zong didn't reply when Xia Yao made noise, he just calmly stayed in the water, gazing at Xia Yao.\n* * *\nWhen classes ended in the evening, all the trainees quickly got changed, impatiently going home. Xia Yao stayed in the changing room, changing sluggishly boy wanting to leave.\nThe day before, although he had said that not wearing thermal pants was to be one with nature, he actually feared this freezing weather. This was the toughest time, no where has turned on the heating system yet. Even if he went home, he would have to wait a long time to have dinner; therefore, he should stay here as long as possible to get some warmth.\n\nAll light bulbs in the hall and the training rooms gradually flickered off. While Xia Yao was pulling on the socks, the light in the changing room was suddenly switched off, everything submerged in darkness.\nXia Yao thought it was the manager, quickly calling out, "Hey, there's still people inside."\nHardly had Xia Yao finished the sentence when a shadow fell on him. Feeling a bit tense, Xia Yao hurriedly ran away without pulling on the other sock.\nAs soon as those words left his lips, a dark shadow flashed from behind, urging a sweat to run down Xia Yao's spine. With one foot bare and the other encased in a sock, Xia Yao ran. But he was a second too late, Yuan Zong's large hands enveloped his waist, pushing him back against the wall.\nBehind was the rock hard wall, in front was pitch black, so much so hay one won't even be able to see his fingers before him. All that was left was heavy breathing.\n"Who dared to tease me this morning? Hmhm?"\nXia Yao could help a laughing bubbling from within, but it was quickly silenced by another's lips, by the sound of saliva mixing together. Yuan Zong's tongue raided Xia Yao's mouth, provoking every one of his senses. And in the midst of retreating, Xia Yao unconsciously worked in synch with Yuan Zong's tongue. Manly scent wafted the air.\n"Shit...I haven't put on my socks yet... Ahhh..."\nUpon hearing this, Yuan Zong grabbed Xia Yao's butt and lifted him off the ground. A blush spread over Xia Yao's face, refusing to submit as he pulled Yuan Zong's hair in an attempt to escape. Yuan Zong moved his tongue to Xia Yao's ear, licking and pressing, sucking gently, and Xia Yao's resistance dissipated just like that.\n"Fuck...off..."\nThe more viciously Xia Yao swore at Yuan Zong, the more aggressively the man's caressing actions got. When it comes to the type of pure virgins like Xia Yao, techniques weren't necessary, all that was needed was a touch here and there to get his body fired up. Yuan Zong forcefully kissed Xia Yao's neck, which made him kick convulsively, whilst swears from his tongue gradually turned into melodious sounds, Yuan Zong easily slid a hand underneath Xia Yao's shirt, two fingers teasing his nipples. As though he had just been electrocuted, Xia Yao jerked within Yuan Zong's arms.\n"Ah...You son of a bitch, get off of me!"\nXia Yao almost ripped out a handful of Yuan Zong's hair. Electric currents in his chest madly moved down his belly. When Yuan Long was done with one side of his chest, he then continued with the other. Xia Yao's nipple hardened, his body slowly broking down into tingles.\nA sudden cold swept over his chest and before he knew it, his shirt had already been pulled up, his body was suddenly lifted into mid air.\nNo sooner had Xia Yao began to sweat than he felt Yuan Zong's lower part pressing against belly. He started to fight off by punching harshly on Yuan Zong's shoulder and holding his shirt firmly. He was determined to stop Yuan Zong's tongue from making contact with that 'area'.\nWith Xia Yao repeatedly hitting Yuan Zong's weakness, his hold loosened as Yuan Zong looked Xia Yao straight in the eyes.\nXia Yao, simultaneously, looked at him. The two were just staring at each other for a long while.\nXia Yao was on the verge of giving up. Unwillingly, he tried to protect this one part left of himself, trying to summon up a smile to his face.\n"Stop fooling around, I'm starved. Is there anything to eat at your place?"\nTo be honest, at that moment, Yuan Zong could well have continued to force his want on Xia Yao, but it would be such a cushy job. He was aware that when someone has regained his consciousness, sex would have a mentally counterproductive effect. He knew that Xia Yao could barely go on.\nYuan Zong was a sniper. He understood that he has got only shot in chasing after his love. He couldn't allow for a single mistake.\nYuan Zong let go of Xia Yao's butt and asked, "What do you want to eat?"\nImmediately, Xia Yao pushed him to a side, jumping on the mattress. He was so hurried putting on his socks that he didn't even bother turning the lights on.\n"It doesn't matter. I'm cool with anything."\n*********************\n