\n\nTranslations: @anhnguyen12332\nYes, the title gave away everything!\nYou've been waiting for 46 chapters, now it's time to have the first bite of the Entrée 🙊🙊🙊❤️😘💕\n**********************\nHaving said so, Xia Yao turned away, picking up a rock he squinted his eyes, inspecting it, then gave it a good throw. The pebble splashed into the water creating consecutive floral shaped water. After playing around, Xia Yao instinctively peeped at Yuan Zong, discovering that he hasn't moved an inch, directly staring at him. Within his eyes were rapid waves, rising high and murky.\nXia Yao couldn't help but stiffen up, "Why are you looking at me?"\nThe next second, his one meter eighty two frame had been pulled into Yuan Zong's embrace, a large hand grabbed the hair at his nape, forcing him tilt his head upwards. Fervent breaths of manly hormones raided his senses, giving him no time to escape, his lips were captured. Tightly shut lips were scraped open by an intractable tongue, aggressively sucking.\nOnly when Xia Yao felt something grainy in his mouth did he fully comprehend the situation. He was being kissed. His legs kicked the floor, making dust rise.\nOn Yuan Zong's half it was chaotic breathing, no proper method, there was no sensual feelings between a man and woman. Pressing and urgent, unexpected but short lived, like a loss of control in the heat of the moment.\nXia Yao stared wide eyed above his head, receiving a manly grin from Yuan Zong.\nWhen the neurons finally reached his brain in the next second, Xia Yao thrashed out of Yuan Zong's grip, furiously shouted, "Are you crazy?"\nYes, in that single moment Yuan Zong really was crazy, all because of Xia Yao's action of touching his nape which made his chest hot, burning until there was no other way out but explode.\nHe truly liked Xia Yao. The feelings of a provoked man is unstoppable (Shi Bu Ke Dang).\nXia Yao huffed and puffed, an unnatural feeling rose within, however, his temper didn't explode. There was a massive difference between being slap kissed this time and last time with Brown. Brown made him feel disgusted, ashamed, resenting not being able to punch him in the face. But when it comes to Yuan Zong, he didn't have such feeling, or maybe it's because he knew somewhere deep inside this was going to happen earlier or later, so there was no hatred.\nYuan Zong asked Xia Yao, "Have you ever kissed anyone before?"\n"Of course!" Xia Yao confirmed, "I'm currently at this robust age, how can I miss out?"\nFunny thing is, Xia Yao's age was no match for Yuan Zong, he can never hide his obvious feelings. Or in other words, with just a glance, Yuan Zong can know instantly whether Xia Yao was lying or not. Last time when he bragged that he was not a virgin, Yuan Zong only needed to give him a look to know the truth. But this time, it was clear that Xia Yao wasn't hiding anything. In reality, he was counting the time brown kissed him.\nNot knowing the actually situation, Yuan Zong could only base his assumptions on Xia Yao's words.\nSilence enveloped the surroundings.\nSuddenly, the ground cracked under the force of a punch, dust rose in waves covering Xia Yao's vision.\nXia Yao almost choked on the dirt, and was about to mouth somebody off when he encountered a dark angry face. This wasn't an ugly look, but more like raging fire that was about to explode.\n"That was my first kiss!"\nFor some reason, the moment Yuan Zong uttered these angry words and used his fierce eyes to pressure Xia Yao, he suddenly couldn't hold in his amusement. (Aarrgghh!!! So cute! >_
He tried to remain calm, particularly throwing Yuan Zong a simple, "Serves you right!"\nHeh, always being perverted no matter the time or place, this time somebody else has got the upper hand, haven't they? Xia Yao couldn't seem to be able to differentiate between getting the upper hand and being forced upon a kiss, so he contentedly felt satisfied with himself.\nIn a split second, Xia Yao was attacked by Yuan Zong with no warning, yet, Yuan Zong couldn't lift a finger at Xia Yao, so he settled for tickling. He tickled until Xia Yao was screaming with laughter, laughing and swearing at the same time, rolling back and forth on the ground. Xia Yao has never been so dirty before, his long pants had been destroyed, looking no less than a muddy monkey.\nOnly after seeing that Xia Yao no longer had an inch of energy left, did Yuan Zong grudgingly let go.\n************************\nThat last scene was so precious ^^ beings a warm feeling, doesn't it?\nAlright! So there you go! Last chapter for the day and also for the next two weeks because I'll be taking my finals for eleven subjects during that time ❤️😂\nThis will be our first big break, and when we're back, maybe the drama would be out?! 😆😍👌🏻🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼\nNearly a quarter of the way through. Thank you so much for all of your support until now. You guys have been the most awesome readers! Our team will continue to do our very best to bring Advance Bravery to you guys! ❤️❤️❤️\n‼️Spoiler‼️: After this first kiss, everything will progress FAST, with a TON of SUPER HOT scenes ^^. So I'll give to a few weeks to prepare...hehe...\nWith lots and lots of love,Ann\n